Constipation is a condition characterized by difficulty in defecating regularly. There are two forms of constipation, one of which is occasional, especially during pregnancy, and the other chronic, when the constipation has been present for more than 6 months. The frequency of bowel movements varies from one individual to another, so that some people pass 3 times a day while others only do it three times in a week. However, constipation only occurs when the stool is dry, hard and causes pain in the anus during evacuation. Stress, anxiety, hemorrhoids but also physical idleness are all factors that promote constipation. Homeopathy, known for its treatments without side effects, can cure constipation depending on the cause of the disease.
Consultation with a homeopath
Some patients may not consult a doctor or homeopath until after 3 to 6 months of constipation. In this case, before writing the prescription, the homeopath studies the patient's constants, asks them about their eating habits and analyzes the current medical treatments that may be the cause of the constipation. The psychological state of the patient is also taken into account, in particular his or her work and family world. Three criteria should systematically alert patients: the fact that they do not need to evacuate over a relatively long period; needs to defecate but without success; and the evacuation of stool which requires a lot of effort. It will be according to these parameters that the homeopath will be better disposed to establish the treatment.
Constipation associated with forced evacuation
The most recurrent symptom in constipated people is the effort made during bowel movements, because not only are they dry but also hard. In this kind of situation, the appropriate homeopathic treatment is the intake of Anacardium, or Alumina or Lycopodium. These three homeopathic remedies prevent stool from becoming dehydrated in the colon and make it easier to pass. Dryness and hardness of the stool can also be a sign of laziness of the liver, hence the homeopathic prescription of Lycopodium to stimulate this organ to avoid constipation.
Constipation accompanied by pain
When stools accumulate along the colon, they cause pain in the rectum. This accumulation leads to dry stools, causing anal pain and sometimes the appearance of hemorrhoids when evacuating. Pain can reappear with each bowel movement because of anal fissures. This type of chronic constipation is treated with Ignatia or Hydrastis, which have the ability to relieve rectal pain. Three doses of Graphite 5H per day will be prescribed if the patient has hemorrhoids with anal wounds associated with thick, hard stools.
Constipation associated with irregular transit
Some patients who suffer from constipation frequently feel the need to defecate without evacuating. This is an imbalance that gives rise to irregular transit. To remedy this, three doses a day of Nux Vomica 5H will restore transit. The homeopath may possibly replace this homeopathic medicine with Magnesia depending on the particularities of each patient's constipation.
Constipation and dehydration
Dehydration causes constipation in the sense that vital organs are not supplied with blood and it also dries out the mucous membranes and stools at the same time. Homeopathy does not only target the problem of hard stools, but it also treats this type of disorder. Initially, the patient must drink enough water at the rate of one and a half liters per day. The homeopath will prescribe Bryonia Alba 5H to remedy dry mucous membranes in three doses to be spread over one day. If instead of being bulky, the stool has a thin and dry appearance, the prescribed homeopathic treatment will be Causticum, while Opium 9H will be administered to those who do not feel the need to have a bowel movement or to those who have stools as small as a pencil when evacuating.