Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «O»

Find definitions about homeopathy starting with the letter "O", pathologies that can be treated with homeopathy and homeopathic medicines starting with "O"


Edema is the swelling of a tissue or organ caused by a buildup of fluid. It can be allergic or functional in origin, in which case it can be a sign of a more serious disease such as kidney failure. To be effective, homeopathic treatment must take into account the different causes of the disorder. For acute crises, it is advisable to opt for remedies with low dilution, while for chronic oedema, remedies with high dilution should be preferred.


Homeopathy is a good alternative to allopathic treatments that use synthetic medicines. This is the case of Oleander, a homeopathic remedy used in dermatological care. It is mainly indicated for treating skin conditions such as eczema. Administered alone or in combination with other homeopathic remedies, it relieves itching and burning sensations. Oleander reduces the appearance of oozing blisters and makes cradle cap disappear.


A nail disease often takes a very long time to treat and the patient must be very persevering to complete the treatment and obtain convincing results. The use of a homeopathic medicine is very effective in completely curing this type of disease and does not cause side effects that could be harmful to the body. In addition, the patient must also take some precautions to speed up healing. Finally, to prevent the spread of germs, the cloths used by the patient should be boiled.


Opium is especially known to be a narcotic product. However, it is also a very valuable remedy used in homeopathy. In fact, it is the basic plant used for the production of analgesics and analgesics. Opium works wonders on the treatment of gastric disorders and is very effective against constipation and diarrhoea. In addition, many practitioners prescribe Opium to people suffering from sleep disorders because the action of this product on the nervous system allows this type of problem to be effectively treated.


A stye is an infection caused by staphylococcus. A benign disease, it can be effectively treated by homeopathic methods. It mainly affects part of the eyelid and causes pain and discomfort. The stye generally has the appearance of a boil, a swelling filled with pus. Although very widespread, the stye has no significant consequences on the state of health of the individual; In addition, it is not contagious. The stye can occur at any age, but it is quite common in adults.

Learn more : Stye and homeopathy


Osteitis is an infection of the bones caused by pathogenic germs such as Staphylococcus aureus. Osteitis bacteria can also enter the body through heart valves and prosthetic materials. In its acute form, the disease manifests itself as pain when pressure is put on the affected limb. The signs of the chronic form are the appearance of skin fistulas accompanied by pus and inflammatory swelling. Homeopathic treatment is an alternative solution to traditional medicines. Medical consultation is necessary as soon as symptoms appear to avoid complications.


Osteopenia is a physiological condition that heralds a more serious disease, osteoporosis. It is characterized by a decrease in bone density, due to the rapid degradation of bone tissue. This weakening of the bone tissue then leads to osteoporosis, an irreversible disease of the bone. Although medical progress is not yet able to cure osteoporosis, a healthy lifestyle can prevent osteopenia, its primary stage. Homeopathy has various remedies to act at the sources of osteopenia and eradicate its causes.

Vertebral osteophytosis

Vertebral osteophytosis is one of the most serious bone and joint diseases. By attacking the spine directly, osteophytosis sometimes pierces the spinal cord canal and causes total or partial paralysis of the legs. Vertebral osteophytosis is characterized by pain located in the neck and cervical, sometimes it radiates to the face and also causes pain at the base of the spine. Despite its seriousness, the disease can be cured by resorting to numerous homeopathic treatments depending on the symptoms and the prior advice of a doctor.


Osteoporosis is a bone condition that occurs mainly in older people and postmenopausal women. It can manifest itself as pain in the spine due to the compression of the vertebrae. Femoral fractures that often occur in older people are also due to osteoporosis. The latter is caused by the loss of mineral elements from bone tissue. Homeopathy is effective in relieving symptoms. It can also be used as a disease-modifying treatment to prevent this disease or delay its manifestation.


Otitis is a viral or bacterial disease of the ear canal. It takes various forms, but the most common is acute otitis media. It mainly affects children between 6 months and three years old and is characterized by pain in the ear where sometimes a malodorous effusion appears. Acute otitis media, phlyctenular otitis, seromucosal otitis and mucopurulent otorrhea are the most common forms and homeopathic remedies have been developed for a basic treatment of the disease by natural methods.

Oxalicum Acidum

Oxalicum Acidum is an acid used in homeopathy to treat certain diseases. Indeed, it is used in urology to treat disorders such as kidney stones. In addition, its use helps prevent the formation of new lithiasis. It also helps relieve pain in cases of renal colic. The homeopathic strain Oxalicum Acidum comes from plants rich in oxalic acid and can be administered in the form of granules that must be allowed to melt under the tongue.


Oxyurase is a parasitosis whose pathogen is pinworm or Enterobius vermicularis, a worm belonging to the nemathelminth family. This contagious disease, which most often affects children, occurs after inhaling dust or ingesting food contaminated with pinworm eggs. It can manifest itself as itching and digestive, neurological, respiratory, urinary or genital disorders. In any case, it is possible to treat it with homeopathic remedies, the most used of which is Cina.