Treating psoriasis with homeopathy

Psoriasis is a chronic disease that occurs after a period of remission. Homeopathy is an alternative treatment to relieve symptoms.

Psoriasis is a skin disease that affects about 4% of the Western population. It usually occurs in individuals in their thirties and particularly affects those of Caucasian origin. Psoriasis can have several causes: physical, psychological or biological. In addition, people who have developed psoriasis may have a cardiovascular problem or type 2 diabetes.


is an inflammation of the skin that is characterized by the formation of plaques and their peeling. The parts of the body that are most affected are the knees and elbows, however, it can also affect the sole of the foot, the palm of the hand and even the folds of the joints. Psoriasis is debilitating because it evolves in cycles, it is repetitive and its symptoms cause a certain discomfort in the individual's social life.

Psoriasis is mostly caused by a family history. However, the disease can also have other origins such as physical stress caused by taking medication, or following surgery or illness. Anxiety and nervous fatigue can also promote the development of the disease. Certain external factors such as bacterial pharyngitis or the common cold can trigger psoriasis in some people.


By reacting abnormally, the cells of the epidermis multiply excessively. Indeed, while the frequency of skin renewal is on average 28 days, it is reduced by 3 to 6 days in subjects with psoriasis. This results in excessive layer formation that accumulates and becomes a thick crust. Peeling these layers leaves the skin red. These symptoms manifest themselves for 3 to 4 months; This stage is followed by a period of remission that may not occur until years later. When these symptoms are accompanied by psoriatic arthritis, swelling, stiffness and joint pain occur.

Plaque psoriasis can be recognized by the round or oval-shaped red patches that are often located on the knees, elbows, buttocks and scalp. These patches are composed of thick, white crusts of skin. Psoriasis of the fingernails and toenails is characterized by their discoloration. In this case, the nails, due to their abnormal growth, detach from the skin and disintegrate. For the scalp, psoriasis manifests itself as the formation of layers of silver-colored scales that are often accompanied by the formation of dandruff. There are also other forms of psoriasis that differ in their appearance and location: invert psoriasis with moist and painful patches (inside the joints, armpits, groin, genitals), guttate psoriasis (arms, leg, trunk), pustular psoriasis (palms of the hands, soles of the feet). Finally, we speak of erythrodermic psoriasis when it is a red inflammation without plaque on the entire skin, without a defined location.


is no cure for this condition. Nevertheless, the use of homeopathy can relieve symptoms depending on the causes and manifestations of the pathology. For scalp psoriasis, treat with Natrum Muriaticum 4 to 5 hours, 2 doses daily. If you prefer to take it weekly, choose Natrum Muriaticum 9 to 15 hours.

To treat localized psoriasis on the face, pubis, folds and nails, accompanied by brownish lesions, treat with Sepia 4 hours to 5 hours with 2 doses per day, or Sepia 9 hours to 3 hours one dose per week. If psoriasis is accompanied by bleeding and cracking, take Phosphorus 4 to 5 hours with 2 doses daily or Phosphorus 9 hours to 15 hours weekly. Petroleum is also effective in alleviating these symptoms.

For other disorders, Berberis Aquifolium can be recommended to treat psoriasis with dry and rough skin, Calcarea Carbonica (soft skin, crack after washing) and Hydrocotyle Asiatica (indurated skin, itching).

When to see a doctor?

You should immediately go to see a general practitioner or dermatologist as soon as you suspect psoriasis. If the disease has already been diagnosed, it is advisable to go to the consultation quickly as soon as other unusual symptoms appear, such as the appearance of pain, fever or a bacterial infection.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Homeopathic remedies work effectively to treat psoriasis depending on the symptoms: Ignatia Amara 9 to 15 H to relieve emotional overload or psoriasis flare-ups due to trauma; Teucrium 5 CH for psoriasis of the ears; Phosphorus 9 CH for eyebrow psoriasis.

  1. Psoriasis
  2. Symptoms
  3. There
  4. When to see a doctor?

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