Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «U»

Find definitions about homeopathy starting with the letter "U", pathologies that can be treated with homeopathy and homeopathic medicines starting with "U"

Peptic ulcer

Due to the presence of inflammation with a loss of substance in the gastric and duodenal mucous membranes, peptic ulcers are a source of various discomforts and pain for all those who suffer from them. It can even cause serious complications that can be fatal if neglected or insufficiently treated. Fortunately, homeopathic remedies capable of treating it exist. Indeed, Nux moschata acts well on pain of any type. Moreover, other homeopathic treatments acting specifically on the stomach and duodenum can cure this pathology.

Varicose ulcer

Varicose ulcers can appear in the vulva or in the scrotum area, but varicose veins in the legs are the most common. Blood no longer flows back easily to the heart because the dysfunction of the valves causes leakage; As the blood accumulates, it dilates the vein, which then becomes varicose vein. The people most at risk of varicose ulcers are obese people, especially women in their sixties, those whose work requires standing or sitting for long hours, and those who lift large weights repeatedly. Other risk factors also exist, such as heredity or sometimes pregnancy. Homeopathic methods and medicines have always had the expected results by using only natural substances.

Urtica Urens

Urtica Urens gets its mother tincture from the plant of the same name. This is nettle, which is feared for its toxicity and the serious pathologies that can be produced by simple contact with its stems or leaves. But when used in homeopathy, the toxic substance from this stinging plant acts more as an antidote and helps to treat hives. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of nettle leaves, Urtica Urens is also an effective remedy for other forms of skin conditions.


Hives are a common condition that can occur at any age. The disease is particularly due to an excess of histamine. The pathology is manifested by the appearance of skin rashes and red papules. Itching can usually accompany these rashes. The subject with urticaria feels pain during attacks. Several medications such as Dulcamara, Urtica urens, Pulsatilla, Antimonium crudum, and Homarus can be used in homeopathy to treat hives. Treatment should be carried out according to the causes of the urticaria.


Ustilago is one of the many remedies listed in homeopathy to treat certain disorders in gynecology. Its main actions are focused on the premenopausal period and its symptoms. Indeed, menopause is always accompanied by disorders at any time of the menstrual cycle. It can be painful heavy periods, malodorous leucorrhea, painful throbbing in the left part of the uterus, especially in the left ovary. Ustilago will nevertheless be recommended according to the doctor's diagnosis and in different dosages depending on the symptoms.