Veratrum Album is a homeopathic medicine used in various branches of medicine. It is extracted from the rhizomes of the white hellebore, also known as the white hellebore. Veratrum Album is prescribed in the treatment of gastric disorders and certain gynaecological conditions, but also in spasmophiles. Its use must be extremely careful knowing that the plant is toxic.
food poisoning is the cause of gastroenteritis, alarming signs such as acute and violent diarrhoea will indicate that Veratrum Album should be given to the infected person. This homeopathic remedy is particularly recommended in food poisoning due to the consumption of seafood, fish and shellfish. The warning signs are sometimes associated with a feeling of cold crossing the whole body with a feeling of fullness in the stomach.
menstruation is painful or flows in an unusual way, Veratrum Album 15 CH will restore balance. However, it is advisable to take it from the first day of menstruation to prevent discomfort from occurring. One can also take Veratrum album if menstrual spasms cause the person to bend over backwards to feel better.
Diarrhea caused by tourista Tourista
is a disease usually contracted in tropical countries. It is characterized by diarrhea that is both painful and frequent, associated with nausea and vomiting. Nicknamed "traveler's diarrhea", tourista is treated with Veratrum album at the first symptoms.
Choleriform diarrhea
Some diarrheal manifestations resemble the symptoms of cholera with profuse bowel movements, painful colic and a need to rehydrate constantly. In this case, the patient needs Veratrum album 5 CH with 4 to 6 doses per day. He will have to take 3 granules with each dose.
Dosage in case of gastroenteritis
If gastroenteritis manifests itself as profuse, painful diarrhoea accompanied by cold sweat, the patient should receive a dose of Veratrum Album 9 CH. A dose will consist of 5 granules to be swallowed every half hour at first, then the doses will be spaced out after the patient's health has improved.
Dosage in case of intestinal bleeding
An intestinal hemorrhage is usually accompanied by severe asthenia followed by cold sweat. At this time, the patient constantly needs to get some fresh air. To remedy this, you should administer Veratrum album 4 CH every ten minutes. However, avoid giving the patient excitement. In this type of pathology, Veratrum album acts as an antihemorrhagic and the treatment should only be stopped when the intestinal bleeding stops.
Recommendations in case of spasmophilia
Spasmophilia is another pathology that Veratrum album can treat. Tetany attacks, painful and violent spasms that have to do with cramps, can also be treated by the Veratrum album. This homeopathic remedy is able to guarantee the rapid recovery of the subject after an attack.