Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «B»
Used as a homeopathic treatment, Badiaga is recommended to treat disorders that affect the ENT sphere. It is a natural remedy prepared from Ephydatia mulleri L. and Spongila lacunstris L. which are living organisms. Thanks to its therapeutic properties, it helps relieve many diseases such as blepharospame, headaches and sore throats. Depending on the symptoms, Badiaga is used as an adjunctive treatment or as a field treatment. In the first case, it is administered in a small dilution with close doses. The basic treatment is done with a remedy in high dilution and spaced intakes.
Baptisia tinctoria
The strain of the homeopathic remedy Baptisia tinctoria comes from wild indigo. It is a stem plant that is highly valued for its immune-stimulating properties. This justifies its use in the manufacture of many medicines. Indeed, the substance that the remedy contains would increase the bactericidal index and thus help the body to better fight infections. In fact, it is used externally for the treatment of wounds and wounds. In homeopathy, this remedy is indicated for the treatment of all infectious pathologies, which are treated with an immunostimulant. Baptisia tinctoria is therefore recommended in case of stomach flu and typhoid fever.
Baryta carbonica
The homeoathic remedy Baryta carbonica is made from the dilution of barium carbonate. Thanks to its anti-infective potential and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to soothe certain respiratory diseases and conditions of the ENT sphere. But it is mainly used to treat diseases due to aging. Among other things, it helps to maintain the memory of the elderly. Indeed, amnesic disorders caused by old age can be restored by following a course of Baryta carbonica. Some bone pathologies due to old age can also be avoided by taking this remedy. Similarly, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis can be cured by Baryta carbonica.
Becegitis is a disorder that usually occurs in children under 6 months of age. This is the manifestation of the side effects of BCG vaccination, which result in lesions and swelling on the skin surface concerned. Becegitis can also cause an exacerbation of the axillary lymph node, which then causes discomfort in the patient's movement. Homeopathy offers a whole series of remedies to effectively relieve all of these symptoms. Silicea is therefore one of the most popular remedies because of its effectiveness against dermatological disorders. Arnica-based balms are also very suitable for children.
Belladonna is a homeopathic medicine obtained from the maceration of Atropa belladonna, a toxic flowering plant of the nightshade family. Renowned for its anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory properties, this remedy is undoubtedly one of the most used in homeopathy because of its multiple indications. While it is true that Belladonna is particularly effective in fighting certain forms of infectious fevers, it is interesting to know that it also helps fight against many inflammatory syndromes. It is also useful to note that this homeopathic remedy is recommended in the treatment of many infectious pathologies mainly affecting the upper respiratory tract, the ENT sphere or the skin. Finally, Belladonna acts very effectively on certain forms of heart or ophthalmological disorders, as well as on certain gynecological disorders generally associated with menopause.
Bellis Perennis
Used as a homeopathic treatment, Bellis Perennis is recommended to relieve mild trauma caused by a shock or a trivial accident. It acts gently and does not pose any significant danger to the body. Indeed, it is entirely prepared from a well-known plant: the daisy. Bellis Perennis can be used alone or combined with other homeopathic remedies. It is especially indicated in addition to cleaning and disinfection because it accelerates the healing of wounds.
Benzoicum Acidum
Benzoicum Acidum is a homeopathic remedy based on benzoic acid. It is mainly used in urology because it is very effective against cystitis. It is mainly suitable for patients whose urine is dark or brownish in color and has a foul odor. However, it can also be used to treat childhood enuresis. In addition, Benzoicum Acidum also treats certain metabolic disorders and in particular hyperuricemia which is the cause of kidney stones, kidney stones or gout. It is most often used in 5 or 9 HP. Its dosage is usually 3 granules to be taken two to three times a day.
Berberis vulgaris
Berberis vulgaris is prepared by extracting the active ingredients contained in the dried roots and bark of the barberry shrub. The remedy is indicated for treating dermatological disorders, usually manifested by infections and inflammations as well as itching. In urology, the drug is indicated to treat disorders and pain felt when urinating. Very often, this pain comes from hepatovesicular pathology. This means that Berberis vulgaris is also indicated in certain liver diseases. In addition to these applications, the remedy is recommended in the treatment of cases of rheumatism. To effectively treat these pathologies, it is recommended to take Berberis vuglaris in the form of drops or granules.
Blatta Orientalis
Blatta Orientalis is a remedy used in homeopathy to treat respiratory symptoms such as asthma or bronchiolitis in babies. It can also be used to desensitize people with a pulmonary allergic problem. The dosage is prescribed by the homeopathic doctor according to the symptoms. In the case of acute attacks, if no improvement occurs after 24 hours of treatment, it is advisable to go to a doctor. Blatta orientalis has no contraindications and it can be administered to a pregnant or breastfeeding woman.
Blepharo-conjunctivitis is an eye condition that can occur as a result of an infection, irritation or simply an allergy. This disease manifests itself as itching and inflammation in the eyelids, while redness appears in the affected eye. In addition, the infection leads to the formation of scabs at the edges of the eyelid and the discharge of pus. In homeopathy, Ambrosia Artemisiaefolia 5 CH and Calcarea sulfurica 5 CH are among the main remedies used to treat this pathology. Their actions consist of strengthening the immune system and rapidly reducing inflammation and redness due to blepharo-conjunctivitis.
Borax is a homeopathic remedy obtained from sodium borate. This drug is mainly indicated for the treatment of canker sores in children and infants. It can also be used to treat certain behavioral disorders and dermatological pathologies. Thus, Borax can be administered to fight nausea, vertigo or genital herpes. For the treatment of canker sores, the remedy should be taken systematically, while for motion sickness, the treatment should be punctual, i.e. until the discomfort subsides.
Bothtrops Lanceolatus
Bothtrops Lanceolatus is a remedy obtained from the venom of the trigonocephalus, a venomous snake native to South America. Thanks to the freeze-drying to which the snake's fresh venom is subjected, the snake loses all its toxicity, allowing it to treat heart diseases such as myocardial infarction. For this, it is necessary to take between one and two doses of 15 CH per day. The drug is also indicated for the treatment of diseases related to the rupture of blood vessels, such as paralysis and hemorrhage.
Hot flashes
During menopause, a woman's body is subjected to a series of more or less significant changes that often lead to many physiological and psychological disturbances. Always very uncomfortable, hot flashes are one of the most unpleasant manifestations that occur during this period. Caused by a decrease in estrogen levels, these hot flashes usually occur even more intensely at night and significantly disrupt the sleep of women affected by this phenomenon. In the vast majority of cases, they are accompanied by equally annoying disorders such as rapid heart rate, headaches or the appearance of profuse sweating. Similarly, they are often exacerbated by other factors such as fatigue, stress or anxiety. Although hormone therapy is usually started at the first onset of symptoms, homeopathy is by far the best alternative for all those who prefer to avoid hormone replacement.
Bovista gigantea
Used in homeopathic treatment, Bovista gigantea is recommended to treat many conditions in gynecology, dermatology and circulatory problems. It is harmless since it is prepared entirely from a plant: the giant wolf's bladder. Bovista gigantea is used in low dilution for acute conditions and in high dilution for a disease-modifying treatment of chronic conditions. Each treatment is specific to each case depending on the symptoms.
Bromum is a homeopathic remedy made from bromine. It is particularly indicated in the treatment of tinnitus, asthma and vaginal infections. In the case of tinnitus and asthma, Bromum alone cannot completely cure the disease. Nevertheless, it significantly relieves the symptoms associated with it. The dosage varies according to the severity and symptoms of the pathologies to be treated. However, it is best to consult a specialist doctor who can determine the duration of the treatment as well as the appropriate dosage for each case.
Bronchiolitis is an inflammation of the pulmonary bronchioles that affects children under the age of two every year in winter. Very often due to a virus better known as respiratory syncitial virus, bronchiolitis is a contagious disease that begins with a cold, before leading to spasmodic episodes of coughing and bronchial congestion sometimes accompanied by sibilance. In extreme cases, this acute respiratory condition may require hospitalization if symptoms persist and worsen. But when treated in time, the disease progresses quite quickly and usually disappears after a week. Bronchiolitis must be treated with physiotherapy sessions that aim to clear the airways by draining the accumulated mucus. Nevertheless, it is possible to obtain better results by using a homeopathic treatment that helps to declutter the bronchial tubes while limiting the risk of recurrent bronchiolitis.
Caused by viruses, bronchitis is characterized by inflammation of the bronchi, blocking the passage of air from the trachea to the lungs, accompanied by coughing, sputum, and other secondary symptoms. There are two types of bronchitis: acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis. The first is accompanied by a slight fever, fatigue, pain in the back or chest, sore throat, headache, broken or hoarse tongue and breathing difficulties. It usually heals within two weeks. As for chronic bronchitis, it is more common and can last more than three months, with shortness of breath that increases over the years. Several other homeopathic products are effective in treating bronchitis. However, if the symptoms do not disappear after a while and the pain increases, you should return to the doctor. Normally, acute bronchitis should not last more than a month.
Bronchopulmonary Disease
Bronchopulmonary disease is a pathology that can lead to an obstruction of the airways. It mainly affects smokers, however, endogenous or hereditary factors can also cause COPD. In the early stages of the disease, the patient may experience mild coughing, difficulty breathing, and excessive mucus emissions. Carbo Vegetabilis and Natrum Sulfuricum are among the appropriate homeopathic remedies to treat bronchopulmonary disease. In addition, a medical consultation is recommended as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear.
Homeopathic treatment for burns varies depending on the type of injury. Thus, the medications to be taken for a first-degree burn will be different from those to be used for a second-degree injury. These are remedies to be taken orally, but at an advanced stage, homeopathic products can be applied directly to the wounds. In addition, the affected area should be quickly immersed in cold water for several minutes, regardless of the degree of burning. If the injury is severe enough, or if it does not heal quickly, you will need to consult a doctor.
Bruxism is a fairly common disease in young children and is common when permanent teeth appear. Bruxism is mainly manifested by teeth grinding or jaw clenching, which occurs unconsciously during sleep. When the child wakes up, he suffers from pain in his jaws, neck, middle ear, temples. To treat bruxism, it is recommended to take 3 granules of Belladonna 9 CH at bedtime or 3 granules of Chamomilla 9 CH 3 times a day. Other homeopathic remedies are also indicated such as Cina, Strmonium, Cicuta virosa, Kalium Bromatim, Zincu metallicum and Asa Foetida. If, after treatment, the symptoms persist, it is essential to consult a doctor.
Bryonia alba
Bryonia alba is a homeopathic remedy obtained from the roots of the white bryone, a plant native to Europe and North Africa. Thanks to the many scientific works, Bryonia alba finds application in the treatment of rheumatology and associated inflammatory conditions. It is also used in gynecology and ENT. Flu-like conditions are also improved by taking Bryonia alba. Whatever the disease to be treated, it is imperative to take Bryonia alba outside of meals and not to combine it with stimulants. The dose required varies depending on the pathology.
Bufo bufo
The homeopathy Bufo bufo gets its mother tincture from the skin of a species of amphibian that is proliferating in Europe. This is the common toad, from which a venomous liquid is extracted from the pustules that cover its back. It is one of the great homeopathic remedies specific to infectiology. Thanks to the action of its stem substance on infectious microorganisms, Bufo bufo is the homeopathic remedy par excellence in case of infectious diseases. Bufo bufo is particularly indicated for the treatment of acute lymphangitis. This remedy inhibits the proliferation of bacteria that clog the lymphatic system and thus remedies inflammation.