Treating Osteopenia with Homeopathy

Osteopenia is not a disease but a physiological condition that evolves into a more serious disease, osteoporosis. Homeopathy is a solution to manage this pathology through in-depth treatment.

Osteopenia is a physiological condition that is an intermediate stage leading to osteoporosis. If it cannot be treated, it can nevertheless be delayed or even avoided.

Osteopenia in a few words

Osteopenia is bone thinning. There is a decrease in bone density of up to 10%, which leads to a weakening of the bone tissue. Although osteopenia is not really a disease, it is nevertheless the indicator sign of a phase towards a more serious disease which is osteoporosis. Indeed, osteopenia is a stage of no return to the latter because once the decrease in density affects the bone, the process leading to osteoporosis is triggered according to a more or less rapid evolution.

The people most at risk of osteopenia are women over 60 years of age whose father or mother has been affected by osteoporosis. Those who have had early menopause or who have been prone to primary amenorrhea can also have it.

However, a healthy lifestyle can avoid or at least delay the onset of osteopenia. The first rule is to maintain a minimum physical activity such as walking on a regular basis. In addition, it is necessary to have a good diet and abstain from stimulants such as coffee, tobacco and alcohol, and to favor a diet rich in dairy products for the intake of calcium and vitamin D, and to eat green vegetables.

Symptoms of Osteopenia

The symptoms of osteopenia are usually characterized by tooth decay due to vitamin D and calcium deficiency. This deficiency also leads to a weakening of bone tissue, which increases the risk of fractures either spontaneously or following a fall, however slight. A rapid loss of height is also a warning sign, because this pathology is not painful. It can be seen from the age of 60, in both women and men, whether they are large or thin.

Homeopathic remedies to treat osteopenia

To compensate for the loss of bone tissue and mineral salts, homeopathic treatment consists of taking Silicea 7 CH daily when you wake up, Symphytum 5 CH at bedtime, and once a week a dose of Natrum Mur 9 CH.

To supplement calcium and vitamin D and thus avoid the risk of deficiency, take Silicea 7 CH 5 granules when you wake up, Natrum Mur 4 CH in the morning, Symphytum 5 CH at bedtime and once a week a dose of Calacareas Phos 9 CH, for 2 months.

Since bone turnover is governed by substances such as estrogen for women, they can stimulate its natural production by taking Folliculinum 5 CH once daily and FSH 30 CH one dose every month.

When to see the doctor?

When the height decreases significantly, accompanied by visual or hearing problems or sometimes dizziness, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Nausea and vomiting as well as abdominal or bone pain should not be neglected and reported quickly to the doctor who will do a more in-depth examination such as bone densitometry, in order to diagnose possible osteopenia, a phase leading to osteoporosis.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Homeopathy is an alternative medicine that makes it possible to compensate for certain deficiencies in order to avoid the appearance of osteopenia in adults. Homeopathic treatments can effectively manage this condition long before it manifests.

  1. Osteopenia in a few words
  2. Symptoms of Osteopenia
  3. Homeopathic remedies to trea ...
  4. When to see the doctor?

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