Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «K»

Find definitions about homeopathy starting with the letter "K", pathologies that can be treated with homeopathy and homeopathic medicines starting with "K"

Kalium Arsenicosum

Kalium Arsenicosum is a remedy obtained from potassium arsenite, a white powder that is naturally bitter and very toxic, but which is no longer so after homeopathic dilution. It is particularly effective in the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, itching and other dermatological problems. But it also helps treat bronchitis, chronic coughs as well as certain kidney and gastrointestinal disorders. The dosage and duration of treatment depend on the type of condition. Nevertheless, it is advisable to consult a doctor if the disease persists for more than 3 days or worsens.

Kalium Bichromicum

Kalium Bichromicum stands out from other homeopathic remedies for its ability to treat a wide variety of pathologies ranging from the field of gastroenterology to the treatment of various pains. This drug therefore has multiple indications. Kalium Bichromicum treats all forms of lesions, especially those with ulcerations such as gastric ulcers or ulcerations of the cervix following an infection. This homeopathic remedy is also indicated in the treatment of purulent discharge from the nose and vulva. Kalium Bichromicum thus contributes to the strengthening of the immune system by fighting microbial infections such as certain contact eczema or painful canker sores.

Kalium Bromatum

The field of application of Kalium Bromatum is psychic and organic. In the psychological field, its therapeutic effects make it possible to successfully treat several behavioral disorders. It is in this register that it is an appropriate remedy for anxious or depressed subjects. This is all the more so since memory disorders and depressive syndromes are among the indications for this remedy. On an organic level, Kalium Bromatum contributes greatly to the eradication of skin conditions. It is thus used in the treatment of several skin rashes (psoriasis) and various forms of acne in newborns, adolescents or pregnant women.

Kalium Carbonicum

The administration of Kalium Carbonicum contributes greatly to the well-being of a number of patients because, thanks to the therapeutic effects of this remedy, they can benefit from proper homeopathic treatment against various pathologies such as digestive diseases. In addition to the digestive system, ailments that hinder the proper functioning of the organs of the respiratory system are also the indications for this remedy. It is therefore prescribed for therapeutic purposes in asthmatic subjects but also to relieve patients suffering from joint damage or heart conditions. In addition, the healing properties of Kalium Carbonicum act effectively in the kidneys and female organs. In women, they are used to treat gynecological disorders as well as the aftermath of childbirth, which is characterized by various pains.

Kalium Iodatum

In homeopathy, Kalium Iodatum remains an essential resource in the presence of various forms of inflammation that affect the organs, especially those in the ENT sphere. It is an excellent remedy that has as its therapeutic indications inflammations of the mucous membranes and nasal cavities as well as those of the larynx. These are sinusitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, etc., and inflammation confined to the eyes is not excluded. On the contrary, the therapeutic effectiveness of this drug also makes it possible to treat various ophthalmological conditions. These include keratitis and conjunctivitis. Similarly, in the field of rheumatology, Kalium Iodatum is prescribed for the treatment of inflammation, in the joints or bones, such as synovitis or periostitis.

Kalium muriaticum

Many homeopathic medicines are developed from mineral salts. This is the case of Kalium muriaticum, made with diluted and dynamized potassium chloride crystals. With anti-inflammatory properties and healing properties, Kalium muriaticum acts favorably on multiple diseases of the ENT, oral, ophthalmological and digestive spheres. Some types of arthritic conditions respond favorably to treatment with Kalium muriaticum. In addition, various skin diseases can also be relieved by Kalium muriaticum.

Kalium Phosphoricum

A remedy of mineral origin, Kalium Phosphoricum is a therapeutic solution aimed at reducing and combating certain behavioural manifestations. Thus, behavioral disorders that occur as a result of psychological exhaustion or intellectual fatigue are treated with this remedy. It is therefore indicated when behaviours marked by irritability, nervousness or melancholy prevail. Also, depressed, lazy, forgetful or memory problems as well as women who suffer from baby blue can use this medication. The different dilutions of Kalium Phosphoricum can relieve and significantly improve the health of these subjects.

Kalium Sulfuricum

Kalium Sulfuricum as a remedy is also one of Schüssler's twelve salts. Its main indications concern several medical specialties, including otorhinolaryngology (ENT). It is very suitable for relieving or eradicating the sequelae and manifestations of conditions related to the nasal passages and mucous membranes, the ear and the larynx. It is therefore rightly prescribed in the presence of respiratory pathologies of infectious or allergic origin: head cold, sinusitis. In addition to these pathologies, Kalium Sulfuricum can also be used to treat skin diseases. To do this, patients who are chronically confronted with dermatoses and several skin conditions are recommended. Skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis and many other dermatological diseases can be effectively treated thanks to the healing properties of this remedy.

Kalmia Latifolia

Kalmia Latifolia is a homeopathic remedy made from the American laurel. Of proven usefulness, this remedy contributes significantly to the treatment of several ailments, including painful conditions. This is why it is prescribed to patients affected by pain of various kinds, confined to several organs. These include rheumatic, joint and dental pain, as well as neuralgia or conditions such as shingles. To this end, different dilutions of Kalmia Latifolia, administered at a very specific dose, make it possible to reduce or eliminate the painful pain resulting from these pathologies.


Keratoconjunctivitis is one of the most annoying and also the most painful eye diseases. This double inflammation of the conjunctivitis and cornea of the eye is due to bacteria as well as certain viruses. In addition, it is characterized by swelling of the eye as well as secretions and pain in the eyes. Homeopathy is an option for treating keratoconjunctivitis. Among the homeopathic medicines intended to relieve this disease, we can opt for Apis mellifica. This product extracted from the bee effectively reduces the infections that affect the eye in keratoconjunctivitis.


Used in homeopathy, Kreosotum is indicated for the treatment of many gynecological conditions. It acts gently without harming the body because it is entirely prepared from the extract of a plant: beech. In addition, Kreosotum is used in different dilutions. To treat acute illnesses, Kreosotum is recommended at low dilution because the goal is to treat a well-defined organ. High-dilution remedies are suitable for chronic diseases for long-term treatment.

Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are tumors located in the ovary. They can be functional cysts caused by the malfunction of the ovary or organic cysts. In the latter case, they are due to the alteration of the structure of the ovary by causing hormonal disturbances. The symptoms are recognized by pain in the pelvis and which is accentuated at the time of menstruation. The use of homeopathic remedies helps to reduce pain and resorb cysts.