Treating gynecological disorders with Kreosotum

Kreosotum is an effective homeopathic remedy that works gently without attacking the body. It is prescribed to relieve gynecological disorders.

Kreosotum is one of the homeopathic medicines that can relieve many diseases, especially in gynecology. In addition, it is a remedy that was already used in the nineteenth century in the form of creosote to relieve dental pain.

Kreosotum is prepared from the creosote of the beech tree. It is a substance in the form of tar oil that is obtained after the distillation of wood. It is a watery liquid that is characterized by a burning caustic flavor and a particularly penetrating odor. After distillation, creosote is colourless and gradually takes on a dark yellow hue when in contact with oxygen and light. Like all homeopathic remedies, Kreosotum is marketed in several presentations, including in granular form. This shape is convenient to use because you just have to let it melt under the tongue with each take.

Main indications in gynecology

Kreosotum is indicated in gynecology to treat vaginitis and cervicitis. They can be recognized by the presence of yellow and fetid leucorrhea, irritating the vaginal lips. The mucous membranes bleed at the slightest touch and you feel an urgent need to urinate. It also helps to treat metorrhagia, which is manifested by the appearance of bleeding outside of menstruation. Bleeding can be intermittent, sometimes accompanied by a foul odor, and the discharge worsens at bedtime. Kreosotum can also be used to treat menorrhagia, which is characterized by abnormalities such as the abundance of blood during menstruation.

Kreosotum is also used to treat symptoms associated with menstruation. Appearing before menstruation, these symptoms can be headaches, swelling of the belly and sometimes irritability. Periods are sometimes accompanied by flatulence, constipation, and ringing in the ears. White discharge and stomach upset may occur after menstruation. Kreosotum is also recommended to regulate early menstruation accompanied by pain with abundant black blood.

Other indications for Kreosotum include genital infections, menopausal disorders and pregnancy. Thus, it is prescribed for women suffering from pain, burning and itching in the vagina and labia. It is used to treat leucorrhea that is acidic yellow in colour and has a particular odour. Kreosotum is also indicated for the relief of menopausal disorders with light bleeding and cervical irritation.

Recommended Dosages

To reduce menstrual disorders and symptoms associated with menstruation, take 3 granules of Kreosotum 9 CH 3 times daily. Treat irritating and burning yellow-white discharge with 3 granules of Kreosotum 5 CH 3 times a day. It is also possible to combine this last treatment with micronutrient supplements.

To treat vaginitis and cervicitis, take 10 drops of gynaeco-drainol with a scoop of Kreosotum powder in the morning and evening. At bedtime, supplement with the following trace elements according to the symptoms: Mn Cu (infectious state), Zn Cu (oligorrhea), Mn Co (menopause), Mn Co Cu (anemia). For even evenings, add Hydrastis (2 grams) and for odd evenings, replace with Kreosotum 5 (2 grams).

To relieve symptoms during pregnancy and after childbirth, take 3 granules of Kreosotum 9 CH 3 times a day. This treatment is also valid in case of white discharge accompanied by bleeding.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being


Kreosotum is also indicated for men who suffer from burns to the genitals during sexual intercourse. In addition, it can be used to treat male impotence and bleeding of the foreskin accompanied by gangrene.

  1. Main indications in gynecolo ...
  2. Recommended Dosages

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