Petroleum is a natural brown liquid composed essentially of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons. It comes from deposits or the seabed. It is a natural mineral that is very useful in homeopathy. This is all the more so since it is used to develop a homeopathic remedy, in this case Petroleum. To do this, the crude oil is first distilled or purified to obtain the petroleum oil which is the basic constituent of this remedy. Diluted, then vigorously agitated, this constituent acquires therapeutic properties that make it possible to treat a considerable number of pathologies.
The dysfunction of the glands that secrete sweat or sweat glands results in various skin conditions that are effectively treated by the administration of Petroleum. This remedy intervenes in the regulation of these glands, reduces and eradicates the skin manifestations resulting from itching and eczema. The indications for this remedy are therefore related to skin pathologies such as impetigo, psoriasis, herpes of the genitals and warts.
Petroleum is prescribed with the aim of removing the unsightly character of unhealthy, cracked, cracked and rough skin. It is therefore indicated for the treatment of patients affected by chapping, scabs and magnifying glasses. Burl is a skin disorder resulting from an abnormal increase in the volume of the sebaceous gland, resulting in the presence of a cyst.
Behavioral Disorder
Various behavioral disorders are indications of Petroleum. In any case, this remedy is appropriate for personalities who are disturbed at the level of their mind and who are unable to direct and coordinate their thoughts. These are individuals who are delusional or have irresolute and anxious behavior. This lack of coordination is also apparent in their motor behavior, which is marked by uncontrolled movements (convulsions) and unbalanced movements (vertigo).
In many cases, these dizziness appear when they use a means of transport. The motion sickness which is thus manifested will be one of the main indications of Petroleum. This pain is often associated with anxiety and fear. Petroleum is particularly suitable for alleviating these behavioral nervous disorders resulting from seasickness or any motion sickness. The therapeutic properties of this remedy relieve travellers or subjects who are irritable, agitated and victims of emotional tension.
Petroleum acts effectively in the digestive tract to stop the symptomatic manifestations that arise. Its healing properties are very suitable for the treatment of stomach ulcers, gastralgia and gastrointestinal dyspepsia. The symptoms of these digestive disorders are aggravated by movement with an improvement with eating. Petroleum is also prescribed in the presence of incessant diarrhea often associated with colitis and when persistent nausea, violent vomiting and stomach pain prevail.
Recommended dosage in case of dermatological pathologies
The dilution of Petroleum in 5 CH can be used to treat various skin conditions. Against eczema, it is advisable to take 3 granules in 5 CH 3 times a day. This same dilution is prescribed for the treatment of cracks and chapping. The dosage is then 5 granules 3 times a day at first. Then, with the improvement of the skin appearance, this frequency of intake can be reduced to 5 granules 2 times a day. When the skin is rough and oozing, 3 granules in 5 CH are recommended 3 times a day. When the itching is more intense in cold weather, it is advisable to take a dilution of 7 CH at a rate of 2 granules in the morning when you wake up and in the evening when you go to bed for 1 month.
Recommended dosage in case of behavioural disorders
Motor behaviour disorders such as dizziness are treated by administering 3 granules of Petroleum 9 CH 3 times a day. Petroleum 9 CH is administered against behavioral disorders resulting from motion sickness, the dosage is 3 granules every hour. However, these doses must be spaced out with the alleviation of disorders and discomfort.
Recommended dosage in gastroenterological pathologies
3 granules of Petroleum 5 CH, 4 to 5 times a day, are administered to patients affected by sudden and excruciating vomiting which is improved by eating. When it comes to nausea that decreases in intensity with eating, the required dosage is 3 granules of Petroleum 9 CH 3 times a day.