The homeopathic remedy Plumbum metallicum is made from lead, a bluish-grey metal with symbol Pb and atomic number 82. But lead is best known for its very high toxicity. Lead poisoning or lead poisoning is thought to lead to the appearance of many disorders, mainly of a digestive and neurological nature. This would cause nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation and throbbing abdominal pain, also known as "lead colic". Lead poisoning is also thought to cause serious neurological disorders, including difficulty concentrating and memorizing.
Plumbum metallicum is indicated for the treatment of enterocolitis, an inflammatory condition affecting the colon and small intestine simultaneously. The subject, who is extremely weak and thin, suffers from constipation and abdominal colic. The symptoms are reminiscent of lead poisoning. Colon dysfunction is the cause of very characteristic symptoms, namely spasmodic pain in the abdomen, constipation and diarrhea. In addition, there are also problems with flatulence. Plumbum metallicum has a double action against the symptoms, acting on the one hand as an antispasmodic and on the other hand, by serving as a colonic dressing.
The homeopathic remedy Plumbum metallicum is also recommended in the treatment of serious neurological syndromes, especially in the case of multiple sclerosis. This autoimmune disease mainly affects the central nervous system and has unfortunate consequences for many cognitive functions. Plumbum metallicum is said to remedy the first symptoms of the disease, particularly dizziness and gait disorders. Sclerosis can also manifest itself as optic neuritis, which causes eye disorders. We can also mention diplopia, which causes the subject to have a split vision. Involuntary movements of the eye are also part of the symptoms specific to this disease. Similarly, brain damage slowly causes the appearance of memory disorders and intellectual deficits that gradually worsen with the disease. Plumbum metallicum then makes it possible to fight the disease, avoiding conventional treatment with corticosteroids, which nevertheless presents serious risks of side effects.
Recommended dosages in gastroenterology
In general, to treat gastroenterology disorders, practitioners recommend Plumbum metallicum granules from 4 CH to 30 CH. It is advisable to always consult a homeopath who will prescribe the most appropriate dosage for all the symptoms observed in the patient. Thus, in case of abdominal colic, let granules of Plumbum metallicum 9 CH melt under the tongue at a rate of 3 granules morning, noon and evening. Treatment should also address constipation and alleviate spasmodic pain in the stomach. Continue the treatment for two weeks, then reduce the intake to 2 granules in the morning and 2 granules in the evening.
Recommended dosages in neurology
To remedy memory disorders and intellectual deficits, in the case of multiple sclerosis, it is often recommended to take 3 granules of Plumbum metallicum 5 CH at noon and in the evening. Plumbum metallicum should restore the patient's memory skills as quickly as possible, but treatment should be started immediately as soon as the symptoms appear. To ensure the effectiveness of the treatment and complete its action on the symptoms, it is also advisable to combine it with other homeopathic remedies such as Argentum nitricum.