Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «G»
Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach wall, often painful and manifested by discomfort after meals, acid reflux, bloating... As soon as these symptoms appear, it is recommended to avoid the consumption of alcohol, coffee, tobacco, fried foods and heavy foods that may excite the stomach. In this case, homeopathic treatment based on Bismuthum 4CH, Cuprum 5CH or Chamomilla 5CH will not really be effective. It is also advisable to consult a doctor as soon as the disease is detected or suspected in order to determine its form and degree of severity. In addition, since chronic gastritis is in most cases asymptotic and therefore very dangerous, it is always recommended, even if you are in good health, to have regular medical examinations to prevent complications.
Gastroenteritis is a common infection affecting all age groups. The main advantage of homeopathy is that it can treat the most common form, which is the viral form but also bacterial gastroenteritis. The homeopathic treatment prescribed will however depend on a certain number of data, including the age of the patient and the physiological manifestations of gastroenteritis. The symptoms of infection do vary from one individual to another. Thus, we have specific homeopathic medicines for children or the elderly whose digestive system is more fragile.
Gelsemium sempervirens
Prepared from yellow jasmine, Gelsemium sempervirens is a remedy that has long been used to combat febrile states. Known for its great effectiveness in cases of flu and influenza-like illness, this homeopathic medicine also has medicinal properties that allow it to alleviate certain neurological disorders such as headaches, migraines, facial paralysis or tremors of emotional origin. In addition to these indications, Gelsemium sempervirens is a remedy that can be used to relieve symptoms associated with stage fright, anxiety and insomnia in subjects experiencing a phobia of public speech or apprehension of future events. To this extent, Gelsemium sempervirens is generally much more suitable for subjects with severe physical or nervous fatigue as well as for subjects who are profoundly lethargic when they become ill. Finally, this remedy can also be used in cases of uterine inertia to promote better uterine contractions during the labour that precedes delivery.
Chapped skin is cracks in the skin caused by dehydration, cold, contact with detergents, etc. They can cause pain, especially when the affected part is exposed to the cold for a long time. Homeopathy relieves these ailments, but the remedy will be chosen according to the symptoms. However, if after 3 weeks the pain persists, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The application of certain products such as superfatted soap and ointments helps prevent chapping.
Gingivitis has several aspects depending on its origin. The gums may redden, bleed, but also become painfully swollen, mobile and hypersensitive. The origins of gingivitis are often infectious, but this inflammation can be promoted by several factors such as stress, smoking, the contraceptive pill or simply by poor dental hygiene. Some gingivitis is chronic while most are punctual. Faced with these various types of gingivitis, homeopathy offers multiple treatments based on Belladonna, Aconite, Apis Mellifica or Cantharis. Certain special acids and other potassium-containing substances are also essential to combat this inflammation.
Gingivorrhagia is a disease located in the mouth, at the gums. It can be caused by taking certain medications, poor oral hygiene, or other factors such as vitamin acidosis, tumors, or agranulocytosis. In people on anticoagulant treatments, the appearance of gingivorrhagia is often a sign of drug overdose. Even if this inflammation does not present a significant danger, it is important to treat the cause in order to avoid complications.
Golonoinum is a homeopathic remedy made from trinitrine, a colorless and oily chemical. The remedy is mainly indicated to treat certain pathologies of the heart, in particular extrasystoles. Since these unusual heartbeats are accompanied by other symptoms, Goloninum also treats the ancillary symptoms. In gynecology, the remedy is given to women during the menopause period so that they can better cope with hot flashes. It should be noted that each pathology corresponds to a well-defined dosage.
Gnaphalium polycephalum
The preparation of Gnaphalium polycephalum from Helichrysum stoechas or yellow immortelle makes it possible to obtain a homeopathic remedy. Known for its therapeutic properties acting mainly on sciatic and lower back pain, this drug is recommended to treat neurological pain in homeopathy. Moreover, Gnaphalium polycephalum is also recommended to treat neuralgia and cramps of the sciatic nerve. And from time to time, feelings of numbness accompany these manifestations. It is also interesting to know that lower back pain can be relieved with Gnaphalium polycephalum. Finally, this remedy acts effectively on rheumatic spearing pain in the shoulders, elbows and even toes.
Gonalgia is pain located in the knee. It can be generated by various circumstances. The most recurrent symptom is indeed this permanent or occasional but regular pain that is felt in the knee. However, each case of gonalgia will be treated differently, depending on the symptoms noticed. Sometimes, it can be the consequence of a previous pathology. Homeopathic treatments will therefore be done according to the cause of the pain and its manifestation.
Gout, which is an inflammation of the joints, is due to the abundant storage of uric acid in the body, which is the origin of urate crystals. The symptoms of this disease appear after more than twenty years of hyperuricemia. Homeopathy is effective in helping the patient relieve this ailment. The homeopathic remedies used must be well adapted to the shape of the drop for their action to be effective. If after treatment with homeopathic products, the pain still persists, the patient should return to his homeopath or consult a specialist.
Graphites is a homeopathic remedy obtained by diluting graphite carbons. Thanks to the presence of carbon in the drug, it is used in the treatment of certain digestive diseases, especially when they are accompanied by cramps and pain. In gynecology, Graphites is used to treat hormonal disorders related to menopause as well as it is also recommended to treat menstrual disorders. Depending on the pathology observed, the recommended dilution varies between 9 and 30 CH.
Grindelia is a homeopathic remedy prepared with Grindelia Robusta. It is the whole flowering and dried plant that is used to make the remedy. It is indicated in pulmonology to treat respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies and bronchitis. This remedy is also recommended for young children to treat bronchiolitis. Grindelia can be used in combination with another remedy such as Opium to treat sleep apnea. Generally, it is used in the form of granules to put under the tongue.
Caused by the "Myxovirus influenzae" viruses A, B and C, the flu, whose first symptoms are chills and muscle aches, is characterized by a runny nose and often annoying sneezing. Then appear headaches, fatigue, fever, cough and other symptoms that can last 3 to 7 days. Fortunately, flu and flu-like illnesses can be treated with homeopathic remedies. The latter, acting on the symptoms, are effective. This is the case, for example, with "Oscillococcinum", "Gelsemium sempervirens 15 CH" (effective against muscle pain) or "Gelsemium 5 CH" (effective against fever). But preventive treatments can also be used in homeopathy. Alternating doses of "Yersin 7CH", "Influenzinum 7CH" and "Avian 7CH" are among the most effective preventive treatments.
From the beginning of pregnancy, women are confronted with a whole series of ailments that are generally very unpleasant. Because of the many changes that take place in their bodies, pregnant women are subject to disorders that affect their nervous system and digestive system in the vast majority of cases. In addition to these ailments, mothers-to-be also experience pain in the pelvis as well as a feeling of intense fatigue that very often pushes them to sleep. Although some allopathic medicines are recommended in the treatment of the disorders mentioned above, homeopathy remains one of the most indicated therapeutic methods throughout these nine months. Thanks to their non-toxicity, homeopathic remedies relieve the symptoms that accompany pregnancy in order to help the pregnant woman better prepare for childbirth. While homeopathy can alleviate nausea, vomiting, lower back pain and constipation, it is interesting to know that it also acts on some of the symptoms that can occur after childbirth.