Natrum Sulfuricum, a remedy with multiple healing properties

The wide therapeutic field of action of Natrum Sulfuricum, resulting from the immense healing properties of this homeopathic remedy, allows a large number of pathologies to be successfully treated.

Natrum Sulfuricum is a chemical compound that is called sodium sulfate. It is the emanation of one sulphate ion and two sodium ions that are naturally found in some lakes, seawater or spring waters. It is also a homeopathic strain. In other words, it is a homeopathic medicine of mineral origin resulting from the properties of anhydrous sodium sulfate that comes in the form of a crystal that is insoluble in alcohol. To do this, the mother tincture is obtained from the trituration of this chemical compound in lactose. The dilution and dynamization procedures of this tincture will allow this remedy to be effective for the treatment of several pathologies.


Several gastroenterological diseases make Natrum Sulfuricum a common prescription in homeopathy because the therapeutic action of this remedy contributes to the recovery of patients suffering from enterocolitis or diarrhea. In this respect, it is a valuable therapeutic aid in the face of these and many other ailments such as flatulence.


Natrum Sulfuricum is an essential drug for ear, nose and laryngeal diseases. Whether it is sinusitis or nasopharyngitis, the curative action of this remedy gives satisfactory results. It relieves ear pain, throat inflammations characterized by mucus. Runny nose and colds associated with mucus from the throat are also within the therapeutic scope of this remedy.


The bronchi, bronchioles and lungs are organs that are involved in the process of breathing. Any localized condition or dysfunction in these organs obviously leads to respiratory discomfort or pathology. The treatment of these diseases through homeopathy includes the prescription of Natrum Sulfuricum. This homeopathic strain is particularly effective for the management of patients suffering from pneumonia or bronchopathy such as asthma or bronchitis.


Natrum Sulfuricum is recommended for patients suffering from rheumatic pain, joint pain or pain localized to the articular cartilage. Several joints can be affected by pain, especially in winter, in the specific case of rheumatism. Cold and humidity are factors that can aggravate or make joint pain worse or more intense in patients affected by osteoarthritis or arthralgia. In the presence of all these pathologies, Natrum Sulfuricum is perfectly indicated for the treatment of severe joint stiffness.


The homeopathic treatment of various skin conditions requires the healing properties of Natrum Sulfuricum. This is why this remedy is frequently used to treat or prevent recurrence of skin conditions. The harmful action of microscopic fungi that cause infections such as fungal infections, ringworm, athlete's foot, can be annihilated with this drug. It is also prescribed for the treatment of eczema or in the presence of warts or cellulite.


Neurological pathologies are those that affect the nervous system in general, and the brain in particular. Among these various pathologies, Natrum Sulfuricum can contribute effectively in the treatment of head trauma associated with loss of consciousness or cases of headache. The head can be the site of excruciating pain, for which the use of this remedy is particularly recommended to alleviate this suffering. To do this, it is important to determine the dosage that is appropriate for the homeopathic treatment of ailments.

Recommended dosage in case of gastroenterological pathologies

For the treatment of diarrhoeal conditions, Natrum Sulfuricum is strongly recommended, especially when the stools are liquid. In this case, two granules of Natrum Sulfuricum 9 CH should be taken three times a day. This same dose of 9 CH is prescribed at the rate of five granules in the morning and evening during a trimester in the presence of cases of enterocolitis.

Recommended dosage in case of ENT pathologies

For the treatment of colds, the method of administration of Natrum Sulfuricum 15 CH is to take five granules a day for ten days.

Recommended dosage in case of pneumonological pathologies

Natrum Sulfuricum can be used as a curative or preventive measure. In the first case, when it comes to treating pathologies such as bronchitis, colds or bronchopulmonary disease, five granules of Natrum Sulfuricum 15 CH are highly recommended every day for ten days. In order to prevent any possible recurrence, especially during winter or wet periods, a weekly dilution dose of 15 CH is recommended.

Recommended dosage in rheumatic and joint pain

The dosage indicated for rheumatic pain is a weekly dose of Natrum sulfuricum 9 CH or 15 CH. When the patient is sensitive to moisture, a dose of Natrum sulfuricum 15 CH should be taken once or twice a week. In the specific case of osteoarthritis, the recommended dosage is three granules of Natrum Sulfuricum 7 CH three times a day when rain and humidity are circumstances or factors that aggravate the pain.

Recommended dosage in case of dermatological pathologies

Skin pathologies such as warts and eczema require a three-month treatment during which five granules of Natrum Sulfuricum 30 CH are to be taken in the morning and evening. Cases of cellulitis in which the subject is swollen with a body covered with a layer of fat and water can be treated with two granules of Natrum sulfuricum 5 CH, three times a day.

Recommended dosage in case of neurological pathologies

Against headaches, the indicated dosage consists of taking 5 granules of Natrum Sulfuricum 15 CH in the morning for one trimester. A high dilution of 30 CH is prescribed for a head injury, with the recommendation that a daily dose be taken for five days.

Oscar - 40 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine