Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «M»
Magnesia carbonica
Made by successive dilution of white magnesia, Magnesia carboncia is a remedy widely used in homeopathy. The presence of carbon in the compound gives the drug its effectiveness in treating several kinds of pathologies. Indeed, Magnesia carbonica is used in ophthalmology, to treat certain visual disorders, as well as in gynecology to relieve painful periods that appear in some women. Magnesia carbonica is also used to treat other pathologies such as gastroenteritis disorders or nerve pain. For best effectiveness, it is always advisable to consult a specialist doctor who will prescribe the appropriate dosage for each pathology.
Magnesia muriatica
Made from magnesium chloride crystals, Magnesia Muriatica is a highly effective purgative, anti-inflammatory and sedative homeopathic remedy. It can be used not only in gastroenterology but also in pediatrics, gynecology and ENT. Magnesia Muriatica can also be used to treat respiratory disorders - including spasmodic coughs - and chest pain, and nerve disorders - including restlessness and anxiety. The granules of this remedy, which should be placed under the tongue, are to be taken outside of meal times.
Magnesia Phosphorica
Magnesia Phosphorica is a homeopathic strain of chemical origin, obtained from magnesium phosphate. Its field of action encompasses the nervous system and muscles. It has calming and relaxing properties and can be used as an anxiolytic to treat certain behavioral disorders related to depression. Magnesia Phosphorica is above all a spasmolytic because it has the property of calming spasms as well as muscle cramps. This homeopathic remedy is also a first-choice painkiller because it relieves nerve and spasmodic pain.
Motion sickness
One in three people is affected by motion sickness at least once in their lives. Airsickness or discomfort in the car is experienced by some people, while seasickness affects almost 100% of people. Nausea and dizziness that end in vomiting are the most common symptoms of motion sickness. These discomforts can develop even more in certain subjects such as children, the elderly, pregnant women and anxious people. They can be aggravated by heat, odors, lack of air, anxiety, etc. Homeopathic remedies are indicated depending on the patient's symptoms. For the most sensitive, Coculus indicus 9 CH is recommended. This remedy is administered both to prevent ailments and to treat them. For seasickness, Ignatia amara 5 CH is the most effective treatment. In any case, if the pain does not disappear after a few days, a medical consultation is strongly recommended.
Osgood-Schlatter disease
Osgood-Schlatter disease is a condition that affects the knee of teenagers aged 11 to 15 who play sports regularly. The main symptom is the appearance of pain in the hump that forms on the kneecap. In addition to rest, homeopathic treatment relieves pain and accelerates healing. The granules are administered perlingually. However, medical consultation is necessary as soon as symptoms appear and in case of persistent pain to avoid complications.
Dupuytren's disease
When the fascia retracts, the person is in most cases affected by Dupuytren's disease. This pathology begins with painless nodules and progresses until the fingers flex irreducibly. Dupuytren's disease can be treated with homeopathic remedies whose main virtues are to restore the tone of the fingers and dissolve the nodules. In any case, it is advisable to go to a doctor who will diagnose Dupuytren's disease based on the symptoms.
Scheuermann's disease
Scheuermann's disease is a pathology that mainly affects adolescents, i.e. people in a period of growth. It manifests itself as pain felt in the spine deformed by kyphosis. This pain is usually localized in the chest. The disease is sometimes aggravated by physical activities that are not adapted to the adolescent's build. The most widely used remedy is Calcarea phosphorica because of its therapeutic action on cartilage and vertebrae. It is sometimes associated with Silicea.
Cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular diseases are very serious, diverse and manifest themselves mainly by chest pain, increased blood pressure and pain in the cordial area. These symptoms can be accompanied by violent pain in the heart, which can extend over the entire left part of the body. Symptoms also include headaches. Depending on the symptoms, prevention is to take Aconite 7 CH, Spigelia 5 CH, Latrodectus Mactans 5 CH, Aurum 7 CH, Baryta Carb 7 CH, Glonoinum 5 CH, Melilotus 5 CH, Nux Vomica 7 CH, Coffea 5CH, Spifelia 7 CH, Ignatia 7 CH, Aconite 9 CH and Berberis 9 CH.
Manganese is the basic constituent of a homeopathic remedy, of mineral origin, called Manganum. This remedy is a homeopathic alternative to relieve many patients. Those who are affected by pathologies relating to a medical specialty such as Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) benefit from a well-being thanks to the therapeutic properties of this remedy. It is very suitable for the treatment of diseases or inflammations contained in the ear, which include otalgia and ear infections. When other inflammations are localized in the nasal passages, Manganum is also very effective in the treatment of rhinitis or a cold of the brain. All these conditions as well as inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis) can be reduced or stopped in this way. This is why it is also prescribed when hoarseness and throat pain prevail.
Mastodynia is a condition that affects women who have not yet reached the age of menopause. This breast pain is most often related to menstruation, but there is another form of mastodynia which is fibrocystic. This disorder can be the consequence of taking certain medications, but in general, ovarian dysfunction is one of the main explanations. Homeopathy, by means of various remedies, can relieve and even treat mastodynia in the long term.
The homeopathic remedy Medorrhinum is made from a lysate of purulent blenorrhagic urethral secretions from patients who have not yet been treated. In principle, it can be used to treat pathologies related to sycosis. Medorrhinum is known for its many indications. Indeed, it is involved in the treatment of ENT and respiratory tract infections, in the treatment of dermatitis, in gynecological and urinary disorders, in rheumatic diseases and in behavioral disorders. In addition, it is widely used in pediatrics where it helps to cure children suffering from insomnia.
The brain plays a major role in the ability to memorize. Memory failures manifest themselves through a whole series of various symptoms such as behavioral disorders in particular. Memory loss can have different causes such as old age or be due to certain diseases. The use of appropriate homeopathic remedies helps to alleviate the most troublesome disorders while significantly stimulating and optimizing memory faculties.
Excessive vaginal bleeding after menstruation is the telltale symptom of menometrorrhagia. It affects women, especially those of childbearing age. To treat this pathology in the long term, it is now possible to use homeopathic remedies that are able to regulate the hormonal cycle. However, to find out which homeopathic medicine is suitable for the symptoms, it is strongly recommended to seek the advice of a doctor or homeopath so that he or she can assess the severity of the pathology and the appropriate remedies.
Menopause, far from being a disease, is an obligatory stage, during which the woman who has stopped ovarian activity must adapt to a new cycle characterized by the elimination of menstruation. Disorders very often appear during this period and manifest themselves in hot flashes, obesity, headaches, mood disorders. To prevent these disorders, women can prepare for menopause by taking a few precautions from the age of forty. Homeopathy should be used by adopting the appropriate treatment for each symptom. The homeopath is the only one qualified to prescribe this treatment by choosing what is suitable for each case from a list of natural remedies that have proven their effectiveness in providing a certain well-being to the menopausal woman.
Menorrhagia is characterized by abnormally abundant blood loss at the time of menstruation that exceeds 7 days. These losses have functional or organic origins. However, they are perfectly treated with homeopathy. Sabina 5CH and Helonias dioica 5 CH are among the most widely used remedies due to their effectiveness in limiting blood loss. In addition, the choice of homeopathy brings additional advantages, such as the possibility of quickly regaining one's strength.
Mephitis putorius
The homeopathic remedy Mephitis putorius derives its mother tincture from a secretion from the anal gland of the polecat. It is a substance very well known for its foul smell that this mammal releases as a means of protection in case of danger. This homeopathic medicine is mainly recommended in pulmonology, especially for the treatment of bronchitis. Indeed, Mephitis putorius helps to calm violent coughing attacks that often lead to suffocation. He also treats whooping cough in very young children. In addition, this homeopathic remedy is also effective against certain behavioral disorders. Mephitis putorius can treat spasmophilia while remedying the unpleasant symptoms that result from it.
Mercurius corrosivus
Made from mercuric chloride, Mercurius corrosivus is a homeopathic remedy that is highly valued for its many indications. Primarily designed to alleviate acute inflammation, it is used to treat stomatal disorders, gastrointestinal infections, urinary and gynecological disorders as well as otolaryngological and ophthalmological infections. Because it has a rapid action, Mercurius corrosivus is generally prescribed in medium dilution, i.e. in 9 or 15 CH and its doses should never be too far apart.
Mercurius Cyanatus
With mercury cyanide as a basic constituent, Mercurius Cyanatus is a mineral-based remedy characterized by remarkable therapeutic efficacy in various medical specialties. In the ENT sphere, this remedy makes it possible to provide care to patients affected by diphtheria, various forms of angina and many other pathologies. In the field of dentistry, it is diseases of the mouth, tongue and teeth that constitute the clinical indications for Mercurius Cyanatus. Against all these pathologies, the various homeopathic dilutions, prescribed according to a precise dosage, attenuate the symptomatic manifestations and cure the patients.
Mercurius Dulcis
The homeopathic remedy Mercurius Dulcis is made from the powder of mercurous chloride that was used as a remedy for liver disorders in the sixteenth century. This homeopathic remedy is mainly for the treatment of serous otitis with tubal obstruction, but it is also used to alleviate epigastric problems such as cirrhosis of the liver, dysentery, diarrhea in children, toothache and sore throat, etc. In addition, the recommended dosage for each case must be followed to avoid any risk of overdose and intoxication.
Mercurius Solubilis
Mercurius Solubilis is a homeopathic remedy for diseases of the mouth and teeth, including gingivitis and canker sores, otolaryngological conditions such as angina, otitis and mumps, as well as eye infections including conjunctivitis. It is also prescribed in case of respiratory, digestive, urinary, gynecological and behavioral disorders. This medication is available in several dilutions and is usually taken three to four times a day.
A common gynecological disorder in women, functional metrorrhagia is a disease with various causes. Most of the time, it is due to a hormonal imbalance. Too little progesterone production often leads to abnormal blood flow and results in no ovulation in the menstrual cycle. Emotional shocks and overexertion can also cause metrorrhagia. In all cases, the disease manifests itself by a flow of blood outside of menstruation or during menstruation, but in large quantities. To cure metrorrhagia, Ustilago, Bovista, Argentum nitricum, Bursa pastoris or other homeopathic remedies can be used.
The mezereum daphne or pretty wood is a shrub growing in Europe and Asia. Extracts of this plant have several therapeutic properties. They are presented in the form of granules and are used to treat skin problems accompanied by itching or rashes. The homeopathic remedy Mezereum is indicated to treat facial nerve pain and pain related to the bones in the tibia. Treatments can consist of taking 5 granules for a few days or last 3 months for acute pathologies such as shingles.
Migraine is a disease that seems harmless. Many people are unaware of its most terrible symptoms, such as the aura, the worst manifestations of which can lead to paralysis or more or less prolonged loss of vision. Homeopathy is one of the therapies whose solutions are almost inexhaustible in the management of the symptoms and causes of migraine. The virtues of Sanguinaria are known in various cases of pathologies. The same is true for Lac defloratum, Iris versicolor and other remedies. All these products have shown their effectiveness in migraine treatments, provided that the appropriate indications for each type of migraine are followed. Thus, in order to get rid of a headache, probably a precursor to a migraine, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as the first headache attacks occur.
Millefolium is a homeopathic medicine obtained from yarrow, a widespread plant. The aerial parts of this plant, including its flowers, are used to prepare this remedy. It usually helps fight bleeding and hemorrhage, as well as digestive disorders. But its virtues extend far beyond these two ailments. Indeed, Millefolium effectively treats oral diseases, ENT diseases and gynecological disorders.
Molluscum contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum is a disease caused by the pox virus, a virus of the Poxviriadeae family. This dermatological condition mainly manifests itself as non-pruritic warts that appear on the skin, especially in soft parts such as the neck, folds of the legs and arms, stomach or genitals. The disease is mainly transmitted through contact with the infected parts of a sick person. To treat molluscum contagiosum, it is possible to opt for homeopathic remedies such as Vaccinotoxinum 15 CH, Thuja occidentalis 15 CH or for a local treatment based on Graphites.
Momordica Balsamina
The homeopathic remedy Momordica Balsamina is obtained from the fruit of the bitter gourd tree. Renowned for its laxative and diuretic properties, this homeopathic remedy is recommended to treat flatulence and bloating. Momordica Balsamina is also indicated to relieve colon pain that is accompanied by headaches and dizziness. In people who experience early satiety, Momordica Balsamina helps restore appetite by relieving bloating and emitting gases that cannot be evacuated.
Glandular fever
Infectious mononucleosis is a contagious condition caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. It manifests itself as acute pharyngitis, fever, lassitude, muscle or laryngeal pain, gum ulceration and/or digestive disorder. Several homeopathic remedies can be used for its treatment. This is the case for Belladonna, Calendula Officinalis TM, Natrum Muriaticum and Mercurius Solubilis, which are generally to be taken in a small dilution, three times a day. Normally, these remedies make the symptoms of the disease disappear. In the event of complications, a medical consultation is therefore necessary.
The homeopathic remedy Morbillinum is obtained from a lysate of oral and pharyngeal exudates taken from measles patients who have not yet undergone treatment. This remedy is indicated to fight Morbillivirus, the agent responsible for measles. Therefore, it is used for the treatment of several infectious diseases. Certain pathologies in the ENT sphere can be alleviated with this drug. Homeopathy also uses it in the field of ophthalmology. For each disease, a dosage is advised and other homeopathic remedies like Pulsatilla and Belladona can be combined with Morbillinum to achieve an optimal result.
Moschus is a remedy that is obtained from the musk gland that is housed between the navel and the genitals of the male deer. This homeopathic medicine is frequently used to relieve subjects suffering from behavioral disorders. It is generally prescribed in cases of pathologies related to spasmophilia, in cases of lipothymia and in cases of significant trauma that can lead to psychological imbalances. Other homeopathic remedies can also be combined with the treatment with Moschus.
Murex Purpurea
Made from a substance derived from a mollusk living on the shores of the Mediterranean, the homeopathic remedy Murex Purpuera is very effective against the symptoms accompanying menstrual disorders. One of the secrets of the remedy's effectiveness lies in its composition since it contains a high dose of serotonin. Thanks to this component, Murex Purpurea helps to treat the depressive state and emotional problems that can affect the woman during her premenstrual period or at the beginning of menopause. The high dose of serotonin relieves the pain perceived in the female genital tract and surrounding areas, among other things. But depending on the dosage and dilution, Murex Purpurea can remedy nymphomania and reduce the woman's sexual urge.
Muriaticum Acidum
Developed from hydrochloric acid, Muriaticum Acidum covers several fields: stomatology, dermatology and proctology. Indeed, problems with bowel movements and rectum as well as diarrhea accompanied by pain and burning in the anus can be treated by this remedy. The same applies to the treatment of tongue paralysis, gum inflammation, dry mouth, inflammation of the palatal vault, canker sores, bad breath, freckles as well as "summer lucitis". Sometimes it is combined with other homeopathic remedies such as Aesculus HIPP 3DH, Arnica Montana 7CH and Lachesis Mutus 7CH to treat hemorrhoid, and Apis Melifica 5 CH, Belladonna 5 CH and Urtica Urens for summer lucite.
Mycosis is a skin disease that can be treated with homeopathy. The colonization of the inner and outer walls of the mucous membranes and the skin by fungi are at the origin of this pathology. There are several types of fungal infections depending on the infected parts, the most common of which are vaginal, dermatological, oral and nail fungus. Common symptoms of the disease are red itching, cracks and tingling sensations. Combining homeopathic remedies with fungicide treatment is more effective in treating fungus and preventing recurrences. The treatment to be followed must be prescribed by a homeopath depending on the type of fungus. As soon as any of these symptoms appear, it is advisable to consult a doctor. In addition, medical consultation is imperative and immediate for a child under the age of twelve.
Myristeca Sebirefa
Myristeca Sebirefa is a homeopathic remedy made from a plant of the Myristicaceae family, close to the nutmeg tree. This is a shrub that is also known as ocoba virola. In homeopathy, this remedy is mainly indicated in cases of infectious pathologies that are accompanied by suppuration. Myristeca Sebirefa contributes in particular to accelerating the process of pus production, to lead the abscess to maturity and thus to let it pierce on its own. Thanks to this homeopathic medicine, we can fight infections without any problem and avoid surgical treatments or the use of antibiotics, which are often very difficult.