Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «L»
Caninum Lake
A homeopathic remedy derived from the milk of the dog, Lac Caninum is recommended to treat different types of physical and psychological disorders. This homeopathic substance is used in particular in cases of hormonal disorders in women. Lac Caninum also has an anti-inflammatory potential that relieves back pain, certain arthritis and acute angina. In addition, it is recommended for the treatment of nervousness and memory disorders.
Lachesis mutus
Of American origin, lachesis, also called surukuku or jararaca, is a very dangerous snake whose venom is used to make the homeopathic remedy lachesis mutus. Its effectiveness and rapid action in the treatment of diseases make lachesis mutus a highly prized drug. In addition, it is appreciated because of its many properties. In fact, it can be used to treat gynecological disorders, diseases of the anus or rectum, infections of the ENT and respiratory tract, behavioral disorders, dermatitis and hormonal diseases. For each of these pathologies, a dosage is recommended and must be scrupulously respected to optimize the effects of the drug.
Lachnanthes Tinctoria
Appreciated for its many therapeutic virtues, Lachnanthes Tinctoria is a remedy that is made from a plant native to America called American Ceanothus or Red Root. About one meter tall, this endangered perennial plant hardly grows anymore. Lachnantes tinctoria is mainly used in homeopathy in the treatment of rheumatic disorders. However, it is also involved in the treatment of several other disorders such as stomach pain, earaches, eye disorders etc. Depending on each pathology, a specific dosage is recommended and it should be respected to optimize the therapeutic effectiveness of the treatment.
A patient with laryngitis complains of a lump in the throat, coughing especially at night, or loss of voice. Sometimes he may have a stuffy nose or fever and swallow or breathe with difficulty. The recommended homeopathic remedies depend closely on the specificity of the pain and the symptoms of laryngitis. Thus, to treat hoarse voices, the recommended remedies are Spongia and Cansticum. To treat mild dry coughs, Rumex cruspus is sufficient, while Bromium is more suitable in case of choking. Remedies also exist for stuffy noses and for voice loss. Normally, in an adult, laryngitis disappears quite quickly after a cure with the appropriate homeopathic remedy. However, in a child, medical consultation is always recommended.
Ledum Palustre
Made from the twigs of the "Marsh Ledon" shrub, Ledum Palustre is a very effective homeopathic product, used in the treatment of various pathologies. Indeed, thanks to its properties, it can alleviate gout attacks, joint pain as well as rheumatic pain. Similarly, in the field of traumatology, Ledum Palustre is effective in treating swelling and bruising following blows or shocks. And even, in dermatology, this remedy is effective because it heals wounds during acne eruptions and soothes pain and swelling during insect bites. With a dose of 5 CH to 15 CH, taken alone or with other remedies, with dosages varying according to symptoms, Ledum Palustre is an effective remedy.
Leucorrhea is a gynecological condition that is often found in women. It manifests itself as white or colored discharge with the presence of itching, irritation and pain in the lower abdomen. The infection is caused by germs or fungi. Homeopathy can be used to treat both acute and chronic symptoms. Remedies are administered according to the symptoms, including the color of the leucorrhea. This gynecological condition is often considered benign, but it is necessary to go to a medical consultation in the presence of fever or abnormal discoloration of the discharge.
Lichen planus
Lichen planus is a condition whose real causes are still unclear. In most cases, it is attributed to an allergic reaction following the use of certain medications, but its manifestations are also reminiscent of an allergy. In any case, this itchy lesion leaves spots on the skin and as it progresses, it could lead to complications in the muscles and joints. To treat it, various homeopathic medicines are available. Thus, the combination of certain remedies makes it possible to treat the symptoms and the disease itself in a few weeks.
Lilium Tigrinum
Lilium tigrinum is a homeopathic medicine obtained from the flowers of the tiger lily, a plant in the liliaceae family. Usually used in the form of granules, Lilium tigrinum is mainly indicated to treat behavioral disorders in women. Generally, Lilium tigrinum is recommended to treat depressed and fearful women. The remedy is also recommended in gynaecology, when the woman has menstrual disorders and feels pain in the lower abdomen. Depending on the pathology observed, the required dose will be determined.
There are several factors that can cause lipothymia, including low blood pressure, prolonged standing, sudden change in posture and confinement in an enclosed environment and fatigue. Most often, the malaise occurs after the appearance of various warning signs. Then, the patient is dizzy, losing his balance and feels that he is going to lose consciousness. As for treatments, homeopathy is particularly effective. Moreover, with this therapy, we have the possibility of being able to adapt the treatments according to the symptoms of lipothymia.
Lobelia inflata
Lobelia inflata is a herbaceous plant, native to North America and with multiple virtues. This plant contains an alkaloid that homeopathy uses as a medicine. This remedy is particularly recommended for pregnant women who are prone to nausea, whether it is of food or related to certain odors. Lobelia inflata has curative effects on respiratory functions as well. Due to its properties as a tobacco substitute, Lobelia inflata is a gentle method for those who decide to quit smoking.
Low back pain
Low back pain is pain that results from the contraction of the muscles in the lower back. It can have multiple causes with various symptoms, hence the need for a more global approach. This approach considers the physical, psychological and emotional factor of the subject in order to be able to treat it. It is also possible to relieve low back pain with homeopathic remedies. Treatment can be alone or in combination depending on the symptoms that appear. However, certain signs such as the presence of fever should prompt the subject to go to a medical consultation.
Benign summer lucite
Summer light burning is one of the most common skin conditions during periods of extreme heat. This is because the skin is more sensitive to UV rays, which can lead to itching that can turn into hives. Homeopathy offers a whole series of preventive treatments to avoid lucitis. However, other homeopathic remedies can relieve the first symptoms as soon as they occur after sun exposure. In some cases, open wounds may appear, in which case a medical consultation is necessary.
Luesinum is a homeopathic remedy obtained from samples of primary syphilitic cankers. Made with elements derived from a disease, Luesinum or Syphilinum is a homeopathic nosode. This powerful remedy is primarily indicated for treating people who have had or are experiencing symptoms of syphilis and to improve their immune systems. In addition to these indications, Luesinum may be prescribed for the treatment of insomnia, arthralgia and certain forms of severe skin lesions. Luesinum may also be given to pregnant women to help them better manage childbirth.
Often felt in the lower back, lumbago manifests itself as pain with various causes and causes many people to suffer. Sometimes the symptoms are accompanied by stiffness in the last vertebrae of the lumbar region. The pain can sometimes extend to places like the abdomen and legs. Whatever the causes and manifestations, lumbago is effectively treated by homeopathic remedies. When this pain occurs, it is advisable not to delay in consulting the doctor and to scrupulously follow the homeopathic prescription he makes. Homeopathic remedies for lumbago are validly used as both a basic treatment and an adjunct treatment.
Lycopodium clavatum
Lycopodium clavatum is a homeopathic remedy of spongy origin whose mother tincture is obtained by ethanolic extraction of bioactive molecules from the lycopod officinal. The drug is widely used in homeopathics to treat behavioral disorders that manifest themselves by the alternation of irritability and depression. It is also used in the treatment of certain urological and dermatological diseases. Generally, the homeopath prescribes the dilution of 5 CH and 9 CH depending on the pathology observed. Similarly, the duration of treatment varies according to the symptoms.
Lycopus is a herbaceous plant that grows in many parts of Europe. The plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family and can grow to more than a meter tall. The homeopathic uses of this plant are multiple, but it is mainly used in the treatment of heart conditions. Patients who suffer from palpitations, or an enlarged heart will then benefit from its virtues. In addition, lycopus relieves many more or less benign ailments such as gastric pain or lesions in the palate. However, it should be used judiciously because in the event of an overdose, it can produce adverse effects on the body.
Lymphangitis is a disease that mainly affects the lymphatic vessels. It is characterized by inflammation of the lymph cells and sometimes causes pain in the areas where the lymphatic vessels are located. In addition, lymphangitis can take on dangerous proportions in some individuals such as fever, delirium and a permanent feeling of thirst. Following the doctor's advice, various homeopathic remedies can be taken to treat this pathology.
Lymphedema is an abnormality in the vessels that carry lymphatic fluid. It can be of hereditary or medical origin, appearing following surgery or a parasitic disease such as filariasis. There are several types of lymphedema, but the most common form is primary lymphedema. Homeopathic remedies can effectively treat this disease and relieve its pain. Finally, it should be noted that the presence of abnormal swelling of the limbs or the presence of pain should be the subject of immediate medical consultation.