Frequently used in homeopathy, pulsatilla is a very effective remedy that is made from a plant of European origin called anemone pulsatilla. Very perennial and poisonous, this plant belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. The pulsatilla anemone, also known as cockroach, is a beautiful plant whose purple or reddish flowers and flexible stem are dried and processed to obtain the therapeutic remedy pulsatilla. It is a medicine that is very well known for its many healing properties. Indeed, homeopathy uses pulsatilla to treat fevers and several types of infections. It is also indicated in psychiatry to help people who are shy or overly emotional, or those who get upset very easily.
ENT and airway
Pulsatilla is used to relieve people suffering from chronic colds manifested by runny nose all day and blocked nostrils at night. In case of sinusitis, ear infections or acute bronchitis, pulsatilla may be used. Mumps and other earaches with pus discharge can also be treated with pulsatilla, as well as dry and painful coughs and problems with loss of taste and smell.
Cases of diarrhoea or constipation related to poor assimilation of food, stomach bloating and difficulty digesting are cases that are treated with pulsatilla. It is also used to solve problems with blackish stools, frequent nausea after meals or vomiting.
Pulsatilla gynecology
is effective in treating painful, late or light periods. Premenstrual syndromes that result in breast pain or feelings of heaviness in the pelvic area are treated with this remedy. Young girls facing problems with late puberty can use pulsatilla to remedy this. In addition, pulsatilla is used to cure leucorrhea, the yellowish genital discharge.
Pulsatilla Dermatology
is involved in the treatment of frostbite and other similar rashes. When the skin on the hands or face is bluish, it is recommended to use pulsatilla for treatment.
Pulsatilla is also indicated for treating thirstless fevers that worsen with heat. It can be used to effectively fight rubella and measles, diseases that are very common in children. Pulsatilla can be used to treat several types of recurrent rashes.
In ophthalmology, pulsatilla is indicated to treat blepharitis of the eye, which manifests itself by the appearance of a dark red discoloration of the eye, which may or may not be painful. Styes, furunculous pimples usually located on the tips of the eyelids, and conjunctivitis with or without purulent fluid discharge can also be treated with this remedy.
People who are depressed or have a swinging mood, children who are always crying or have frequent nightmares can be treated with pulsatilla. Subjects who feel abandoned, dreamy and emotional can be treated with pulsatilla.
Recommended dosage in ENT and respiratory tract
care Pulsatilla 30 CH should be taken at a rate of 5 granules morning and evening for a week in case of an acute cold. If the common cold is chronic, 5 granules of pulsatilla 15 CH every night for 60 days is usually prescribed by the doctor. A dose of pulsatilla 15 or 30 CH per day for 5 days will be enough to reduce purulent discharge in the ears. To treat nasopharyngitis, it is indicated to take pulsatilla 30 CH for 3 months at a rate of one dose per week.
Dosage indicated in case of gastroenterological disorder
In case of gastrointestinal infection, it is necessary to take 5 granules of pulsatilla 7 or 9 CH once or 2 times a day. This treatment should be followed until the infection resolves.
Recommended dosage to relieve gynecological disorders
Premenstrual syndromes can be treated by taking a dose of pulsatilla 9 CH on the 20th day of the cycle, then a dose of pulsatilla 15 CH the next day and finally, a dose of pulsatilla 30 CH on the 22nd day. If this so-called "ladder" method proves to be complicated, you should take 5 pulsatilla granules every day from the 15th day of the cycle. For light periods, a treatment based on 5 granules of pulsatilla 15 or 30 CH per day over a period of 3 months is very effective. Yellowish genital discharge is treated by taking 5 granules of pulsatilla 15 or 30 CH daily for 3 months.
Recommended dosage in case of dermatitis
To alleviate skin diseases such as frostbite, it is advisable to give the patient 5 granules of pulsatilla 15 CH every day from November to April, during which time the coolness and humidity are strongly felt.
Recommended dosage in case of infectious diseases
In infectious diseases, recurrent urticaria is treated by taking a dose of 9 CH lozenge per week for 3 months.
Recommended dosage to treat ophthalmological disorders
To treat acute conjunctivitis, it is indicated to take pulsatilla 9 CH at a rate of 5 granules 2 times a day (morning and evening) for one week. For cases of chronic conjunctivitis, it is more interesting to take a dose of pulsatilla 15 CH every week for 3 months.
Recommended dosage in case of psychiatric disorders
5 granules of pulsatilla once a day for 60 days can relieve people who are emotional, moody, or who are constantly depressed.