Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «N»
The strain of the homeopathic remedy Naphthalinum comes from naphthalene, a substance known for its use in the manufacture of moth repellents. It is a very toxic substance, but dosed in infinitesimal quantities to constitute the mother tincture of the drug. Naphthalinum is recommended in particular in the treatment of allergic forms of rhinitis and is mainly prescribed in case of hay fever. Its action is symptomatic because it acts directly on the clinical signs. Thus, the remedy helps to remedy the runny nose and reduce itching in the eyes and nose. Apart from its indications in ENT, this remedy is also widely used in ophthalmology in the treatment of visual disorders. Napthalinum provides effective treatment for macular degeneration.
Natrum Muriaticum
Natrum Muriaticum is obtained from the salt contained in the sea on the edge of the Guérande peninsula. In addition to sodium chloride, of which it is mainly composed, magnesium chloride and potassium chloride are found in very small quantities. In high doses, this salt can cause neurological and psychological disorders and a considerable increase in blood pressure. Thus, it is recommended to scrupulously respect the doses prescribed for each pathology. Indeed, homeopathy uses this remedy to treat certain diseases of the ENT and respiratory tract sphere, dermatitis, gynecological, urinary, psychological, hormonal and gastroenterological disorders. The dosage indicated differs from one field to another. In addition, strains such as Muriaticum acidum, Urtica urens and many others can be combined with Natrum Muriaticum for optimal results.
Natrum Sulfuricum
The healing properties of Natrum Sulfuricum are quite beneficial to patients who suffer from enterocolitis, diarrhea or digestive pathology. It is also effective in remedying pathologies that affect the ear, nose and larynx as well as respiratory diseases. Similarly, in the presence of joint damage and skin conditions, the prescription of Natrum sulfuricum is essential. Rheumatic pain and skin pathologies as well as neurological diseases are part of the therapeutic field of action of this homeopathic remedy.
In the first stage of its onset, nausea can be perfectly treated. It is important to determine the symptoms and identify the causes before choosing the appropriate treatment. Depending on the condition of the affected person, different treatments are given for the same type of nausea. Contexts of nausea are usually pregnancy, transportation, tobacco smells, and various food excesses. The main homeopathic medicines for nausea are Ipeca, Ignatia, Cocculus, Sepia and Tabacum. The recommended bypass ratio is generally 5 or 9 Ch.
Neuralgia is caused by inflammation of a nerve. Whether it is facial, intercostal, cervico-branchial, orbital... It is usually characterized by severe pain. It can be periodic, intermittent or abrupt. In any case, it is possible to treat this disease with homeopathic remedies such as Magnesia Phosphorica, Chamomilla, Belladonna and China Rubra, which are generally to be taken in a small dilution, one to three times a day, depending on the intensity of the pain.
Also known as neurodermatitis, neurodermatitis is a very common dermatological condition that can occur at any age. In the primary stage, the disease manifests as itching that affects areas such as the neck, neck, and hands. When the pathology is at a more advanced stage, inflammation of the skin is observed as well as the appearance of eczema. To cure neurodermatitis, it is recommended to take homeopathic remedies such as Saponaria 7 CH, Rhus toxicodendron 7 CH or Apis mellifica 7 CH. In all cases, the required dosage is 5 granules to be taken three times a day.
Niccolum Metallicum and Niccolum Sulfuricum
Niccolum Metallicum and Niccolum Sulfuricum are homeopathic remedies prepared from nickel. Niccolum Metallicum is indicated to treat dermatological conditions such as itching caused by nickel allergies. Niccolum Sulfuricum helps to treat excessive sweating. These remedies are also used as a background treatment to cure chronic symptoms of skin conditions. Generally, these remedies are administered in the form of granules that are allowed to melt under the tongue.
Nitricum acidum
Nitricum acidum gets its mother tincture from nitric acid, better known as azotic acid. It is one of the homeopathic remedies that have multiple therapeutic properties and treat various pathologies. Thanks to the action of its stem substance on microorganisms, Nitricum acidum is the homeopathic remedy par excellence for warts, small growths of viral origin that appear on the skin. This drug is also used in gynaecology, especially in cases of genital warts or vaginal leucorrhea. Its virtues also extend to gastroenterology, as it can treat stomach ulcers and at the same time remedy the problems of flatulence and constipation. Finally, Nitricum acidum is also recommended in the treatment of urination disorders.
Nux moschata
Nux moschata is extracted from a nut belonging to the myristicaceae family. It is better known as nutmeg or vomit nut. This homeopathic remedy is used in the treatment of many disorders and conditions. Nux moschata can for example be used in the treatment of neurological disorders including cases of prolonged drowsiness, especially in pregnant women. It is also used to relieve intestinal diseases and abdominal pain. Finally, Nux moschata can treat dry eyes, nostrils and erectile disorders.
Nux Vomica
Nux vomica is a homeopathic medicine made from the dried seeds of the vomit tree, a plant of Asian origin. The remedy is mainly indicated to treat behavioral disorders, in infants, children, adolescents and adults. Nux vomica is also indicated for the treatment of some ENT and infectious diseases as well as for relieving certain types of digestive disorders. Depending on the pathology observed, the recommended dilution varies between 9 and 15 CH.