Fighting diabetes with homeopathy

Diabetes is a disease that becomes complicated very quickly in some cases and is life-threatening. However, it is possible to control it, especially in the case of type 2 diabetes, by adopting appropriate homeopathic treatment.

Diabetes is a disease that affects the metabolic process of the human body. It is characterized by an excessive presence of sugar in the blood due to insulin deficiency. Diabetes comes in two forms with relatively serious health consequences: insulin-dependent diabetes and non-insulin-dependent diabetes. In the first case, the body is unable to carry the sugar contained in the blood to the cells. But in the second case, the disease is caused by a lack of insulin effectiveness.

Symptoms and causes of diabetes

A person with diabetes can be recognized by his constant need to drink and/or urinate. He regularly complains of fatigue, pain in the abdomen, withers away quickly and can develop infections of the skin or the genitals.

Type 1 diabetes, or insulin-dependent diabetes, is often noticed in young people who have favourable conditions for the natural development of the disease. It is therefore the patient's own self-defense system that prevents the production of insulin in the body.

People with type 2 diabetes, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes, normally produce insulin, but their bodies don't use it properly. This results in an excess of glucose in the blood, which leads to a progressive destruction of the pancreas, the insulin-producing organ. This can be related to age, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, ovarian cysts, blood vessel disease, etc. It should be noted that this is the most common case of diagnosed diabetes, despite the fact that it is usually asymptomatic. The older and more obese a person is, the more likely they are to have type 2 diabetes.

Homeopathic treatment of diabetes

Homeopathic care is recommended to alleviate pain related to pancreatic dysfunction. In this context, Syzygium is used, which has the property of eliminating or reducing blood sugar levels. The recommended dosage is five granules on an empty stomach in the morning for several months. This treatment can be supplemented by glycerinum which aims to correct metabolic damage by a prolonged action. Weight loss and general fatigue gradually disappear and the patient regains his or her well-being.

However, if the disease is detected early enough, it is more advisable to take 1 to 2 Helonia capsules, three times a day. It is very effective in treating the symptoms related to the onset of diabetes: abundance of urine, intensity of thirst, dryness of the lips, etc. Magnesium Aceticum is very active against diabetes mellitus. But when pain of any form accompanies the symptoms, it is Rhus Aromatica, Diversiloba, Eupatorium Purpureum or Momordica Balsamina that is recommended. For female patients, it is more advisable to take the Grataegus Monogyna or the Pituitary Posterior Lobe.

When to see a doctor?

As soon as the slightest symptom of diabetes appears, it is advisable to consult your doctor immediately. Once the diagnosis has been made, the course of action to be taken may change. Thus, patients with type 2 diabetes can rely exclusively on homeopathic treatment and a good diet to reverse the disease. But patients with type 1 diabetes are required to keep in touch with their doctor and to take appropriate conventional treatment to protect themselves from any unfortunate complications. Among these complications are arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, nerve or skin disorders, gangrene, etc.

Oscar - 40 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Homeopathy ensures the balance and maintenance of the body to help it better cope with the side effects of diabetes such as blood circulation disorders and stress problems. It should therefore be combined with conventional medicine because it limits the risk of deterioration in the diabetic's health.

  1. Symptoms and causes of diabe ...
  2. Homeopathic treatment of dia ...
  3. When to see a doctor?

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