Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «F»

Find definitions about homeopathy starting with the letter "F", pathologies that can be treated with homeopathy and homeopathic medicines starting with "F"

Fagopyrum esculentum

Fagopyrum esculentum is a herbaceous plant that is cultivated in many parts of the world today because of its many advantages. Better known as buckwheat wheat, it is a food supply for both humans and livestock. In addition to being rich in nutrients, Fagopyrum esculentum is also an effective remedy that homeopathy exploits to treat various pathologies. These range from skin lesions to cardiovascular disorders and senile pruritus. Synthetic solutions and products are now available in shops specialising in homeopathic products.

Ferrum Metallicum

Ferrum Metallicum is a homeopathic remedy of mineral origin, prepared from iron ores in its metallic form. Thanks to this main component, the remedy is mainly used in the treatment of anemia, as iron deficiency is often the cause of this disorder. But the remedy is also suitable for all problems with the flow of bodily fluids, especially those related to the blood. Thus, it is particularly prescribed in gynecology in the treatment of menstrual disorders related to heavy periods. Finally, the therapeutic virtues of this homeopathic medicine also extend to rheumatology and more particularly to the treatment of periarthritis of the shoulder, a disorder that prevents the subject from moving or spreading his arms.

Ferrum phosphoricum

Ferrum phosphoricum homeopathy has a very wide field of action: it lowers fever in moderate febrile states and in the most severe cases but also acts as an effective analgesic in the field of rheumatology. This remedy is also used in the treatment of infections that inflict the bronchi, larynx, pharynx and ears. In this regard, Ferrum phosphoricum treats winter discomforts that cause congestion of the bronchi, hoarseness of the voice but also more serious cases such as coughing fits leading to sputum mixed with blood. In rheumatology, it is mainly used as a painkiller and as a long-term homeopathic remedy against the effects of this pathology.

Uterine fibroids

Although fibroids are a priori a benign pathology, they can sometimes be complicated by causing pain and bleeding in women, or even the impossibility of conceiving. In conventional medicine, the treatment of fibroids often results in surgery to remove the tumor. But many women today prefer a natural and less severe treatment. To this end, homeopathic medicine is very advanced in the gynecological field. The homeopathic remedies Sabina and Calcerea Carbonia are effective in treating fibroid-related pain and bleeding. Other remedies also exist and can optimize the action of the first two.


Fibromyalgia is a condition of the muscles and tendons, which can be of physiological origin. The symptoms of this disease are varied and can manifest as an increased sensitivity to touch, smells or noises. To treat fibromyalgia, the homeopath's prescription must take into account the physical and psychological state of the patient. Nevertheless, medical consultation is essential when symptoms persist despite treatment with natural products.


In order to fight the bacteria and microbes that enter the body, the white blood cells contained in the human body produce pyrogens. These substances stimulate the hypothalamus to raise body temperature. Thanks to this heat, which can sometimes reach 40°C, the microbes are destroyed. Then, to regulate this temperature, the patient's body begins to sweat. Several symptoms can be associated with this rise in temperature, including tremors, redness and pallor of the skin, and convulsions. To fight fever, homeopathy has a range of natural products whose results are always convincing. However, if despite taking medication, the fever does not disappear after two days, you should see a doctor. The appearance of certain symptoms should also prompt a consultation with a specialist.

Anal fissure

Anal fissure is an anal lesion caused by many factors, starting with the most common, persistent constipation. The practice of sodomy and irregular transit can also cause anal fissures that can become infected. Knowing that there are many forms of anal fissures and that they can be associated with secondary symptoms, it is advisable to go to a doctor for a proper diagnosis. The diagnosis given will depend on the homeopathic remedies to be prescribed, the duration of the treatment and the dosage of each drug.


Fistulas are caused by many factors. A simple abscess, surgery or gallstone are among its causes. It is not easy to recognize the symptoms of fistulas, and only a thorough examination can diagnose them. Some cases of fistulas, dental or anal, can be relieved by homeopathic treatment, but other more complex cases must be treated by specialized doctors. Sometimes, as in the case of dialysis patients, a fistula is medically induced.

Fluoricum acidum

Thanks to homeopathy in general and the therapeutic effects of Fluoricum acidum in particular, the suffering resulting from a skin condition can be relieved or even eradicated. The prescription of this remedy is therefore intended, among other things, to treat dermatological pathologies and abnormalities. Various cutaneous affections are, for this purpose, among the indications for this remedy: pruritus, dartre, necrosis. But the healing action of this remedy is not limited to the outside of the body, it is also effective inside the body, at the level of the joints and bones. Thus, joint inflammations and those that affect the bones are areas of therapeutic action of this homeopathic medicine. In short, in the presence of all these dermatological and rheumatic pathologies, the effectiveness of Fluoricum acidum is manifest through the various dilutions that prevail and which are administered in accordance with a very precise dosage.

Foenum graecum

Foenum graecum is a homeopathic remedy obtained from the seeds of a plant called "fenugreek". It is widely used in the case of loss of appetite, which is the cause of anorexia. In addition, it is indicated in the case of nutritional disorders in general. Thanks to the active ingredients it contains, this remedy is recommended to treat certain metabolic disorders, including hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia. In any case, it is necessary to take the necessary dose to benefit from the action of this remedy.


Folliculinum is a homeopathic remedy used mainly in gynecology. It is a crystalline compound that is not soluble in water, which is obtained by crushing and dynamizing natural estrogen. It is mainly indicated for relieving premenstrual symptoms and disorders in menopausal women. Folliculinum is a gentle, effective, and safe remedy that can be used long-term. Depending on the symptoms to be treated, it can be used alone or combined with other remedies.


Folliculitis is a common infection of the follicles containing hair and hair. Characterized by inflammation of the follicles, it must be treated with appropriate hygiene measures. If it becomes infected, appropriate remedies must be used to act on the infectious agents, including Staphylococcus aureus. There are several homeopathic treatments depending on the signs associated with folliculitis. These are mainly Pyrogenium, Arsenicum Album, Sulphide Iodatum or Staphylococcinum depending on the state of aggravation of the infection. These treatments have a disinfectant or antibiotic effect and at the same time restore the balance of the hair cycle.

Formica Rufa

Formica Rufa refers to the red ant used to extract the homeopathic active ingredient and the remedy in question. Its prescription must always be the subject of a medical consultation to know the dosages for each type of manifestation. Formica Rufa also comes in different dilutions that are recommended depending on the disease being treated. In homeopathy, it is rather used as a field treatment but can also be used in case of already proven diseases.


A boil is an inflammation of the pilosebaceous follicle that most often occurs in the face, armpits, perineum and buttocks. Caused by a bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus, this inflammation is characterized by an intumescence consisting of a mass of pus. Although very painful, boils are a benign abscess that usually resolve fairly quickly when treated in time and adequately. In the vast majority of cases, the use of specific antibiotics is recommended, but in some cases it may also be necessary to have recourse to a minor surgical procedure to remove the pus. However, it is possible to solve the problem in a much more natural way by opting for a homeopathic treatment that will not only help avoid antibiotic therapy but also reduce the risk of furunculosis, a condition characterized by the simultaneous and continuous appearance of boils disseminated on the skin.

Learn more : Boil and homeopathy