Treating Osgood-Schlatter Disease with Homeopathy

Osgood-Schlatter disease or apophysisis is a painful condition of the knee in young athletes. Homeopathy helps relieve the pain associated with this disease.

Osgood-Schlatter disease is a microtraumatic pathology that occurs in adolescents. It mainly affects athletes who practice activities such as volleyball, basketball or football. It is an osteochondromatosis in the anterior tibial tuberosity of the knee. It results from repeated training which causes repeated micro-traumas to the cartilage tissue. Complications of the disease can lead to the persistence of painful impotence.

Symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter disease

The individual who has Osgood-Schlatter disease first limps after training. Then, the pain appears in the anterior aspect of the knee and the patella. Indeed, the subject feels pain at the insertion of the patellar tendon. The pain can be unilateral or bilateral and the movement lacks flexibility. It intensifies and becomes permanent even when the subject is at rest. Palpation reveals the existence of a swollen and painful area. As the disease progresses, there is fragmentation of the anterior tibial tuberosity as well as calcification of the kneecap ligament.

Homeopathic treatments

To reduce large painful protrusions, it is recommended to take Rhus Tox. One can also opt for a treatment of 5 days a week with the Hekla Lava 4 CH remedy. In this case, two granules should be administered three times a day for several months. It is also possible to combine several remedies alternately for a treatment that takes place 5 days a week a week. Thus, during the first month, take two granules of Hekla Lava 4 CH three times a day, then during the second month, take two granules of Calcarea Phosphorica 4 CH three times a day. Treatment with Arnica 9 CH also gives good results. The dosage is one weekly dose for three months.

When to see a doctor?

Medical consultation is essential as soon as the symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter disease appear, such as persistent pain in the knee accompanied by redness and swelling in the joints. You should also see the doctor if the pain does not disappear with rest to avoid complications. In the event of a complication, orthopedic surgery may be necessary when the subject reaches adulthood.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Calcarea Phosphorica also helps relieve trauma caused by Osgood-Schlatter disease. Indeed, this tricalcium phosphate remedy is effective in treating the symptoms of this disease. For chronic pain, 30 CH high dilution remedies should be used for long-term treatment.

  1. Symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter ...
  2. Homeopathic treatments
  3. When to see a doctor?

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