Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «D»

Find definitions about homeopathy starting with the letter "D", pathologies that can be treated with homeopathy and homeopathic medicines starting with "D"


Dacryocystitis is an eye infection that affects not only adults but also newborns. As a rule, the treatment is based on antibiotics. However, homeopathic remedies have been developed to combat dacryocystitis and to cure affected subjects quickly and effectively. Dacryocystitis is an infection that can present in two different ways. It is preferable to have the advice of a doctor or homeopath for a homeopathic treatment that is consistent with the symptoms that accompany the pathology.


Delirium is a disorder that affects the mind of sick individuals. The latter may be in a state of constant irritation. In addition, there are various types of delirium, including erotomaniac delirium, acute delirium or chronic delirium. Cotard's syndrome represents all the symptoms of delirium affecting the elderly. Nevertheless, it is possible to treat delirium with homeopathic remedies. However, medical consultation is necessary in case of delusional melancholy to avoid suicides.

Dengue fever

Depending on the level of virulence of the serotypes present in the patient's body, dengue fever can be mild or severe. Medical prescriptions, especially homeopathic prescriptions, vary according to the serotypes affecting the patient. Serotypes can be effectively treated with certain homeopathic products. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed to treat mild and advanced cases. It is advisable to consult a doctor when certain symptoms appear. Young children should be treated in a hospital because of the high virulence of the serotypes.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the dermatoses that affects the largest number of people. This condition could manifest itself in infants from the second week after birth. However, in the majority of cases, adults in their twenties to forties are the most affected. The main cause of the disease is the development of a small fungus on parts of the body where sebum secretion is important. In its most common form, seborrheic dermatitis manifests itself as skin lesions. With homeopathy, both surface treatments and background treatments can be prescribed to overcome this skin condition.


The disorders caused by pancreatic dysfunction are numerous, among them diabetes, which is quite serious. There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 is linked to a failure of the patient's immune system. His body naturally opposes the production of insulin. Type 2 diabetes is the result of improper use of insulin produced by the pancreas, causing high blood sugar levels. This defection of the pancreas causes a great need to drink and urinate, weight loss with general fatigue and localized infections on several parts of the body. However, these diseases can be relieved if the patient adopts an appropriate diet very early on, accompanied by a natural treatment such as homeopathy, which has proven itself in this area. However, it is important to emphasize the need to see a doctor regularly, especially in the case of type 1 diabetes.


Certain signs such as increased frequency and quantity of bowel movements can be synonymous with diarrhea. This type of disorder affects both infants and adults and has multiple causes. Its consequences are sometimes disastrous since in the event of significant dehydration, diarrhea can lead to the death of a baby. Depending on the symptoms that accompany the signs mentioned above, it is often possible to reduce the effects of this type of disorder with homeopathic products. Homeopathy has a wide range of various plants with amazing virtues which, once developed in various forms and in very small doses, present satisfactory and rapid results in the event of severe diarrhoea. But in some cases, only the advice of a doctor can help to cure diarrhoea properly.

Digitalis Purpurea

The use of Digitalis Purpurea in homeopathy is only very beneficial for the body. Indeed, its homeopathic strain is harmless because it comes from a plant: the purple foxglove. The elderly are the category of patients most affected by heart problems: weak heartbeat, general fatigue. In this case, they can be given Digitalis Purpurea without any problem to stimulate the functioning of the heart. Digitalis Purpurea is usually given as granules to be melted under the tongue.

Dioscorea villosa

Dioscorea villosa is a homeopathic medicine obtained from the rhizome of the wild yam, a perennial herb commonly found in central North America and Mexico. It is indicated to relieve certain back pain, especially in the lumbar area, in case of painful periods, during pre-menopause as well as to reduce abdominal pain such as hepatic and renal colic. The dose required varies depending on the pathology observed.


Diphterotoxinum is a homeopathic remedy based on diphtheria toxin that is very diluted and energized. Thanks to its many indications, it is recommended in the treatment of a good number of diseases, including pathologies of the ENT sphere, both in children and adults. It is also an effective remedy for the prevention and treatment of disorders such as colds, tonsillitis, ear infections or flu.

Dolichos pruriens

Dolichos pruriens is a homeopathic remedy obtained from the bristles that cover the pods of the Macuna pruriens plant. Mainly recommended in dermatology, the remedy is effective in alleviating various forms of itching. In intensive treatment, it is indicated to opt for a medication with a dilution level of 5 CH and to take three granules 3 times a day. The remedy is also recommended to treat pain in the gums and teeth that can become loose. If the pain is very intense, the patient should choose a dose of 7 or 9 CH. For a disease-modifying treatment, a dilution of 5 CH is indicated.


Pain is a febrile sensation that can appear in the human body to signal or not an even more serious pathology. Depending on the case, you may feel pinching, tightness and stinging, in the abdomen, in the teeth or muscles. Homeopathy presents a wide range of natural remedies for pain, regardless of its origin. Thus, the main remedies often associated in pain relief are Chamomilla vulgaris 5 CH and 15 CH, Colocynthis 5 CH, Magnasia phos 9 CH, Nux vomica, Hypericum 9 CH and Angustura vera. But, in addition to these medications, there are many other natural pain-relieving remedies.

Learn more : Pain and homeopathy

Drosera Rotundifolia

Drosera Rotundifolia is indicated in homeopathy for the treatment of various pathologies of infectious and joint origin. This small carnivorous plant has an antibacterial and antiviral action, hence its use in the treatment of respiratory infections or diseases affecting the joints, especially the hip. The main childhood diseases are also targeted by Drosera Rotundifolia, but its intake must be prescribed by a homeopath because in high doses this homeopathic remedy becomes irritating.


Dulcamara is a homeopathic remedy obtained from the bittersweet heart, especially by macerating the aerial parts of the plant. Thanks to its therapeutic properties, it is indicated for treating various conditions. In dermatology, for example, it is used in cases of warts and itchy skin. In rheumatology, it is recommended to relieve joint pain, but it is also used in ENT, mainly in certain cases of nasopharyngitis. In gastroenterology, it is effective against diarrhoea caused by exposure to cold and humidity. Depending on the pathologies observed, the recommended dilution varies from 7 to 15 CH and the treatment can extend up to 6 months.


Dyshidrosis is a chronic condition that develops through blistering flare-ups. The factors that can promote it are psychosomatic, infectious or allergic. The first symptom is the appearance of redness followed by the appearance of blisters. The subject feels itching as well as burning. Homeopathic treatment helps treat lesions that affect the skin and alleviates itching. It also helps prevent recurrences after recovery. Remedies vary depending on the stage of the disease. In addition, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as the symptoms of dyshidrosis appear.


Dysmenorrhea usually manifests itself as severe pain accompanied by cramps in the lower abdomen and which can radiate to the back or other parts of the body. It can cause malaise, vomiting, headaches and nausea. Fortunately, it is possible to treat it effectively with homeopathic remedies. The recommended dose is usually 5 granules, to be taken once a day until the symptoms disappear. However, if the woman still feels pain after she has already had her period for several years or if the dysmenorrhea is accompanied by fever, menorrhagia, bleeding or abnormal vaginal discharge, it is recommended that she consult a doctor.


Usually occurring after meals, dyspeptic pain is often caused by dysfunctions in the digestive system. Whether in the stomach or part of the small intestine, bloating due to dyspepsia is particularly painful and is accompanied by aerophagia or aerogastrics. People with dyspepsia can be very demanding when it comes to food. They are often prone to nausea and vomiting after consuming foods that are out of their usual menu. Sometimes they are frequently hungry and yet eat very little. To relieve all patients with dyspepsia, homeopathy has a variety of remedies that can treat the various symptoms. Bloating and epigastric pain are relieved by remedies like Lycopodium, Graphites, and Nux Moschata. Antimonium Crudum is important to control nausea and vomiting.


Dysphonia can affect anyone, but especially people in the professional environment who use the vocal cords more. Since there are different reasons for having dysphonia and since the symptoms are numerous, it is advisable to consult a doctor to make sure of the diagnosis. Homeopathy offers effective solutions to this kind of problem. Nevertheless, the homeopathic treatment, the dosage and the duration of the cure will be different depending on the manifestations of the disease.


Dyspnea is a disease that affects more and more people. This pathology can occur at any age and must be treated as soon as the first signs appear. Whatever its origin, dyspnea is manifested by difficulty breathing, following an obstruction of the airways. The disease can be treated with Bryonia alba, Aconitum napellus, Spigelia anthelmia, Sulfur and Antimonium tartaricum. If the patient's condition does not improve after a few days of treatment, a medical consultation is mandatory.


Dysthyroidism is a common disease caused by the abnormal functioning of the thyroid gland. It can be hypothyroidism which results in a slowdown in the functioning of the body and the mental faculties of the patient. It can also be hyperthyroidism. In this case, we see an acceleration of the body's functions, starting with the heartbeat. The proper functioning of the thyroid gland is essential to avoid disrupting the activity of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Homeopathic remedies are already used to treat dysthyroidism and have proven to be effective in this area.

Neurovegetative dystonia

Neurovegetative dystonia is manifested by various symptoms depending on the type of pathology. The main telltale signs are muscle cramps and stiffness, which can be treated. To do this, homeopathy offers different types of remedies depending on the symptoms, the frequency of their manifestation and the duration of the crampoid episodes. In all cases, the prior opinion of a doctor is desirable insofar as neurovegetative dystonia affects the respiratory system, the digestive system but also the cardiovascular system.