Treating gastroenterological and dermatological conditions with Antimonium crudum

Antimonium crudum homeopathic product treats digestive disorders as well as certain skin conditions. A medical consultation is indicated to make the correct diagnosis and determine the dosage.

Consumed for medical purposes and in homeopathy, Antimonium crudum is extracted from black antimony sulfide. It is particularly effective in the care of skin fungus and gastroenterology.

The main indications

Some individuals consume an exceptional amount of food to compensate for their need for insurance. According to certain psychological pathologies, the subject does not stop eating and cannot control himself between meals. To restore normal feelings of hunger, these patients may take Antimonium crudum. Behavioral disorders cause dermatological problems and overweight, especially when dishes have high calories and are extremely spicy. The dosage of Antimonium crudum will be 2 granules at a dilution of 9 Ch, to be taken three times a day.

The recommended dosage for digestive disorders

Antimonium crudum 7 Ch is prescribed to patients with a permanent state of anxiety that is relieved by eating a food. The symptoms of the pathology are accentuated when the meal is heavy but fade with rest. Antimonium crudum is indicated in cases of indigestion that result from excessive eating causing vomiting. It is the effective homeopathic remedy to eliminate diarrhoea occurring on hot days or caused by a food intolerance. Antimonium crudum is used to treat a stomach that is frequently prone to burning and belching that has the same flavor as the food it absorbs. If the stomach is sore and tight in all directions causing nausea and vomiting, it is absolutely necessary to consume Antimonium crudum, which is also indicated for stomach disorders caused by the ingestion of sweets.

Applications in dermatology

In the field of dermatology, Antimonium crudum is used to treat warts including plantar warts, various manifestations of eczema as well as impetigo. Antimonium crudum is a homeopathic medicine whose active ingredients are used to treat skin rashes such as hives and eczema. In winter, this product is prescribed at a dilution of 9 Ch to reduce tightness of the skin and treat cracking on the face. Antimonium crudum is prescribed in homeopathy to treat redness in the eye. It helps treat skin conditions on the eyelids that are usually itchy and swollen.

Antimonium crudum is also indicated to soothe inflammation and cracking that affect the corners of the lips and the skin around the nostrils. Antimonium crudum is effective in combating dermatological problems such as hives and rashes similar to insect bites. It is also recommended to reduce the massive recurrence of freckles. When the skin has eczema and the pimples become infected, a treatment based on Antimonium crudum is possible.

Warts and calluses are the main skin conditions seen on the feet. When the feet become painful and calluses multiply, Antimonium crudum should be taken immediately. To remove plantar warts, Antimonium crudum should be diluted to 7 or 9 Ch especially if the warts are hardened, and mound. The frequency of taking Antimonium crudum will vary from one to three doses per day, depending on the individual and the development of the warts.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being


Antimonium crudum is a homeopathic remedy to treat pathologies related to excessive appetite. However, it should not be consumed as an appetite suppressant.

  1. The main indications
  2. The recommended dosage for d ...
  3. Applications in dermatology

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