Treating vaginitis with homeopathy

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina or vulva, which manifests itself as very annoying itching and abnormal vaginal discharge. Several homeopathic remedies are now indicated to cure this pathology.

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the lining of the vagina. There are several types of vaginitis, including infectious vaginitis, non-infectious vaginitis and atrophic vaginitis. Infectious vaginitis is usually caused by bacteria (Trichomonas Vaginalis) or yeast and comes in several forms. In the general case, this type of pathology is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle: smoking, sexual intercourse with several partners, poor diet, stress, etc. But it can also appear following a disease such as diabetes or others. Then there is non-infectious vaginitis caused mainly by the use of spermicides or certain dermatological products (soaps, etc.) that are not suitable or by insufficient lubrication during sexual intercourse. Finally, we speak of atrophic vaginitis when it presents during menopause or following surgery on the ovaries.

Symptoms of vaginitis

Several symptoms indicate the presence of vaginitis. In the general case, the woman has severe itching in the vulva, vagina or both. Sometimes, the latter are very irritated during sex. In addition, a whitish vaginal discharge may occur in the case of a yeast infection, accompanied by a rather unpleasant odor. It should be noted that an infection due to Trichomonas Vaginalis can occur without the infected person realizing it for years.

Homeopathic treatments for vaginitis

In the case of a particularly hot vaginal discharge, it is advisable to take Natrum Muriaticum 15 CH. But if the vaginal discharge is accompanied by an unusual smell and back pain, Carbonicum Acidum 15 CH should be used instead. When the vaginal discharge is yellowish, odorous, and itchy, the recommended remedy is Kreosotum 15 CH. These remedies are available in the form of tablets to be dissolved in water.

When should you see a doctor?

In the general case, it is advisable to consult a gynaecologist if the vaginitis persists despite the treatments that have already been carried out. So, if the back pain continues or the itching is accompanied by a fever, don't hesitate to go to a doctor's office. In addition, in the event that the disease recurs after a certain time, it is also advisable to seek the advice of a doctor because it is possible that the pathology is not vaginitis. Finally, it should be noted that infectious vaginitis, in particular an infection due to the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis, increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. It is therefore important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine