When Samuel Hahnemann defined the fundamental principles of homeopathy after many experiments and observations, his goal was to create a new form of medicine that could effectively treat patients while restoring their well-being. Tired of barbaric medical practices that were far too aggressive for his taste, he chose to treat his patients with remedies that were free of any toxicity but extremely effective at the same time. At the end of each treatment, Samuel Hahnemann notes the systematic recovery of patients despite very low dosage medications. Today, homeopathy retains its benefits more than ever and consequently continues to convince patients around the world with its incredible effectiveness. Preventive and curative at the same time, this natural therapy is safe for the body, which allows it to be used over the long term without the slightest risk of addiction or toxicity. Natural and holistic, homeopathic medicine also has the particularity of treating the individual as a whole so that his entire body can be regenerated.
What diseases can be treated with homeopathy?
Although homeopathy is a form of medicine whose therapeutic effectiveness is certain, it is important to know that its field of action is limited to only five major types of pathology. Nevertheless, the pathologies in question actually correspond to the most widespread diseases, which therefore allows us to affirm that homeopathy provides a reliable therapeutic response to the ailments from which human beings suffer the most.
Homeopathic medicine can be used to treat acute, chronic and recurrent conditions, but also multiple pathologies and serious pathologies. It is imperative to note, however, that in the event of a serious illness, homeopathic treatment will in no way replace allopathic treatment since it will then only act as a palliative. Indeed, it has been shown that homeopathy makes it possible to fight with remarkable effectiveness against the side effects caused by allopathic treatments usually recommended in cases of severe pathology.
It is also important to know that homeopathy can also be used in a preventive context, in order to limit the risk of seasonal diseases or temporary ailments such as influenza. Although it has often been said that this therapeutic method only works over a long period of time, it is useful to point out that this belief is indeed wrong. Thus, with an appropriate prescription and regular intake, the symptoms always disappear very quickly and only very rarely reappear. In the vast majority of cases, homeopathy can overcome the pathology in question, without the need for new treatments.
How does the principle of similarity make it possible to treat the disease effectively?
For Hippocrates, it seemed obvious that like could be cared for by like. Thanks to this theory, which he remembered after one of his very first experiments, Hahnemann discovered that pathologies could indeed be treated by remedies that caused the same symptoms in a healthy subject as those caused by a particular disease in an affected subject. Although this discovery was very badly received by Hahnemann's contemporaries, it is clear that the principle of similarity has contributed to the healing of hundreds of thousands of patients over the years.
Thanks to the numerous medical studies that have been carried out since then, it is now possible to affirm that any substance capable of causing pathological manifestations related to a specific disease in a healthy subject also makes it possible to eradicate these same manifestations in a sick subject when administered in an infinitesimal dose. Thus, by having the unique feature of reproducing the symptoms of a given disease, homeopathic treatment makes it possible to effectively fight against this same disease, without representing the slightest danger.
How can the dynamization process enhance the effectiveness of the homeopathic remedy?
If homeopathy makes it possible to provide a reliable therapeutic response to the disease, it is largely thanks to the dynamization process developed by Samuel Hahnemann during his experiments. Anxious not to poison his patients, the German doctor had created a dilution principle that consisted of gradually reducing the intensity of the substance used, so that it could finally no longer present any toxicity. Unfortunately, the remedies developed at the time had only a very weak effect, which prompted Hahnemann to further his research in order to create the dynamization process.
Thus, it is important to know that the therapeutic effectiveness of homeopathy also lies in this unique process which consists of shaking the solutions gradually obtained so that the preparations can retain all their beneficial virtues. Although dynamization is a widely controversial process, it is clear that the succussions carried out make it possible to eliminate the toxicity of the strain used while drastically optimizing the therapeutic action of the drug. Thanks to dynamisation, the active ingredient can retain its full strength despite many dilutions, which makes it more likely to act effectively against the disease.
How does the principle of individualization ensure better therapeutic effectiveness?
Unlike allopathic medicine, homeopathic medicine maintains that it is important to treat the individual as a whole so that his or her recovery is complete and lasting. Indeed, allopathic medicine aims above all to treat the symptoms associated with a given disease, without really worrying about a whole. In homeopathy, however, it is important to consider the totality of the being, knowing that each individual is unique in his or her constitution and thought. In short, beyond the visible pathology, homeopathy is interested in the particularity of each human being in order to provide him with a therapeutic response adapted to his ailments.
The principle of individualisation therefore allows the treatment to act significantly more effectively if the patient's body is treated as a whole. When the symptoms of an illness are approached in an isolated and standardised way, physical and mental well-being can be much more difficult to perceive. On the other hand, when care is tailored to each individual patient, well-being is felt both physically and emotionally, resulting in optimal therapeutic effectiveness.
Is homeopathy the subject of medical research that guarantees its effectiveness?
Today, a lot of medical research is underway in order to be able to continue to highlight the many healing properties of homeopathy. Carried out by recognized laboratories, this research demonstrates how effective this natural therapeutic method is for the body. To date, many studies have helped to prove that homeopathy is a reliable alternative for all those who wish to preserve their health or cure various ailments without resorting to a multitude of aggressive treatments. In addition, some of these studies have also shown that the effectiveness of homeopathy is real and that its therapeutic action can in no way be reduced to the placebo effect that some tend to attribute to it.