Luesinum is a remedy based on samples taken from primary syphilitic cankers. The samples, referred to as treponemal serosity lysate, are prepared using homeopathic procedures. The remedy was discovered in 1880 by Swann who used scrapings of cankers to develop a drug. This nosode, the remedy made from products derived from a disease, was referred to by its inventor as Syphilinum. Syphilinum or Luesinum is indicated for the treatment of chronic diseases marked by a disposition to self-destruction. It is indicated to treat subjects who have become indecisive and unstable, obsessed with microbes. It is also prescribed to treat certain rheumatological and dermatological conditions.
Treatment of skin conditions
Luesinum is recommended in homeopathy for the treatment of age-related skin conditions. In fact, the phenomenon of ageing makes the skin more vulnerable, which has lesions that can be treated with Luesinum, a powerful homeopathic remedy. Luesinum is indicated for the treatment of dermatological conditions marked by skin ulceration and a lesion that cannot heal easily. Scarring and micocystic acne can also be treated with Luesinum.
Luesinum is mainly indicated in cases of arthralgia characterized by bone pain that increases at night and is particularly present in the shins, ribs and skull.
Recommended dosages in case of skin conditions
In order to be able to treat skin lesions, the patient is advised to take Luesinum 9 CH. Due to the diversity of homeopathic remedies for the treatment of skin conditions, it is necessary that the prescription be made by a homeopathic doctor.
Recommended dosage in case of arthralgia
To treat arthralgia, Luesinum 7 CH should be used. However, the instructions for use and dosage must be determined by a homeopathic doctor.