Ambrea grisea against behavioural disorders

If you are stressed, depressed or suffer from severe fatigue accompanied by behavioral disorders, Ambra grisea is recommended. It is a homeopathic solution that can restore a balance in relation to these different pathologies.

Homeopathy has succeeded in isolating many active ingredients from ambergris in order to produce a homeopathic remedy that is widely used. While homeopathy is more generally known for its herbal remedies, Ambra grisea is of animal origin, obtained from the dilution of octopus ink. Generally used to treat behavioral disorders, the virtues of the Ambra grisea remedy also help to cure certain physical pathologies.

The origins of Ambra grisea

Ambergris is a totally natural product recovered from the surface of the oceans or on beaches. Indeed, ambergris is produced, or rather expelled by sperm whales after their digestion. It is in fact octopus ink that takes on a solid shape after passing through the intestinal transit of the sperm whale.

Pathologies associated with the homeopathic remedy Ambra grisea

Ambergris is generally prescribed for people suffering from mental disorders and behavioral problems ranging from sickly shyness to the most serious mental pathologies such as chronic depression. The active ingredients contained in ambergris generally help to calm a person, bringing a certain peace of mind to the patient. This is why Ambra grisea is also used as a means to combat sleep disorders, overwork, etc. In addition, ambergris can also help people who suffer from psychological sexual problems. This is very useful, for example, for men who have erectile dysfunction due to a lack of self-confidence or for women who are frigid.

Recommended dosages for taking Ambra grisea

In the case of the most serious pathologies, especially for those suffering from depression, the treatment will be done for 10 days with 2 to 3 granules of Ambra grisea 9 CH per day depending on the degree of behavioral disorders. In the case of less serious pathologies such as sleep disorders, 3 granules of Ambra grisea 5 CH will be enough to allow you to relax and find a restful sleep. For the elderly, the dosage will be reduced to 1 granule per day.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


The virtues of the homeopathic remedy Ambra grisea are sometimes surprising. This homeopathic product is also an excellent solution to stop morning migraines in their tracks. A dose of Ambra grisea will also be effective in case of constipation or muscle cramps.

  1. The origins of Ambra grisea
  2. Pathologies associated with ...
  3. Recommended dosages for taki ...