Opting for homeopathy to relieve gout well

Gout is an intense inflammation of the joints. It is mainly manifested by localized pain in the big toes and limbs. Homeopathy helps the patient to relieve their pain quickly.

Homeopathy is effective in treating and alleviating pain caused by gout. Also sometimes called "disease of kings", gout corresponds to an inflammation of certain parts of the body, sometimes rheumatic inflammation, which is due to the abundance of uric acid in the body. It is the difficulty in evacuating uric acid through the urine that is one of the main origins of gout. When uric acid accumulates in large quantities, urate crystals form in the kidneys, skin and especially joints. It is these crystals that cause severe pain.

The first

symptoms of gout do not appear until years after hyperuricemia, from the age of thirty. The main symptom is throbbing pain, which is more intense in the joints. This pain corresponds to a large burn that is felt on all the parts where there is the deposit of urate crystals. The inflamed joint becomes red or even purplish, is sensitive to the touch and swells. The skin in this part is shiny and very tight. Sometimes the patient has chills and fever. For each patient, the duration of a gout attack depends on the progress of the disease, but this attack can range from a few hours to 10 days. For homeopathic treatment to be effective and fast, remedies must be administered as soon as the first symptoms appear. This is why you should hurry up and follow the appropriate homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathic treatment to relieve gout according to the symptoms

The best treatment to have an effective and positive result to relieve gout is the use of homeopathic remedies according to the symptoms. For local application, you can opt for Arnigel gel, to be put once or twice a day on the painful part.

During classic seizures, the combination of Urtica 5CH, Ledum Palustre 4CH, Colchicum 5CH, Belladonna 7CH, Apis mellitica 7CH and Aconite 15 CH can alleviate the suffering. If the patient feels pain in the Achilles tendon, 3 granules of Benzoicum acidum or Guaiacum should be added to the treatment.

If it is detected that the patient has hyperuricemia, the following homeopathic medicines are the most suitable, to be taken in the morning and evening: Sulfur 5 CH if the hyperuricemia is due to an excess of food, Calcarea carbonica ostrearum 5 CH if the hyperuricemia is caused by kidney stones, Sepia 5 CH if the patient is a patient and Lycopodium 5 CH if hyperuricemia is observed following a food intolerance. The latter, combined with Colchicum 15CH, helps the patient to prevent recurrence of seizures. For chronic gout, take three granules of Colchicum 5CH in the evening, Ranunculus 5CH at noon and Arnica 5CH in the morning. These indications must be followed for the effectiveness of the remedies to be ensured. With this treatment, a dose of Nux Vomica 9 CH every Sunday evening should be added for a good recovery.

When to see a doctor?

A medical consultation is necessary when the subject begins to feel pain in the joints and when attacks become more frequent. If the disease reaches an advanced stage, it is best to consult a specialist so that the condition can be treated quickly. For a patient under thirty years of age and especially for an elderly patient who has undergone an organ transplant or who has had a history of chronic kidney failure, consultation with a specialist is essential. If the person who suffers from gout also has urolithiasis or chronic arthropathy, consultation with a specialist is necessary. For tophaceous gout and for frequent recurrences, it is best to go directly to a specialist doctor.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being


Homeopathic remedies are very effective in relieving gout if the patient drinks a lot of water and avoids consuming foods that reduce their action such as tea, coffee, chocolate, sorrel, rhubarb, spinach, cold cuts, canned foods, oily fish, shellfish, organ meat, red meat and alcohol.

  1. The first
  2. Homeopathic treatment to rel ...
  3. When to see a doctor?

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