Lilium tigrinum is a homeopathic medicine obtained from the tiger lily, a bulbous plant belonging to the Liliaceae family. Coming mainly from East Asia, the tiger lily grows today in almost all temperate regions. To obtain the mother tincture, the flowers of the plant are used and diluted as many times as necessary to obtain the required dose. Lilium tigrinum is available in many formulations. However, the most commonly used is the one in the form of granules.
Indications in gynecology
Lilium tigrinum is a remedy that has a wide field of application in gynecology. Indeed, the drug is used to treat various forms of diseases. When a woman manifests uncontrolled sexual desires, or even nymphomania, she requires, most of the time, treatment with Lilium tigrinum. Very often, these desires cause involuntary orgasms, causing the woman to use foul language.
Lilium Tigrinum is also used to regulate the cycle, mainly when menstruation is early, black and only appears during the day. The disorder is such that in a sitting position, there is a total absence of rules. In addition to these symptoms, there is usually a prolapse of the ovaries and a burning sensation in the lower abdomen. This is mainly due to high pressure in the uterus, giving the impression that the contents of the belly are going to come out through the vagina. In addition, the pain is more and more intense during menstruation. In addition, the woman suffers from itching of the vulva and vagina with a strong feeling of fullness.
Indications for treating behavioral disorders
Lilium tigrinum is a remedy indicated for certain particular behavioral disorders, usually in women. The drug is indicated in the case of a deep mental breakdown, leading the woman to cry and suffer constantly from despair. She tends to complain and can scream at any time.
The person becomes fearful, feels overwhelmed, even if they don't have much to do. She fears that she has an incurable illness and shows great anxiety, sometimes leading her to think about suicide. In addition, the patient may have significant palpitations that prevent her from falling asleep and a feeling of fainting when standing for prolonged periods of time.
Recommended dosages in case of gynecological disorders
To relieve cramps during menstruation and dysmenorrhea, it is indicated to take 5 granules of Lilium tigrinum 5 CH, especially if you feel that the pain reaches the lower abdomen and thighs. The frequency of administration of this dose varies between 3 and 5 times depending on the intensity of the pain. However, the remedy can be taken as many times as necessary. This dose is also recommended when the woman experiences hot flashes accompanied by cold sweats.
Recommended dosages in case of behavioural disorders
To treat behavioural disorders, especially mental disorders, it is recommended to take 3 granules of Lilium tigrinum 5 CH at half-hour intervals. The dose can be repeated as many times as necessary, until the woman's condition improves.