Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «C»
Cactus Grandiflorus
Plant-based, Cactus Grandiflorus is a homeopathic medicine of great effectiveness. In cardiology, it is recommended in the treatment of several organic and functional disorders. Thus, it makes it possible to significantly reduce the painful symptoms confined to the heart and to effectively treat patients affected by heart disease (heart aneurysm, endocarditis,...). In gynecology, the medicinal virtues of this remedy are greatly beneficial to women facing menstrual disorders and localized diseases of the genitals. It is effective against dysmenorrhea, ovarianity and vaginismus.
Caladium Seguinum
Made from a plant known as West Indian Arum, the homeopathic remedy Caladium Seguinum is said to be very effective against the symptoms accompanying certain sexual disorders in men. Thanks to the therapeutic virtues of the plant from which it is derived, this homeopathic remedy would remedy erectile dysfunction or a persistent problem of male impotence. The West Indian Arum is also widely used in homeopathy for the treatment of tobacco addiction. In cases of detoxification, it is used to treat symptoms due to tobacco deprivation.
Calcarea carbonica ostrearum
Calcarea carbonica ostrearum is a homeopathic remedy obtained through successive dilutions of calcium carbonate from oyster shells. He is involved in the treatment of gastroenterological pathologies, respiratory diseases, dermatological problems and disorders of the genital and urinary tract. In addition to these actions, Calcarea carbonica ostrearum is also administered in patients suffering from metabolic or growth disorders or degenerative pathologies.
Calcarea Fluorica
Calcarea Fluorica comes from calcium fluoride, a building block of several parts of the body. It gives connective cells and fibrous tissues their elasticity. It is therefore indicated for the treatment of diseases causing loosening of elastic fibers. It is also effective in the treatment of osteoporosis that occurs in postmenopausal women. Its action is also recognized in various fields. In gynecology, it is used to alleviate the pregnancy mask and helps to solve the problem of urinary incontinence caused by the rupture of the perineum after childbirth. In dermatology, it is used for the treatment of multiple conditions of the epidermis and the prevention of stretch marks. Calcarea Fluorica is also recommended by homeopaths for the treatment of certain pathologies caused by vein disorders, in this case varicose veins and heavy legs.
Calcarea phosphorica
Calcarea phosphorica is a homeopathic remedy obtained from tricalcium phosphate, one of the main bone constituents. As a result, it is widely used to treat serious bone and joint diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, an acute and difficult-to-treat rheumatological disorder. Calcarea phosphorica is also indicated for the relief of trauma related to bone fractures. In addition to these indications, the remedy is also recommended in gynaecology and ENT.
Calcarea sulfurica
Calcarea sulfurica is one of Schussler's biochemical salts, which is an important element for the health of the eyes, oral region and throat, among other things. Thanks to their therapeutic properties, calcium salts are widely used in the treatment of many diseases. Calcium sulphate is one of them. It is a bactericidal element known for its effectiveness in the treatment of any form of chronic suppuration, regardless of its location. This makes Calcarea sulfurica a homeopathic remedy with multiple actions. It is suitable for many pathologies manifested by prolonged suppuration. It is particularly recommended for people who suffer from abscesses, but is also suitable in cases of conjunctivitis or purulent rhinitis. It is also used in many other areas of medicine.
Calendula Officinalis
Calendula Officinalis is a homeopathic remedy made from the mother tincture of marigold from gardens. This herbaceous plant is mainly used as an ornamental but is also highly valued for its medicinal properties. Having antiseptic, disinfectant and healing properties, Calendula Officinalis is highly effective against skin problems and in particular against acne. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it also helps to treat dental abscesses. It is even used in gynecology to treat menstrual disorders and vaginal yeast infections and in ophthalmology to relieve eye irritation.
Cambogia is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the guttier or Garcinia cambogia, a plant native to Asia that belongs to the Clusiaceae family. The mother tincture used to make it is extracted from the bark, which contains a yellow resin, and the fruits of this shrub. The latter has already been used for a long time by Indians because it is an excellent laxative. This is the reason why the homeopathic remedy obtained from the dilution and dynamization of its mother tincture is mainly prescribed in case of intestinal disorders and in particular enterocolitis. Cambogia effectively treats constipation, diarrhea, flatulence problems, and intestinal burn. In addition, it is also used in ophthalmology for the treatment of childhood conjunctivitis.
Cantharis Vesicatoria
Cantharis Vesicatoria is a homeopathic remedy made from the Spanish fly, also known as cantharide. It is indicated in urology to reduce the manifestation of cystitis and to treat pathologies affecting urination. In addition, this remedy treats cases of otitis and eczema in children and is effective in relieving certain inflammations and irritations in the ENT area. In addition, it helps to heal gastric genes and anticipate acid reflux. The dosage varies according to the severity and symptoms of the pathologies to be treated. Nevertheless, as a general rule, the remedy is to be taken until the symptoms disappear.
Capsicum anuum
Capsicum anuum is a widely used homeopathic remedy. Made from garden pepper, this remedy is mainly used in ENT to treat infections such as ear infections with pain or nasopharyngitis. In powder or dose form, Capsicum anuum is to be melted under the tongue. During treatment, it is important to abstain from stimulants and tobacco, but take care to take the medication outside of meals. In addition, it is important to know that the dosage will vary depending on the disorder observed.
Carbo animalis
Obtained from chicken bone charcoal purified with hydrochloric acid and then water, Carbo animalis is combined with Sanguinaria canadensis to replace prolonged antibiotic treatment for acne. But combined with various compounds, it is also used to treat various skin lesions as well as the symptoms of rosacea such as purplish redness of the cheeks, chin and nose. In addition, it is indicated as an adjunct treatment in case of breast cancer, but its therapeutic action goes far beyond that and is indicated for many other conditions.
Carbo Vegetabilis
Carbo Vegetabilis is a homeopathic remedy used in the treatment of certain manifestations of gastroenteritis. It also acts as an antiseptic when prescribed as a medication to treat pressure ulcers and skin conditions. In pulmonology, it is frequently combined with allopathic vasodilator treatment to allow patients to breathe better. In cardiology, it reinforces blood purification to prevent cyanosis.
Carduus marianus
Carduus marianus is a homeopathic remedy derived from a plant known as milk thistle. Its mother tincture is obtained from the dried fruit of this plant from rocky and uncultivated soils. This remedy is indicated to combat the poor functioning of the liver by hepato-vesicular drainage. Presented in the form of granules or oral drops, it is often administered with other remedies with the same properties as it. However, it should not be taken with stimulants or with meals.
Cataracts are an eye irritation that usually occurs in older people. There are several types of cataracts, the most common of which are senile cataracts, secondary cataracts, traumatic cataracts and juvenile cataracts. It is a rather unpleasant pathology that manifests itself in vision disorders, a decrease in visual acuity and a decrease in color perception. Several homeopathic remedies can cure it when it is detected in its non-critical phase.
Caulophyllum Thalictroids
Caulophyllum Thalictroides is a homeopathic strain produced from the roots of the blue ginseng or blue colosh. It is indicated mainly in rheumatology, obstetrics and gynecology. Most often, doctors prescribe it to help women prepare for childbirth and during labor. But it is also used to treat painful periods and rheumatic pain in the phalanges. The dilution, the number of granules to be taken to constitute a dose and the frequency of intake are determined according to each case.
The indications of Causticum are commensurate with the various therapeutic properties of this homeopathic remedy created by Hahnemann in 1800. Since then, it has remained essential for the homeopathic treatment of various forms of paralysis and rheumatic pain. It is therefore particularly recommended to fight against neurological or rheumatological pathologies. Causticum also helps to fight warts, pustules, otorhinolaryngological conditions, urinary dysfunction and behavioral disorders.
The homeopathic remedy Cedron is made from the seeds of a shrub in the Simarubaceae family called Kidron. This shrub is native to tropical America where it is used to treat wounds due to a venomous snake bite or insect bite. This remedy is useful for the treatment of pain and inflammation such as neuralgia, acute spasms and periodic migraines. It effectively fights fever, malaria, throat inflammations accompanied by coughing and chest pain. Depending on the case, a dosage is recommended and certain homeopathic remedies such as Calcarea, Hyoscamus, Hepar and many others may be associated with the treatment in some cases.
Cenesthopathy is classified as a mental disorder. But since its effects have a real impact on the subject's relationship with his body, the relief provided by the Sabadilla homeopathic remedy improves the patient's physical well-being. Indeed, an appropriate treatment can make the sensations of pain disappear as well as the sensations of distended parts or foreign bodies in the body.
Known to all, a headache is a more or less violent headache that is generally exacerbated by the influence of external factors such as light and noise or internal factors such as stress. Often benign, it is in the vast majority of cases attributable to physiological, psychological or hormonal factors and usually disappears after a few hours. In some cases, however, the headache can become periodic and appear at regular intervals, causing many inconveniences for the affected subject. It is also important to know that repeated headaches can sometimes hide serious psychological or organic pathologies that must be the subject of appropriate medical treatment. As a general rule, the pain associated with headaches is relieved by analgesics or analgesics. However, it is possible to avoid this type of treatment by resorting to homeopathic remedies that act specifically on the factors that cause the headache.
Neck pain
Neck pain is the consequence of a sudden movement of the neck or an accident that has damaged the cervical vertebrae. The symptoms are different for each individual and manifest themselves according to their history. Homeopathy can however relieve the physical disorders caused by neck pain, but the prescription will be established according to the symptoms. The first and most alarming signs are when you feel permanent pain that appears at a specific phase of the menstrual cycle, or pain that has been going on for more than three days.
In most cases, cervicitis is contracted as a result of unprotected sex with a partner infected with chlamydia, gonorrhea, or herpes. This inflammation of the cervix causes a permanent viscous discharge and bleeding from the patient's vagina. In addition, the patient feels burning when urinating and pain during sex. Argentum nitricum and Erigeron Canadensis are among the most suitable homeopathic remedies to treat this condition. These drugs eliminate the germs that carry the infection and relieve pain in the genital and urinary tract.
A chalazion is characterized by a tiny encysted mass on an eyelid. It results from the obstruction of a duct of one of the sebaceous glands. The accumulation of sebum promotes the production of pus which can cause an infection. Thanks to homeopathic remedies, it is possible to treat this eye condition in all its phases. It is possible to effectively treat chalazion that does not suppurate with specific products. Note that the nature of the products varies according to the phase of the disease.
Chamomilla Vulgaris
Just like other medicinal plants, wild chamomile is used in the development of homeopathic remedies. Indeed, Chamomilla Vulgaris is obtained from the dilution and dynamization of the extracts of this plant. In pediatrics, this remedy is given to children suffering from gum pain and fever during the eruption of their first teeth. Being an excellent analgesic, it is also used in gynecology to treat dysmenorrhea but also to calm the nervousness of indisposed women. In addition, people with behavioral disorders can also benefit from the sedative properties of Chamomilla Vulgaris. As for the dosage of the latter, it depends on the disorder to be treated and the patient's condition. However, Chamomilla Vulgaris 9 CH and Chamomilla Vulgaris 15 CH are the most commonly used.
Cheiranthus Cheiri
Cheiranthus Cheiri is a homeopathic remedy derived from the wallflower and is mainly used in stomatology. Its action on the oral mucous membranes quickly reduces the pain caused by teething, especially that of the wisdom tooth. This medication is recommended when the pain is accompanied by signs of trismus. Cheiranthus Cheiri is available in both mouthwash and granules, to make it easier to use on a daily basis.
Chelidonium Majus
Chelidonium Majus is a homeopathic medicine that can be used to treat liver disorders. It is made from the diluted and then energized mother tincture of celandine or wart herb. It is especially recommended in cases of liver disease characterized by discolored stools, pain in the abdomen that radiates to the right shoulder blade, jaundice or gallstones. Chelidonium Majus is in most cases used in 5 CH and should be taken outside of meals. Its dosage is usually 3 to 5 granules, to be taken 2 to 3 times a day.
Chemosis is an eye disorder that accompanies acute allergic conjunctivitis. The disease manifests itself as swelling and redness of the eyelids. Chemosis stimulates lacrimation and it can become abundant, especially if the disease is at an advanced stage. Homeopathy can be a solution to treat this pathology. Indeed, remedies such as Euphrasia and Apis mellifica can alleviate irritating tearing. However, a medical consultation is essential if the disease worsens, especially if the eye becomes hard and painful or if the patient has nausea.
Chimaphila Umbellata
Chimaphila Umbellata is prepared by macerating the pyrola in umbel, a plant that grows in North America. The main indication for this remedy is to treat problems related to urination, including pain or the presence of mucus. However, Chimaphila Umbellata is also suitable for the treatment of certain gynecological diseases such as vulvar inflammations. Prostate problems can also be solved with Chimaphila Umbellata. Available in the form of granules, syrup or decoction, Chimaphila Umbellata is a very effective remedy for the treatment of urinary disorders.
China rubra
After its successive dilution and dynamization, the bark of the red quinina makes it possible to obtain China rubra, a remedy that can stop bleeding as well as alleviate certain specific neurological disorders. Thanks to China rubra, it is also possible to reduce intermittent fevers and treat the other symptoms that accompany these pathologies. Gastroenterology specialists also recommend the remedy to improve the disorders caused by prolonged diarrhoea. China rubra also plays an important role during periods of convalescence and episodes of intense fatigue.
Chininum Sulfuricum
Obtained from quinine sulfate, Chininum Sulfuricum is a remedy particularly used in the treatment of tinnitus associated with other diseases such as headaches and dizziness. In addition, the remedy is also used in the treatment of disorders of the vertebrae. For each type of disease and its level of severity, an adapted dosage may be prescribed. In addition, it should be clarified that Chinium Sulfuricum is mainly used as an attack treatment.
Cholecystitis results from the obstruction of the bile ducts preventing bile from flowing. This leads to inflammation of the gallbladder which is the cause of the various manifestations of this pathology. Cholecystitis is usually treated with allopathic products with or without surgery. Nevertheless, homeopathy acts on the symptoms. The use of natural remedies makes it possible to treat this pathology effectively and without side effects. In case of complications, you should consult a doctor quickly.
Homeopathy has a favorable effect on the healing process. While some superficial wounds take about 2 to 3 days to heal, it is important to know that some deeper wounds can take up to 28 days to heal. In addition, these can still be painful after the healing process, causing discomfort for the patient. Homeopathic remedies mainly work on burns, cheloids and cuts to relieve the pain associated with these scars and promote their healing.
Cina, a plant that grows mainly in Russia and Eastern Europe, is used in homeopathy for the treatment of various ailments including pinworm caused by pinworm, which is an intestinal worm. The symptoms of oxyurase are characterized by skin conditions and various localized conditions in the digestive, respiratory and urinary tract. Cina is indicated to treat behavioral disorders characterized by nervousness and extreme irritability. The administration of various dilutions of Cina can stop these symptoms and eliminate the parasites from the body.
With red mercury sulfide as the basic constituent, Cinnabaris has manifest healing effects in various medical specialties. In the ENT sphere, Cinnabaris is ideal for a variety of pathologies located in the nasal passages and mucous membranes, in the ear or throat. In dermatology, prescribing this remedy is a demonstrably beneficial treatment option for treating skin conditions. In the specific field of venereology, sexually transmitted diseases and venereal diseases require the administration of this remedy. It has an effective therapeutic action through the various homeopathic dilutions that are prescribed according to a dosage well adapted to the symptomatology of the diseases.
Cocculus Indicus
Cocculus Indicus is a plant of Asian origin used in homeopathy for the development of a remedy of the same name. The latter can be used to treat cerebrospinal meningitis, Meniere's disease, spasmophilia, migraine, depression, hysteria, nervous exhaustion, anxiety and anguish, dysmenorrhea and leucorrhea. It is also suitable for pregnant women prone to nausea, vomiting, odour hyperesthesia, hypersialorrhea and/or hypersalivation. Most of the time, Cocculus Indicus is used in 5 CH dilution and 9 CH.
Coccus Cacti
In homeopathy, there are several drug formulas to treat infectious pathologies that the lungs undergo. Coccus Cacti is one of those remedies whose main mission is first of all to stop coughing fits, whether they are wet or dry. It can also be a cough similar to whooping cough, especially in young children. The respiratory mucous membranes are also vulnerable to mild infections that manifest themselves as a runny nose, but they can become infected if medications are not taken in time.
Coffea cruda
Coffea cruda is a homeopathic remedy that is obtained by macerating unroasted green coffee beans. Widely used in the treatment of neurological and behavioral disorders, this drug is particularly suitable for people suffering from temporary or chronic insomnia. With no adverse effects, Coffea cruda is also ideal for alleviating disorders usually associated with excessive brain activity or mental agitation. Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize that this remedy acts in a much more specific way on hyperactive, euphoric or irritable subjects. In addition to the neurological disorders mentioned above, Coffea cruda can also be used in cases of pain intolerance in hypersensitive subjects. Similarly, this drug can also be used in the treatment of certain gynecological disorders such as vulvar pruritus, for example.
Colchicum autumnale
Autumn colchicum is a plant that is very well known for its very high toxicity, as it contains a very dangerous substance called colchicine. To make the homeopathic remedy, colchicine is extracted from the bulbs of the plant. Thanks to this, the homeopathic remedy Colchicum autumnale is an effective treatment for many gastric problems. It also helps to remedy painful sensations in the abdomen and to the same extent, to evacuate the excessive amount of gas in case of flatulence. Colchicum autumnale is also very well known in obstetric medicine, in particular thanks to its effectiveness against nausea and vomiting in pregnant women.
The strain of the homeopathic remedy Colibacillinum comes from a bacterium present in the digestive tract of mammals, including humans. This is E. coli, also known as Escherichia Coli. Apart from its role in digestion, this microbial germ causes many pathologies in humans. The manufacture of the homeopathic remedy is inspired by the pathogenesis of the bacteria. Thus, Colibacillinum would be suitable in case of diseases due to E. coli and is the ideal remedy to treat cystitis. This homeopathic medicine is an excellent remedy to treat the majority of the symptoms that accompany the urinary tract infection.
Colic is a generally benign condition that affects both children and adults. It manifests itself as intermittent pain in the stomach. These are often accompanied by abdominal contractions, farts, burping, constipation or diarrhea. Shrill crying and convulsions are often seen in infants and usually lead to bouts of fever and vomiting. It is advisable to administer homeopathic doses to the patient as soon as the first signs appear, depending on the age and intensity of the pain. If symptoms persist, the patient should consult a general practitioner.
Hepatic colic
Hepatic colic, also known as a liver attack, results from a gallstone. It is characterized by severe pain that may or may not be intermittent. Sometimes, if left untreated, it causes acute cholecystitis, which is even more painful and can even be fatal. Several homeopathic remedies - such as Calcarea Carbonicum, Magnesia Phos, Berberis Vulgaris, Sepia biliaria, Cholesterinum and Chamomilla vulgaris - can be used to relieve mild liver colic. Some homeopathic medicines including Lycopodium, Belladona, Arnica, Ocimum Canum and Pareira brava, can even prevent complications. However, if the liver attack is accompanied by fever, chills, and/or vomiting, it is recommended to consult a doctor before undergoing homeopathic treatment.
Renal colic
Renal colic is a consequence of the presence of a foreign body in the urinary tract. This is the kidney stone that prevents urine from going from the kidney to the drainage glands, causing sudden pain. Homeopathy is an effective remedy provided that it is not taken during episodes of pain. Ideally, you should consult a doctor at the first symptoms so that he or she can prescribe the appropriate remedy. Afterwards, the patient can consume other homeopathic medicines to prevent the formation of other kidney stones.
Infant colic
Infants are unable to express themselves verbally, cry when they are in pain and it is up to the parents to determine the causes of this crying. Colic is often the main cause and although this pathology is the result of the maturation of the baby's digestive system, it is difficult for him to tolerate these manifestations. Apart from the appearance of certain signs that require a medical consultation, parents can opt for homeopathy to relieve their children of these colic attacks. These types of treatment do not pose any risk to the infant because the drugs used have been carefully developed with very small doses of natural plant extracts.
Collinsonia canadensis
Created from collinsonia, a perennial plant of the Labiae family native to North America, Collinsonia canadensis is a widely used homeopathic remedy due to its great therapeutic effectiveness. This remedy is indicated in case of intestinal and anal pain caused by hemorrhoids, constipation and stools that are difficult to evacuate. Collinsonia canadensis also helps to treat anal pruritus, flatulence and bloating. This remedy can be used by both adults and children, but it is particularly suitable for pregnant women.
Thanks to the dried coloquinte, homeopaths have been able to develop Colocynthis, an effective natural antispasmodic. Although this remedy is mainly recommended to reduce the pain caused by abdominal colic, it can also be used to treat multiple neurological conditions including sciatica and facial neuralgia. In addition, it is also used to treat menstrual pain, hepatic and renal colic, as well as respiratory and urinary disorders.
Functional colonopathy
Even though functional colonopathy is a very common pathology, the factors that cause it have still not been clearly identified by medicine. To date, however, the finger has been pointed at psychological and histological causes or an unbalanced diet. The symptoms of the disease are more than bothersome, especially since they are chronic. To deal with this, homeopathy has several remedies including Nux vomica, Magnesia and Causticum among others.
Condyloma is a sexually transmitted skin disease that manifests itself as warts on the genitals or oral cavity. To treat the condyloma, it is recommended to opt for homeopathic remedies such as Cinnabaris, Nitricum Acidum and Sabina. These remedies can also be combined with Thuja occidentalis for optimal effectiveness. As a disease-modifying treatment, the drugs indicated are mainly Natrum sulfuricum, Mercurius solubilis and Mercurius corrosivus.
Conjunctivitis is a condition caused by inflammation of the eye. It usually manifests itself as the redness of the affected eye and can be accompanied by various disorders including irritating or non-irritating tearing and allergy to wind or light. If it is of viral or bacterial origin, it is very contagious. This is why it is not recommended to use the same towel or tissue as a person who has it. But if it is allergic, it does not present any risk of contamination. Several homeopathic remedies, including Aconite, Apis, Euphrasia, Allium Cepa, Mercurius Corrosivus and Pulsatilla, can treat conjunctivitis and prevent it from recurring. If there is no satisfactory result within 48 hours of the start of treatment, the patient should consult an ophthalmologist.
Constipation is sometimes the result of a state of stress or a sedentary lifestyle, or even poor dietary hygiene. At the first symptoms, it is advisable to go see a homeopath to follow the treatment corresponding to the form of constipation you are suffering from. The physiological manifestations are not identical in each individual: some will have difficulty evacuating while others will have anal cracks. Constipation can also result from an irregular frequency of bowel movements, or dehydration, the primary cause of which is not drinking enough water, leading to dry mucous membranes. Homeopathy treats constipation definitively but always according to the symptoms that accompany the disease; Hence the combination of several homeopathic remedies for constipation if the patient has several disorders that cause constipation.
Whooping cough
Pertussis is an acute infectious disease that affects the respiratory tract. It is highly contagious and is caused by the bacillus Bordetella pertussis and is transmitted through the saliva of a patient. Pertussis usually affects young children as well as infants. Fortunately, homeopathy offers many remedies including Carbo Vegetalis, Sulfur, Belladonna, Ipeca, Coccus Cacti and Cuprum Metallicum to treat this disease according to its stage of evolution and the symptoms that accompany it.
Corallium Rubrum
Prepared from the skeleton of the red coral, Corallium Rubrum is a homeopathic remedy that can be used to treat many pathologies of viral origin. Infectious diseases that can be treated with Corallium Rubrum include whooping cough, coryza, and other infections characterized by the presence of cough, fever, or runny nose. Indeed, these symptomatic manifestations are attenuated by the medicinal properties of Corallium Rubrum. However, care must be taken to respect the dosage indicated by the doctor.
Coryza is a disease that manifests itself in different ways such as colds, coughs, obstruction and runny nose, as well as the flu. Generally, a homeopathic treatment is effective against these different symptoms if applied early. You must choose your treatment according to the disorders that arise. Zingiber officinal is recommended for the treatment of bronchi-related diseases. But specifically, Apocynum Cannabinum acts on the runny nose while Sticta Pulmonaria helps to get rid of continuous sneezing and stuffy nose. Many other homeopathic remedies are used in the treatment of coryza. Although coryza is not serious, it is best to take a newborn who suffers from it to a pediatrician. Indeed, a blocked nose with difficulty breathing can be serious and even fatal for the little ones.
Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that cause pain that can be intense. They can occur in cases of dehydration, great fatigue, or following various conditions and traumas. They are common in athletes, pregnant women and the elderly and to prevent them, the first step to take is to drink plenty of water, often and without waiting until you are thirsty. But depending on the case, various homeopathic remedies are offered to treat their symptoms. The best known is cuprum metallicum, to be used alone or combined with other preparations.
Croton Tiglium
Croton Tiglium is a therapeutic drug made from the seeds of Tilly, a plant that is part of the Euphorbiaceae family. The drug is indicated for the treatment of infectious diseases of the skin and genital tract. Generally, the dilution varies between 5 and 9 CH and the dose is repeated as long as the patient suffers from itching. As soon as his condition improves, we can space out the takes. Breastfeeding women can be treated with Croton Tiglium when they have pain in the nipples and if it extends to the shoulder blade.
Cruralgia or crural neuralgia is an inflammation of the nerve in the thigh. This pathology is characterized by pain focused on the path from the lower back to the foot, passing through the thigh and knee. This pain is favored by aging and prolonged sitting. The symptoms associated with it are painful, causing numbness in the lower limb. Homeopathic remedies can be effective in alleviating these nerve pains. Nevertheless, the patient must go to the doctor before starting any treatment. In addition, a medical examination is necessary in the event of a recurrence of the disease.
Cuprum Arsenicosum
Nausea, vomiting, bloating and fatigue are among the many ailments that occur during pregnancy and that create some frustration in pregnant women. Muscle cramps and pain are among the most annoying disorders and sometimes can paralyze patients. They are often due to a problem with blood circulation. Homeopathy, especially Curpum Arsenicosum, can be a great way to remedy this. This homeopathic remedy can rectify the problem, chase away the pain and reduce contractions.
Cuprum metallicum
Cuprum metallicum is a homeopathic medicine made by successive dilution of the mother tincture obtained from copper in its native state. The virtues of copper being recognized and used since ancient times to treat various pathologies, in homeopathy, it is indicated in case of gastroenteritis, respiratory and gynecological diseases of a spasmodic nature. It is also indicated in certain cases of behavioral disorders, but in any case, the dose varies according to the symptoms observed.
Curare is a substance extracted from certain plants that grow in the Amazon. This substance was first described by José Gumilla, but not enough was learned about it until the middle of the twentieth century. Curare provides many services in homeopathy. He is involved in the treatment of cases of muscle paralysis, back stiffness and neurological conditions. In addition, the substance is used to treat dry and severe coughs that are accompanied by vomiting.
Cyclamen europaeum
Cyclamen europaeum is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the Alpine violet, a variety of wild cyclamen. This plant, which belongs to the Primulaceae family, comes mainly from the European mountains. Cyclamen europaeum is mainly recommended in neurology in the treatment of simple headaches up to acute headaches. It is particularly indicated if migraines are accompanied by ophthalmic disorders. It is also indicated in some women during their menstrual period. In addition, this homeopathic remedy is also used in gastroenterology. Indeed, Cyclamen europaeum is effective against certain digestive disorders, especially in cases of indigestion.
Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder that presents itself in several ways. Sometimes it is of infectious origin and is caused by E. coli. But it can be interstitial, hemorrhagic, radiation or eosinophilic. Its symptoms are varied: pain is felt in the lower abdomen and thighs and is accompanied by cramps and burning when urinating. The patient may feel an urgent urge to urinate even at night. Cystitis can appear after pregnancy or menstruation or even during menopause and certain medical examinations can cause it. When you have difficulty urinating, you should consult your doctor immediately because early treatment avoids complications. Depending on the cause or symptoms of cystitis, there is a homeopathic remedy to treat it.