Treating yourself with homeopathy

Homeopathy is a very gentle therapeutic method that poses absolutely no risk to the body. As a result, the drugs used are free of any toxicity, contraindications or harmful effects on health. But since it is above all a therapeutic treatment, it is always necessary to follow the prescribed doses as well as the usual precautions of use in order to obtain better results.

Homeopathy is a natural therapeutic method through which it is possible to treat a multitude of different pathologies. Indeed, there are now more than 250 homeopathic medicines that prevent and treat a large majority of temporary and chronic ailments. Developed with the greatest respect for nature and the human body, these drugs can be taken by everyone, regardless of age or sex. Thus, even if it is always preferable to seek the advice of a professional, it is quite possible to treat yourself with homeopathy, without being afraid of jeopardizing your health. However, to optimize the therapeutic effectiveness of the current treatment and to obtain the expected results, it is very important to be regular and to comply as much as possible with the recommendations associated with the remedies used.

It has often been said that self-medication by homeopathic means represented a real challenge in itself, as the precautions for use related to the various drugs were so demanding. Today, it is not only possible to say that homeopathic treatment is hardly more difficult to follow than allopathic treatment, but also that homeopathic self-medication is much less dangerous for the body than allopathic self-medication.

Toxicity of homeopathic medicines

Since dilution is one of the basic principles of homeopathy, it follows that the medicines used do not present any toxicity whatsoever. Indeed, during the development of the various homeopathic remedies, the parent substances are diluted several times in a row until infinitely low doses are finally obtained. At the end of these successive dilutions, the solution obtained is not only able to act effectively, but it is also free of any toxicity so that it no longer represents any danger to the body. However, it is essential to use only medicines that are sold in pharmacies and have undergone a range of pre-sale checks. The elaboration of homeopathic remedies is indeed relatively complex, so it is obvious that only approved professionals are able to manufacture these treatments with the greatest respect for the Hahnemannian tradition. In addition, it should be noted that only drugs developed and tested by professionals are truly free of any toxicity.

Interactions between conventional and homeopathic medicines

There are currently no known drug interactions, which means that it is generally quite possible to combine homeopathic treatment with allopathic treatment. Moreover, and depending on the severity of the pathology to be treated, it is useful to note that these two types of treatments are often complementary. Nevertheless, in case of doubt, it is strongly recommended to seek the advice of a health professional who will be able to advise you and dispel any fears.

Contraindications and side effects

Regarding the contraindications related to the use of homeopathic medicines, it should be noted that there are in principle no circumstances prohibiting the use of the medicine for dilutions equivalent to or exceeding 4 CH. As a result, these remedies are suitable for babies as well as children, adults, pregnant women or the elderly. Similarly, there are no known side effects associated with the homeopathic treatments used to date. In any case, it is still best to contact a doctor, pharmacist or homeopath in case of doubt or possible fear.

Choosing the right dilutions

In homeopathic medicine, the therapeutic effectiveness of remedies depends essentially on the successive dilutions and dynamizations undergone by the mother tinctures. Thus, the more a basic substance is diluted, the more the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug developed will increase. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that each disease is unique in its symptoms and severity, so dilutions must be systematically adapted to the type of pathology to be treated. As a general rule, relatively low dilutions should be preferred when dealing with acute conditions with only a few symptoms.

In the event that the symptoms are much more pronounced, the dilutions used will have to be higher for better effectiveness. When, on the other hand, it is a question of treating chronic conditions, it is advisable to move towards fairly low dilutions at the beginning before increasing them later. Finally, it is important to know that unlike allopathic medicines, the dosage associated with homeopathic medicines does not vary much depending on the age of the patients.


a more successful treatment, it is advisable to take your medication on a regular basis, taking care to respect the indicated times and days of intake as scrupulously as possible. This way, you will be sure not to make a mistake and you will also help to optimize the effectiveness of the treatment. Depending on the disease to be treated, some remedies will need to be taken early in the morning, while others will need to be taken during the day, in the late evening, or when symptoms appear. In general, it is best to avoid skin contact with the medication to be ingested. The remedies should also never be taken during meals so as not to hinder their therapeutic effectiveness.

The granules and prescribed doses should be consumed about thirty minutes before or after the main meals of the day, so that you can get all the benefits. When taking homeopathic medicine, it is also recommended to avoid caffeinated drinks, as well as cigarettes and products containing mint or chamomile. Indeed, it has been clearly demonstrated that these various substances do not promote the therapeutic action of the remedies, which therefore explains perfectly why it is advisable to abstain from them when taking medications. It is advisable to let the granules and doses melt very slowly in the mouth and not to mix all the remedies in one dose so as not to annihilate the effectiveness of the treatment.


is good to know that self-medication by homeopathic means does not present any danger. Nevertheless, it is important to follow the various indications associated with the homeopathic medicines you will take as well as the recommended dosages to the letter. Like allopathic medicines, homeopathic medicines should be kept away from any source of light, heat or humidity. It is also important to know that all the drinkable drops used in homeopathy are made from an alcohol-based solvent. As a result, it will always be best to seek the advice of a doctor before resorting to this type of medication. Finally, it should not be forgotten that certain pathologies and chronic conditions require the use of specific allopathic treatments which should not, under any circumstances, be replaced by homeopathic medicines. In addition, even if the therapeutic effectiveness of homeopathic remedies cannot be questioned, it is essential to consult a doctor if symptoms persist at the end of the treatment.