Sepia officinalis is a remedy made from squid ink. This black, oily liquid, also called sepia, is produced by the cephalopod marine mollusk to defend itself. Devoid of any toxicity, squid ink is rich in amino acids and trace elements. Sepia officinalis is mainly recommended to treat gynecological disorders in women, such as menstrual cycle disorders, pregnancy or menopause. But this remedy is also used in many other indications. Thus, it helps to alleviate gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation, feelings of emptiness in the stomach, and is frequently recommended in cases of recurrent depression. It is also prescribed to relieve herpes, asthma, and eczema. Sepia is particularly suitable for people who are thin, pessimistic, depressed and sad whose symptoms worsen when in contact with cold air and when they are standing, but who are relieved when they lie down or engage in intense physical activity.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Sepia officinalis is particularly effective in treating belly bloating, constipation or insufficient bowel movements. It is also used to relieve people with bleeding or oozing hemorrhoids and those who have a lump in the rectum. And to remedy the lack of appetite, slow digestion and nausea due to the smell of food, you should also take Sepia officinalis.
Gynaecological and urinary disorders
Sepia officinalis is used to treat painful, irregular, light and late periods. It is also used for the treatment of vaginal yeast infections and irritating leucorrhoea, which are usually accompanied by itching, and the woman can resort to this remedy in case of very painful sexual intercourse. In addition, Sepia officinalis is recommended during menopause, especially if the patient, whose face becomes very pale, suffers from hot flashes and is less tolerant of heat. It is also prescribed to pregnant women suffering from nausea and migraines on the left side of the skull. Finally, Sepia officinalis can be used to treat acute or chronic urinary tract infections.
In dermatology, Sepia officinalis cures herpes, eczema and skin fungus. It is also used in the treatment of many other skin conditions such as acne around the mouth or on the lips or psoriasis followed by dryness of the skin and which cause tears in the crease of the elbow or knee.
Behavioral disorders
Sepia officinalis is mainly indicated in cases of general fatigue, depression manifested by crying in children, withdrawal, anxiety or sadness.
Other indications
In addition to the pathologies already mentioned, Sepia officinalis relieves certain infections in the ENT and respiratory tract. Indeed, it helps to cure rhinitis and bronchitis, and can participate in the basic treatment of asthma.
Recommended dosage in case of gastrointestinal disorders
To calm digestive disorders manifested by constipation, slow digestion, weak appetite, bloating of the belly, nausea, etc., it is advisable to take 5 granules of Sepia officinalis 5 CH morning and evening over a period of 60 days.
Dosage indicated in case of gynaecological and urinary disorders
To remedy gynaecological problems, 5 granules of Sepia officinalis 9, or 15 or 30 CH, should be placed under the tongue once to 2 times a day or in a single dose once a week. Painful sexual intercourse can be treated with Sepia officinalis 15 or 30 CH, at a rate of 2 to 4 doses every month. During menopause, hot flashes and other disorders are alleviated by taking 5 granules of Sepia officinalis 9, 15 or 30 CH to be consumed every day or with a dose of the same medication every week. In the event that hot flashes are accompanied by redness of the face, it is necessary to combine Sepia officinalis with other remedies such as Belladona. On the other hand, if hot flashes are followed by a feeling of cold in the back, Sepia officinalis is associated with Amylium nitrosum. And to calm nausea in pregnant women, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Sepia officinalis 9 CH morning and evening for 3 months. Urinary tract infections are treated with Sepia officinalis 30 CH at a rate of one dose every week for 3 months.
Recommended dosage in case of skin infections
To soothe skin diseases such as acne, fungus or eczema, the recommended dosage is 5 granules of Sepia officinalis 15 CH every day for 3 months. To treat herpes, it will be necessary to take a course of Sepia officinalis in the same proportions and combine it with other homeopathic remedies such as Natrum muriaticum or Borax.
Recommended dosage in case of behavioural disorders
Depression, general fatigue and all related disorders, i.e. hypotension, overexertion, etc., can be relieved by putting 5 granules of Sepia officinalis 30 CH under the tongue every day for 3 months.
treat rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma, it is advisable to take a dose of Sepia officinalis 15 CH once a week for a period of 3 months.