Treating Heart and Gynecological Disorders with Cactus Grandiflorus

Cactus Grandiflorus is a remedy that successfully contributes to the improvement of the health status of several patients. Its therapeutic field of action concerns several areas.

Cactus Grandiflorus literally means large-flowered cactus. Native to Jamaica and Mexico, this plant of the cactaceae family is characterized by flowers that have an ephemeral life. In homeopathy, this plant is very useful because it allows you to develop a remedy from the shoots and flowers that are macerated in alcohol. This maceration makes it possible to obtain the mother tincture which is then diluted several times. Finally, between each dilution, the solution undergoes a series of shaking or agitation called dynamization in homeopathy. This dynamization makes it possible to preserve and strengthen the therapeutic properties of the remedy. Diluted and energized, Cactus Grandiflorus is a plant-based remedy that can treat several pathologies.


Cactus Grandiflorus is mainly indicated to treat a wide variety of heart pathologies. These are various organic and functional disorders characterized by sharp pain or constriction sensations comparable to compression of the heart. In practice, this remedy is very effective for the treatment of angina or angina pectoris, a condition in which coronary artery damage is manifested through particularly violent and constrictive pain.

The scope of application of Cactus Grandiflorus extends to inflammations of the heart or the membranes of this organ, namely chronic carditis, endocarditis or pericarditis. The curative properties of this drug significantly improve the health of patients affected by heart aneurysm, cardiac hypertrophy, valve damage, rheumatic heart disease and heart palpitation. These daytime or nocturnal palpations, nervous or organic, are accompanied by more intense pain when the subject makes an effort or lies on his left side. Cactus Grandiflorus is thus indicated to remedy the irregularity, slowing down and abnormal acceleration of the heartbeat.


When menstruation is very painful, Cactus Grandiflorus brings great relief to the woman. This remedy is a good therapeutic ally that alleviates constrictive pain confined to the pelvis and uterus during menstruation. Most of the time, these pains are aggravated by touch. In these conditions, sexual intercourse becomes particularly painful, as in the case of vaginismus. The prescription of Cactus Grandiflorus in gynaecology can effectively treat ovarian inflammation (ovaritis), uterine cramps and menstrual cycle disorders (dysmenorrhea).

Recommended dosages in case of heart disease

In the presence of an accelerated heart rate (tachycardia), five granules of Cactus Grandiflorus 5 CH should be taken three times a day. For the treatment of angina pectoris, it is recommended to take three granules of Cactus Grandiflorus as soon as the attack appears. In many cases, the dosage is three granules of Cactus Grandiflorus 200 K every thirty minutes. This frequency of intakes is spaced out according to the mitigation of crises.

Recommended dosages in case of gynecological pathologies

Women confronted with vaginismus, often associated with anxiety, can resort to Cactus Grandiflorus by taking three granules half an hour before sexual intercourse and three granules every evening during a trimester. This treatment is renewable. For uterine cramps, the treatment consists of taking a dose of Cactus Grandiflorus 3CH at 15 CH.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Cactus Grandiflorus is a remedy that has many therapeutic properties. It is a sedative that also has anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, it can be prescribed to patients confronted with inflammatory pathologies (ophthalmia, coryza) or characterized by painful sensations (rheumatism, migraine).

  1. Cardiology
  2. Gynaecology
  3. Recommended dosages in case ...
  4. Recommended dosages in case ...