Cinnabaris is the name given to the red sulphide of mercury with the chemical formula Hg S. It is a mineral that is also used to develop a homeopathic remedy. To do this, it is finely ground and crushed in lactose, then successively deconcentrated through several homeopathic dilutions. Between each dilution, the solution thus obtained is vigorously agitated. These different jolts or succussions that characterize the dynamization procedure are intended to preserve and strengthen the medicinal properties of this remedy. Of mineral origin, Cinnabaris is a homeopathic medicine resulting from the crushing, dilution and dynamization of red sulphide of mercury.
Cinnabaris is a specifically effective remedy for the treatment of conditions in the ENT sphere. Moreover, its clinical indications are essentially related to pathologies circumscribed to the nose, larynx and ear. As far as the nasal tracts and mucous membranes are concerned, the therapeutic virtues of Cinnabaris are of great use in the presence of different forms of sinusitis. It is therefore indicated to reduce and eradicate severe pain felt in the forehead, ethmoid or sphenoid (frontal, ethmoid or sphenoidal sinusitis) and aggravated by humidity.
It also reduces and then ceases mucus and nasal catarrhs associated with painful sensations at the root of the nose. Cinnabaris is therefore a therapeutic solution for the treatment of rhinitis, epistaxis, and the common cold of the brain characterized by purulent, yellow mucus. In laryngology, this remedy is prescribed in the presence of swelling of the tonsil or angina characterized by stringy mucus. It is therefore beneficial for patients affected by dryness or ulceration in the throat. In the ear, it is the ringing and itching that requires, for all useful and therapeutic purposes, the administration of Cinnabaris.
Cinnabaris Dermatology is an excellent medication for skin conditions. It is highly recommended for the treatment of benign skin pathologies such as keratosis as well as buboes characterized by inflammatory swelling. It has an effective therapeutic action in the presence of seborrheic warts or warts located in the foreskin. In doing so, it is prescribed to relieve various irritations of the epidermis. In this case, it is severe itching or itching which is more intensive when the subject scratches. Therefore, this medication should be used when various skin manifestations such as redness, pustules or gangrenous ulcers prevail.
From the primary stage of syphilis, characterized by the appearance of an ulceration also called a chancre, the healing properties of Cinnabaris should be used. It is a remedy that effectively contributes to the treatment of the many symptomatic manifestations and the different forms of syphilis (squamous or vesicular syphilis). In addition to syphilis, the clinical indications for this remedy are related to other venereal diseases such as gonorrhea or condylamatosis confined to the foreskin. Thus, the manifest signs of the virus called papillomavirus (HPV) through condylomas, which are venereal tumors, require the administration of Cinnabaris for therapeutic purposes. It makes it possible to reduce and then put an end to symptomatic manifestations and to provide care that significantly improves the health of patients.
Recommended dosage in case of pathologies of the ENT sphere
In the presence of a condition characterized by a runny nose associated with purulent mucus, it is advisable to use 3 granules of Cinnabaris 5 CH 3 times during the day. In the specific case of sinusitis, mainly those characterized by pain contained to the forehead and ethmoid, the dosage required is 5 granules of Cinnabaris 9 CH 2 to 4 times a day depending on the acuity of the painful sensations.
Recommended dosage in case of dermatological pathologies
As far as the treatment of keratosis is concerned, 5 granules of Cinnabaris 9 CH 1 to 2 times a day are recommended to the patient. For seborrheic warts, the dosage is also 5 granules of Cinnabaris 9 CH 1 to 2 times a day.
Recommended dosage in case of venereal pathologies
For the treatment of symptomatic manifestations induced by the papillomavirus, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Cinnabaris 5 CH 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening. In the presence of condylomas located in the genital and anal parts; Cinnabaris 5 CH is recommended at a rate of 5 granules in the morning.