Berberis vulgaris is a homeopathic medicine obtained from the barberry, a shrub that is part of the Berberidaceae family and has the particularity of having ovoid red berries. To obtain the mother tincture, containing the active ingredient of the plant, the dried roots and bark of the shrub are used. After a series of physico-chemical extractions, the mother tincture undergoes numerous dilutions, according to the processes required to prepare the homeopathic remedy. Having various therapeutic properties, Berberis vulgaris is used to treat many pathologies. Berberis vulgaris exists in various formulations but the most used are granules, triturations and drops.
Indications in urology
Berberis vulgaris is a drug particularly used to treat urolithiasis, both in men and women. Urolithiasis is usually accompanied by lower back pain that manifests itself as bubbling and burning. The patient may also suffer from a bruising sensation in the left kidney. In addition, urine is in variable quantities and its appearance is sometimes changeable. Sometimes, the urine can be orange or even reddish, showing the presence of stones. When the pain radiates to the testicles, the man suffers from a loss of libido and most often has premature ejaculation.
Indications in hepato-gastroenterology
Berberis vulgaris is a widely used remedy for liver disorders. In addition to these disorders, the subject may also have difficulty digesting and have constant nausea. He has thick saliva and often becomes drowsy immediately after eating. In addition, diarrhoea and constipation may occur from time to time. These signs require treatment with Berberis vulgaris. In women, urological disorders can also affect the vulva, causing pain during orgasm.
Indications in rheumatology
Berberis vulgaris is a remedy particularly indicated in rheumatology. Generally, the drug is intended to treat all types of rheumatism and all joint pain, especially if it is accompanied by urinary inflammatory complications. Indeed, the remedy is intended to be used to treat disorders of uric acid metabolism. It should be noted that an overproduction of urea in the body is often the origin of rheumatism. These disorders can cause radiating pain accompanying hepatic colic, urinary and biliary inflammation, as well as the production of stones in the bile and kidneys.
dermatology, Berberis vulgaris is recommended for the treatment of circinated dermatoses, i.e. when the skin presents inflammations in the shape of arcs or rings. It is also indicated in the case of pityriasis rosea of Gibert. Often, these symptoms are accompanied by itching. As soon as these signs appear, it is necessary to proceed with a treatment based on Berberis vulgaris.
Recommended dosages in case of urological disorders and rheumatism
If you opt for granules, you should choose Berberis vulgaris at 5 CH. For this, the required dose is 5 granules, to be taken in the morning and evening. To treat forms of rheumatism, take 5 granules of Berberis vulgaris, in the morning and in the evening. Treatment should last until the patient's condition improves.
Recommended dosages in case of hepato-gastroenterological disorders
To treat hepato-gastroenterological disorders, the required dose is 20 drops of Berberis vulgaris 6 DH that should be diluted in a glass of water. This dose should be taken morning and evening before meals. For best effectiveness, it is advisable to keep the solution in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can last up to 3 months. However, as soon as the patient's condition improves, the dosage may be decreased before stopping treatment. To treat hepatovesicular disorders, Berberis vulgaris must be combined with other remedies.
Recommended dosages in case of dermatological disorders
To treat inflammation in the skin, Berberis vulgaris can be used in the form of granules or drops. The recommended dose is 10 granules per day, divided into 2 doses, preferably in the morning and evening. In case the remedy is chosen in the form of drops, it is recommended to dilute 20 drops in a little water. For the drops, the required dose is 6 DH.