Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «A»

Find definitions about homeopathy starting with the letter "A", pathologies that can be treated with homeopathy and homeopathic medicines starting with "A"


Regardless of the part of the body affected, an abscess is a very painful infection that occurs as a result of inflammation. Once the inflammatory stage is over, a more or less large pocket of pus appears, causing a feeling of discomfort in the affected tissue. Superficial or deep depending on the case, an abscess is an infection that can affect any part of the body. When it is constituted, surgery may sometimes be necessary in addition to conventional antibiotic treatment. However, in the case of a superficial abscess, it is possible to opt for a homeopathic treatment to limit the formation of pus to the inflammatory stage. Similarly, homeopathy can very effectively relieve the feeling of discomfort usually associated with dental abscesses. Finally, homeopathic remedies also promote faster healing of an abscess in the anal margin following surgical drainage.


Whether it is a parturition or a caesarean section, childbirth is always accompanied by a series of small ailments that are more or less annoying for the person who gives birth. In order to remedy the various disorders that usually occur during childbirth itself or postpartum, it is possible to resort to specific homeopathic remedies. When not contraindicated, these remedies not only act very effectively on the pain associated with uterine contractions but also on the feeling of fatigue and discomfort usually associated with childbirth. In addition, homeopathic medicines can also be very useful in the event of episiotomy and caesarean section because they promote better healing and faster recovery. Finally, homeopathy can significantly reduce uterine and breast pain that may occur after delivery as well as the sensations of soreness of the vulva.


The acetone crisis is characterized by an excessive level of ketones in the blood. This disorder is due to a metabolic imbalance that can be detected through urine tests or through the symptoms that characterize it. These symptoms are mainly manifested by nausea, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain that are usually not accompanied by diarrhea. Homeopathic remedies have a beneficial impact on the treatment of the pathology, especially since they have the advantage of being natural and therefore not aggressive for the body.


Acne, related to hormonal upheavals, is caused by the excess secretion of sebum in the hair follicles. Juvenile acne occurs at puberty, and acne rosacea occurs when it occurs in an older person. Acne is characterized by the appearance of red pimples (papules), blackheads and pustules on the face as well as parts of the body (torso, neck and back). Menstrual periods and menopause accentuate the appearance of these pimples. The homeopathic remedy to be taken depends on the affected area, the physical constitution of the patient and the type of acne. We can mention in particular Selenium 7 CH which will be suitable for both juvenile acne and rosacea. However, in some cases, consulting a dermatologist or doctor is essential.

Learn more : Acne and homeopathy

Aconitum Napellus

The aconite napel also known as madriettes is a very toxic plant. However, through homeopathic processes, it can be made into a remedy called Aconitum Napellus. The latter is particularly effective in treating people with fever, insomnia or hypertension as well as in treating amenorrhea, neuralgia, heart disease and behavioral disorders. The dilution of Aconitum Napellus to be used, however, depends on the pathology and possibly the condition of the patient. But, in most cases, the latter would have to put 5 granules of this remedy under the tongue each time he took it.


Tinnitus can occur in patients of different ages following an accident, frequenting noisy environments or an infection of the hearing aid. This pathology usually causes hearing problems. Alternative and natural medicine such as homeopathy is recommended in the treatment of tinnitus. Several types of treatment can be performed depending on the symptoms, such as buzzing, whispering, chirping, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness and increased intolerance to noise. The two main homeopathic remedies for hearing disorders are Colocynthis 30 CH and Chininum Sulfuricum 9 CH. The first product acts on ringing in the ear and the second soothes dizziness and pain. However, if the ear remains undisturbed or tumours, it is best to consult a specialist doctor.

Actaea Racemosa

Actaea Racemosa granules, available on the market, is an extract from the root of this same plant. It is indicated for menstrual disorders as well as various muscle pains, such as rheumatism, torticollis and tendonitis. For this last property, Actaea Racemosa is particularly effective in the treatment of sciatic nerves, especially those that affect the left side of our body. However, Actaea Racemosa also helps people who suffer from insomnia and those who have behavioral disorders.

Actaea spicata

Cohosh has the same effects as rheumatism when accidentally ingested. It is for this reason that the homeopathic remedy Actaea spicata from the plant is commonly used in rheumatology. Its action is to strengthen the body, in this case the joints, so that the patient can bear the pain caused by the rheumatic pathology. On the other hand, other symptoms of the disease, such as heartburn, blurred vision, abdominal convulsions, and even laziness of the lower limbs are alleviated.


Aerocolia is bloating that results from the buildup of gas in the large intestine. This disorder does not present any significant danger to the body but nevertheless creates a feeling of discomfort in the affected subject. This pathology is generally caused by many factors, including stress or poor diet. Homeopathic treatment can relieve the symptoms associated with this pathology, but to do so, the homeopath must determine the appropriate remedies and dosages according to the clinical signs. Nevertheless, medical consultation is necessary as soon as certain signs appear such as fever or the presence of pain.


An effective and highly prized therapeutic method, homeopathy can cure the disorders caused by aerogastrics. Signs such as heaviness in the stomach, the urge to burp and pain caused by gastric juice swelling can disappear entirely with this gentle therapy. For this, homeopaths recommend Carbo vegetalis and Argentum nitricum. In addition, homeopathy also includes various substances that reduce stress and prevent the onset of aerogastrics. Ignatia and Asa foetida are the effective homeopathic products for this. Various other homeopathic products can also soothe the symptoms of this digestive condition and cure them.

Aesculus Hippocastanum

Aesculus Hippocastanum is a homeopathic remedy that is obtained from the fruits of the horse chestnut tree, a fairly widespread plant. Its main area of action is digestive disorders and haemorrhoids accompanied by extreme fatigue and swelling of the mucous membranes of the digestive system. As these diseases are recognized in medicine as being in the field of proctology and angiology, Aesculus Hippocastanum is therefore considered a homeopathic godsend in these two fields.

Prostate Disorders

Prostasis, prostatitis, and prostatic adenoma are the most common prostate conditions affecting men between the ages of 40 and 60. They are generally characterized by urinary disorders, painful sensations located in the pelvic or perineal region, pollakiuria or dysuria. In any case, they can be easily treated with several homeopathic remedies including mother tinctures of Pareira Brava, Sabal Serrulata and dilutions of Thuya, Myristica, Belladona, Sabal Serrulata, Conium Maculatum, Staphysagria, Rana bufo and Baryta Carbonica. These remedies are indeed very effective in relieving patients and making the symptoms of their disease disappear as quickly as possible.

Agarius muscarius

Agarius muscarius is made from the fly agaric, a fungus that grows in late summer and early autumn. False oronge or Amanita Muscaria is a hallucinogenic mushroom that can cause neurological and gastrointestinal disorders. The homeopathic remedy based on Agarius muscarius is indicated to treat several pathologies. It can be used to treat angiological and behavioural disorders as well as epileptic seizures. The dosage varies according to the different cases and symptoms. Treatment is usually carried out by combining Agarius muscarius with certain remedies.

Psychomotor agitation

Psychomotor agitation is a behavioral disorder that mainly affects children. Those who suffer from it constantly feel the need to get moving and disturb those around them. They may either never stop moving their limbs or become irritable and rambunctious. Psychomotor agitation can be transient and therefore occur after an upsetting event or following the use of certain medications. Several homeopathic remedies - such as Kalium Bromatum, Mercurius Solubilis, Natrum muriaticum, Tarentula Hispana, Stramonium, Medorrhinum, Coffea Cruda, Cina and Zincum metal - make it easier to reduce it. Their dosage will depend on the apparent symptoms and the severity of the agitation.


Aggression can be caused by different factors. But in most cases, it is people who quit smoking or drinking alcohol who are most affected. During withdrawal, the smoker is often moody and becomes irascible most of the time. Even though there are specific patches and medications that can be administered during these cures, several homeopathic remedies can also be taken alternately to help alleviate these symptoms.

Ailanthus glandulosa

Ailanthus glandulosa is a homeopathic remedy of plant origin that gets its mother tincture from the leaves of the Ailanth, a tree known as the Japanese False Varnish. The homeopathic remedy Ailanthus glandulosa is often prescribed as an adjunct to the treatment of many infectious diseases. Scarlet fever is one of its main indications. It may also be recommended in cases of bacterial angina and in young children, in cases of infectious mononucleosis. Ailanthus glandulosa can be used to remedy symptoms such as fever, rashes and inflammation of the mucous membrane.


Also known as Sudeck syndrome, CRDS or causalgia, algodystrophy is a bone syndrome that affects the joints. It occurs after trauma or surgery and is characterized by several symptoms leading to impotence. However, clinical signs are insufficient to detect it. We must proceed by eliminating differential diagnoses. In addition, homeopathy allows you to relieve your symptoms thanks to the action of certain remedies.

Alium Cepa

Pollen allergies such as hay fever or rhinitis resulting from intolerance to a certain temperature change are the main respiratory conditions that can be treated with Alium Cepa. However, this homeopathic strain extracted from onion should be administered according to the manifestation of the disease. In addition, Alium Cepa can also enhance the actions of another homeopathic remedy to increase the effectiveness of this one. In any case, it is advisable to consult a homeopath before taking the remedy to avoid unwanted effects.


An allergy manifests itself according to a person's sensitivity to a substance. When it is on the skin, it can appear as itching, plaques, edema or even rashes. When it is in the eyes, the allergy is indicated by redness and irritation. Since the eyes are in close contact with the nostrils and sinuses, these two parts also suffer. The respiratory and digestive tracts are also sometimes subject to allergic disorders. With homeopathy, it is possible to prevent but also to treat allergy attacks. It is advisable to follow the advice of a pharmacist and to respect the dosages indicated. But if symptoms persist, it is recommended to seek medical attention.

Aloe Socotrina

Aloe Socotrina is a homeopathic remedy derived from the plant of the same name, also known as Socotra aloe. While its red colour makes it a very popular plant in dyeing, it is mainly used in homeopathy for its significant therapeutic virtues. Proctology is indeed the preferred field of the remedy that helps fight against anal or faecal incontinence problems. Finally, Aloe socotrina is also prescribed in case of digestive disorders and more particularly in case of diarrhea accompanied by involuntary gas emissions.


Each homeopathic remedy for the treatment of alopecia corresponds to the form of the disease. Indeed, if this pathology is sometimes hormonal, it can also be the consequence of an allopathic treatment or a disease that affects even the hair system of the individual. Only a diagnosis made by a doctor will define the stage of progression of the disease and the appropriate homeopathic prescription in the treatment of the manifestations. It is then advisable to consult a homeopath at the first signs of unexplained hair loss.


Alumina is the name given to the homeopathic remedy prepared from aluminum oxide. It is offered in several forms but the most used are granules and doses. This medication is mainly prescribed for constipation and anal fissure, although it is also indicated to treat other disorders and conditions. The dosage varies depending on the disease and the symptoms to be treated. It is imperative to consult a therapist to ensure the results of the treatment. If symptoms persist or if no improvement is observed 48 hours after the first dose, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately.

Ambra Grisea

Ambra grisea is a rather surprising homeopathic remedy that exploits the resources of a rather unexpected animal, the sperm whale. The many virtues of the Ambra grisea remedy make it possible to treat behavioral disorders, but they also provide a boost of energy to effectively fight against fatigue and stress, which are the source of often more serious psychological disorders. Depending on the pathology or the patient's profile, the dosage of taking Ambra grisea can vary significantly.

Ambrosia Artemisiaefolia

Between the end of the summer period and the beginning of autumn, allergies to pollen, particularly ragweed, are particularly important and affect subjects with weak immune defences. Ambrosia Artemisiaefolia is the ideal homeopathic remedy to alleviate the annoying symptoms caused by pollen. For decades, cases of ragweed allergies have generally been observed in the Lyon region. In the most affected regions, Ambrosia Artemisiaefolia can also be recommended as a preventive treatment for the most sensitive individuals.


Amenorrhea or the absence of menstruation is normal if it is caused by pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause. Otherwise, it is a hormonal disorder that can be caused by obesity, stress, anxiety, taking contraceptives or practicing extreme sports. If a woman or girl has this type of amenorrhea, her disease must be treated effectively because if the symptoms persist, she could become sterile. Homeopathy actually offers several remedies to cure the abnormal absence of periods. Thus, Baryta Carbonica, Cyclamen, Pulsatilla or Graphites are recommended in case of primary amenorrhea and Folliculinum in case of secondary amenorrhea.

Ammonium Carbonicum

Ammonium Carbonicum is a remedy obtained from the reaction between ammonia and carbon dioxide, which are toxic elements. This medication is recommended to treat general fatigue, circulatory, sexual and cardiovascular problems. Ammonium Carbonicum helps soothe heart palpitations and is indicated for the treatment of kidney failure and oral conditions. The dosage indicated and the level of dilution varies depending on the patient's condition.

Ammonium Muriaticum

Ammonium Muriaticum is a homeopathic remedy prepared from ammonium chloride, a white crystalline powder. This remedy is effective against congestion problems in the respiratory tract. Ammonium Muriaticum acts as an expectorant and helps the body expel certain secretions. This product is also prescribed in gastroenterology, especially in cases of flatulence and belching. It helps to evacuate excess gas from the stomach and eliminate abdominal pain. Recommended in rheumatology, Ammonium Muriaticum is particularly indicated for sciatica conditions, joint and muscle pain.


Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the pharynx, the most exposed organs of which are the tonsils. Sore throat, commonly known as angina, mainly affects children. Tonsillitis is manifested by pain in the throat, especially when swallowing, burning sensations and, sometimes, intense thirst. Its causes can be microbial, they can also be due to the surrounding environment. Homeopathy is a way to quickly treat this disease in order to avoid complications, especially since some drugs can replace antibiotics.

Amylium Nitrosum

Amylium Nitrosum is a homeopathic product made from the nitrite strains of Amyl. With a great vasodilatory property, this homeopathic remedy is the most widely used in the treatment of gynecological problems related to menopause. It is especially indicated in case of hot flashes and cold sweats. It also relieves nervousness and strengthens the patient's body. The dosage depends on each case and varies between two and five granules to be placed under the tongue and taken morning, noon and evening.

Anacardium orientale

Native to northern India, the Oriental cashew nut is a shrub that produces almonds from which the homeopathic remedy Anacardium orientale is made. In gastroenterology, Anacardium orientale is indicated to treat stomach upset and conditions such as gastralgia or dyspepsia. In the psychological field, its effectiveness has been proven. This remedy improves the well-being of subjects affected by various behavioral disorders. It is prescribed to treat memory disorders, aggressive behavior, depression, as well as eating disorders. The different dilutions of Anacardium orientale make it possible to reduce or eliminate symptomatic manifestations in the skin. Thus, Anacardium orientale is recommended for patients affected by lichen, dermatoses, and pruritus.

Anagallis Arvensis

Anagallis Arvensis known as pimpernel, is a plant found almost everywhere in gardens. It is used in homeopathy from the flowers to the root to treat various dermatological diseases. Because of its toxicity, Anagallis Arvensis should be taken according to the symptoms and preferably after consultation with a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate dosage for each patient. This homeopathic remedy is also recommended if the patient has itching on the skin, resulting from a disease that is already undermining his health such as urinary tract infections. Other skin rashes caused by a previous pathology such as gonorrhea are treated with Anagallis Arvensis. This homeopathic treatment can also relieve annoying itching that occurs in the genital tract, especially during sexual intercourse, but always under the prescription of a doctor.


Characterized by a lack of red blood cells, anemia has various origins and is generally manifested by multiple symptoms including fatigue, weight loss, breathing difficulties and many others. To overcome them, homeopathic medicines prescribed according to the manifestations observed and their importance are effective, especially if they are accompanied by allopathic preparations. Indeed, these remedies are complementary, but in any case, depending on the case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, who is able to advise the appropriate treatment.


Angina is a pathology whose symptoms begin with pain and difficulty swallowing in the throat before spreading to the rest of the body. The patient then suffers burns in the ears and fever, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. A medical consultation at the first signs can determine whether the condition is of viral or bacterial origin. In the first case, a homeopathic treatment alone can relieve the patient within 48 hours. But in the case of bacterial strep throat, homeopathic treatment must be combined with antibiotics. Note that even if the symptoms disappear soon enough, treatment must be completed. But if beyond 48 hours, the symptoms persist, you should consult the doctor again to avoid any complication since angina can have consequences on the heart and kidneys.


Anxiety reveals a state of anxiety because of a past or future event, or because of trauma or pessimism. This feeling of fear leads to physical and psychological disorders. Homeopathy provides solutions to treat people suffering from anxiety. Gelsenium 9 CH is a good remedy for mental crises. Argentum Nitricum is an effective remedy for physical symptoms and treats dizziness. Many other remedies are recommended to overcome anxiety attacks.

Angustura vera

Made from a plant from America, Angustura vera is a homeopathic remedy known and appreciated for its therapeutic virtues in rheumatology. Its mother tincture is extracted from the bark of the true angusture, a plant known for its antispasmodic properties and relaxing effect. In homeopathy, Angustura vera is mainly used to relieve feelings of muscle stiffness or contraction, cramps and spasms in the knees. As a result, Angustura vera is a homeopathic remedy mainly indicated in cases of low back pain. It helps relieve back pain while remedying muscle stiffness. Finally, Angustura vera can also be used in case of aches and pains.


To treat anitis in depth to avoid a recurrence, homeopathy, an alternative medicine, can be used, which can treat it effectively, especially if the patient is taken care of as soon as the first symptoms appear. Homeopathic treatment will be administered according to the form of anitis and the symptoms observed. However, a more in-depth medical consultation is necessary if the patient does not feel any improvement after the homeopathic treatment.

Antimonium Crudum

Antimonium crudum has various peculiarities that distinguish it from some homeopathic formulas. It acts specifically on the digestive system, whose functioning is disturbed by certain types of food. Note that unbalanced food or excessive eating can cause digestive problems. Dermatological lesions can also be treated with homeopathic treatment. To obtain convincing results, the patient should consume Antimonium crudum. The dosage varies according to the pathology to be treated.

Antimonium Tartaricum

Antimonium Tartaricum is a medicine used in homeopathy. It is obtained by the exploitation of the chemical tartrate double of potash and amonium. It is indicated in the treatment of certain pulmonary and dermatological ailments, namely, bronchiolitis, congestion of the airways following abdominal surgery, chronic and acute bronchitis, chronic respiratory insufficiency, asthma, pustular acne, and chickenpox. The dosage should be appropriate to the pathology to be treated. In all cases, a dose must consist of 5 granules, the dilution of which depends on the disease to be treated. As for the repetition or frequency of intake, it depends on the severity and type of infection. In the specific treatment of certain pathologies such as bronchiolitis and asthma, Antimonium Tartaricum is combined with other homeopathic remedies.


Anxiety has many facets that depend on the lifestyle of each individual, but also on his or her immediate surroundings and sometimes even on his or her age and social status. Anxiety can be impulsive, when it manifests itself as a result of psychological pressure, or hypochondriac when the patient learns that he or she is sick and believes he or she is doomed. Children are also anxious and often this phenomenon is reflected in excessive shyness. Other people become anxious after going through a difficult time such as separation or death. Anxiety may not manifest itself during the day but only during sleep, so much so that the person spends nightmarish nights and wakes up in a very noticeable state of fatigue and distress. However, there is a homeopathic remedy that can treat each of these forms of anxiety, hence the need to consult a homeopath so that he or she can establish the appropriate treatment.

Canker sores

Canker sores can be mild and disappear on their own in one to 2 weeks at most, but they can be more intense and recurrent. In this case, they are sometimes linked to other pathologies and require the consultation of a doctor. When they are painful, they cause a burning and discomfort sensation, making it difficult to eat. The homeopathic remedies Borax or Mercurius corrosivus combined with mouthwashes made with a mixture of Calendula and Hydrastis mother tinctures are effective in removing canker sores.

Apis mellifica

Apis mellifica is a homeopathic product made from living worker bees. To obtain the mother tincture that is used for all formulations, the bees must be crushed into small particles that will be soaked in alcohol. The venom sac and the stinger give Apis mellifica its therapeutic properties. The remedy is particularly indicated for the treatment of infections and pain. It is also recommended in gynecology and ENT. Apis mellifica is indicated for the treatment of behavioural disorders in children and adolescents. In all prescriptions, the dose indicated is 5 granules in 9 or 15 Ch. Regular use of Apis mellifica is necessary to treat subacute, chronic or acute cases.

Sleep apnea

Frequent pauses in breathing in the middle of sleep, uncontrollable drowsiness, obvious irritability are all alarming signs of sleep apnea. It is thanks to the description of these symptoms that the doctor can draw up a homeopathic prescription and recommend the remedy capable of treating the pathology in the long term. Indeed, sleep apnea can result from strenuous intellectual work, anxiety attacks or exposure to more or less intense emotions.

Aralia Racemosa

The homeopathic remedy Aralia Racemosa comes from the mother tincture from the roots of a plant in North America. This homeopathic remedy is indicated for the treatment of pathologies such as rhinitis, cough, pharyngitis, asthma and asthmatic coughing fits. Dosages differ according to the age of the individual to be treated and according to the symptoms. It is recommended to consult a doctor who knows how to make a reliable diagnosis by observing the symptoms of the various pathologies.

Aranea Diadema

Aranea Diadema is a homeopathic remedy used in neurology. It originated from a spider with the same name that is also known as the Papal Cross Spider. Aranea Diadema is used as a homeopathic treatment to alleviate symptoms and relieve pain due to inflammation of the nerves. The dosage and duration of treatment vary depending on these symptoms. Remedies are presented in the form of globule doses, drops or granules. To be effective, they should not be administered with mint-based drinks.

Argentum Metallicum

The main strain of Argentum Metallicum is silver, which is known to have significant antiseptic and bactericidal properties. This homeopathic remedy, made from silver leaves prepared by trituration followed by dilution from 5 CH to 30 CH, is therefore highly effective against inflammatory pathologies of bacterial origin. It is particularly recommended in the treatment of singer's laryngitis, and can treat each symptom observed on the organs of the ENT sphere that have been affected by the pathology. Argentum Metallicum is also suitable for the treatment of vaginitis, and helps to reduce the disorders that it induces on the female genital tract.

Argentum nitricum

Argentum nitricum is a homeopathic remedy obtained from pure silver nitrate that has undergone several successive dilutions. It is generally presented in the form of granules whose prescribed doses vary according to the pathology to be treated. Argentum nitricum is indicated to treat digestive disorders, as well as gastric problems and those related to the emission of stools. The remedy is also indicated in gynecology to relieve pain during menstruation and to treat ulceration of the cervix. Argentum nitricum is also prescribed in urology.

Arnica Montana

Homeopathic remedies can be used to treat several diseases. They are mainly obtained from toxic plants such as Arnica Montana which grows in high altitude regions. This plant is not suitable for raw use but must be processed. With various properties, the active ingredient of this plant can be used to treat or prevent certain pathologies. It is used in the field of traumatology, cardiology, ophthalmology and dermatology.

Arsenicum album

The arsenious anhydrous from which Arsenicum album is derived is a powerful toxicant, and it derives all its virtues from this toxicity, once it has been attenuated to a degree that is harmless to the human organism. This toxicity gives Arsenicum album necrotizing properties that allow it to treat dermatological and skin pathologies, such as herpes, impetigo, or desquamation of the epidermis. Other effects of Arsenicum album are found in the respiratory system, digestive system and genitals. And finally, the Arsenicum album has virtues that act on psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety and excessive anxieties, as well as on acute pathologies.

Arsenicum Iodatum

Arsenicum Iodatum is a homeopathic remedy made from Arsenic triiodide. It is mainly used in ENT, pulmonology, dermatology and cardiology. However, it is also recommended in case of metabolic and/or nutritional problems. Indeed, it treats asthenia, coryzas, chronic rhinitis, heart rhythm disorders, cardiosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, eczema, psoriasis, skin mycoses and dermatoses. As for its dilution and dosage, they depend on the disease to be treated and the accompanying symptoms. In any case, the symptoms of Arsenicum Iodatum should in principle disappear as soon as Arsenicum Iodatum is taken.


Arteritis, a condition that affects the arteries, is also called artotherosclerosis and is caused by several factors, including smoking and alcohol. It is characterized by the narrowing of the arteries, thus slowing down blood circulation. However, it is possible to treat this disease with homeopathic remedies. Indeed, homeopathy makes it possible to avoid complications such as arterial thrombosis, heart attack or aneurysm. However, it is recommended to go to a medical consultation immediately as soon as symptoms appear.


Arthralgia is an acute or chronic joint pain, the intensity of which differs depending on the cause of the pathology. Acute arthralgia, such as a sprain, is usually caused by trauma, while chronic arthralgia, such as osteoarthritis, causes intense and recurrent pain. Remedies for arthralgia depend on the form and cause of the pain. Thus, for pain that tends to worsen at rest, we recommend taking Rhus Toxicodendron 9 CH, but for persistent pain during exercise, we recommend Bryonia alba 5 CH. In addition, when the pain is present for more than 7 days or if it persists for about 1 hour, it is best to consult a doctor.


Ubiquitous during arthritis, joint pain often handicaps people who suffer from this condition. The inflammatory phenomenon causes intense pain in the affected joint. The joint area also becomes rigid, which limits the movement of the sick person. Thus, it is essential to find an effective remedy that can help the person with arthritis to perform his daily tasks. In many ways, homeopathy is proving to be of great use in the treatment of this rheumatic disease.


Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease characterized by intense joint pain, often located in the spine, hip or knee. It most often affects the elderly or obese and causes the loss of elasticity and flexibility of bones and joints. It is the cause of sometimes intolerable pain, stiffness of the joints as well as inflammation that is sensitive to palpation or even touch. However, it is possible to treat this pathology with homeopathy, which offers not only a basic treatment, most of the time based on Rhus toxicodendron, but also a treatment of pain, most often based on Arnica or Radiuèm bromatum.

Arum Triphyllum

A homeopathic strain derived from the Indian turnip, a plant belonging to the Araceae family, Arum Triphyllum is recommended to treat certain ENT diseases, especially laryngitis. But it can also be used to treat other conditions such as certain skin problems, chest pain or diarrhea. For optimal effectiveness, the dosage recommended by the homeopath should be followed. Indeed, each case corresponds to a well-defined dosage.

Arundo Donax

The homeopathic remedy Arundo Donax is prepared from the mother tincture of the cane of Provence. Containing bufotenin, it is very effective in fighting pain. However, it is especially recommended for the treatment of spasmodic coryza and conjunctivitis that appears in summer or spring. It also relieves allergies to pollen, hay, mold and dust that cause itchy and congested noses. Arundo Donax is mainly used in low dilution, i.e. in 5 or 7 HP. It is most of the time to be taken two to three times a day.

Asa foetida

Asa foetida is a homeopathic remedy prepared using resin obtained from the plant of the same name. Due to its many therapeutic virtues, it is used to treat gastroenterological symptoms as well as behavioral disorders. When given in too high a dose, Asa foetida produces side effects such as nausea, vomiting and nervous disorders. In some cases, it can even cause symptoms of hysteria and it is therefore important to follow the dosage prescribed by the homeopathic doctor.

Asterias Rubens

Asterias Rubens is one of the homeopathic remedies recommended for postmenopausal women and is specifically indicated in case of hot flashes accompanied by breast tension. It is also recommended in cardiology to treat violent palpitations. This drug, whose strain is starfish, can be taken as a disease-modifying treatment or when the various symptoms appear. The dosage will then depend on the type of treatment and the pathology to be treated.


Asthenia is a disease that exists in 3 forms: organic, functional and psychological. The common symptom is the feeling of fatigue, both physical and intellectual, that affects the patient. However, it is a weariness that does not disappear with a few hours of rest that it must be treated with adequate remedies. Asthenia, depending on the type, can be caused by an infectious disease, stress, or psychological trauma. Homeopathy is a way to fight against asthenia. To do this, all you have to do is take the appropriate medication and stick to the dosage. If the symptoms take a long time to disappear, do not hesitate to return to the doctor.


Asthenopia is a pathology that affects the eyes when they are subjected to prolonged exertion. Increasingly common, this disorder is accompanied by a feeling of eye strain occurring after long work or prolonged video game sessions. Asthenopia occurs more often at the end of the day, although in some cases it can occur as soon as you wake up. Thanks to remedies such as Jaborandi, Paris quadrifolia, Ruta graveolens or Arnica montana, it is possible to relieve and alleviate the most annoying symptoms of this eye strain.


Asthma can significantly reduce a person's physical and mental faculties. It mainly affects children under five years of age and adults in their forties. More and more people are suffering from this respiratory tract disease, which is quite difficult to diagnose. Indeed, only a few symptoms can suggest asthma. This is the case for chronic cough, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. As for the treatment of this disease, homeopaths have developed several remedies to relieve the patient - including Nux Vomica, Drosera and Kalium Carbonicum - and cure him completely - including Lung Histamine.

Aurum Metallicum and Aurum Muriaticum

Aurum Metallicum and Aurum Muriaticum are medicines made from gold that are used in homeopathy to treat heart conditions such as high blood pressure, rheumatic diseases such as polyrthritis and pathologies related to behavioural disorders. More specifically, Aurum Muriaticum is a soluble salt that is sometimes used in place of Aurum Metallicum in the treatment of certain conditions. Both of these remedies are found in the form of granules that are allowed to melt under the tongue.

Avena sativa

Avena sativa is a remedy prepared from all the above-ground parts of oats, a plant of European origin growing in almost all temperate regions. This remedy is mainly used to treat behavioral disorders, especially when they manifest themselves as asthenia and intense fatigue. For this, it is indicated to take Avena sativa 3 DH. In addition, the remedy is also indicated in the treatment of simple anorexia. To treat this condition, it is recommended to take 20 drops of Avena sativa 2 DH, 2 times a day.


Avian is a homeopathic remedy obtained from certain tissues of birds. Administered in low doses depending on the pathology observed, Aviaire can be used both in prevention and as an attack treatment. In ENT, it is mainly indicated in case of ear infections, especially when they are recurrent and aggravated in the cold season. Avian is also recommended in the treatment of infections observed in the bronchi and the respiratory system in general. Depending on the disease observed, the treatment can last between 1 and 3 months. The frequency of intake also varies depending on the pathology to be treated.