Calcarea carbonica ostrearum is a remedy with wide use in homeopathy. It is obtained from calcium carbonate which is extracted from the oyster shell. This substance, which is very rich in mineral elements, acts in the body for a long time. As a result, Calcarea carbonica ostrearum can be used to radically treat various organic and metabolic disorders.
ENT, Calcarea carbonica ostrearum is prescribed in the event of a cracking in the ears, or when the subject suffers from stinging or throbbing pain. In addition, this drug treats individuals suffering from temporary deafness after submerging their head in water, a case often seen after swimming sessions. Treatment is also indicated in cases of hearing impairment and ear hardness, but also in individuals whose neck and ears are very sensitive to cold.
Indications in pulmonology
When a person suffers from a bothersome and irritating cough during the night, he or she should be treated with Calcarea carbonica ostrearum. Treatment is imperative when this cough is accompanied by dry sputum in the morning. Intense dyspnea, painless hoarseness that worsens in the morning or bloody sputum also require a course of Calcarea carbonica ostrearum. In addition, this remedy is particularly suitable for individuals whose symptoms such as suffocation, tightness, burning and irritation in the chest area, become more intense when climbing stairs and are accompanied by a sudden urge to sit down at the slightest ascent.
Stomach and Abdominal Diseases
Calcarea carbonica ostrearum is recommended for people with an aversion to cooked foods and meat. This aversion is often complemented by an irresistible urge to swallow indigestible things like coal, pencil, or chalk. It is also recommended for those who suffer from bitter belching and often feel the urge to vomit or those who gradually lose their appetite due to overwork. In addition to these symptoms, Calcarea carbonica ostrearum can also be used to treat pain in the epigastric area, caused by simple touch, hepatic colic, tremors in the abdomen or cases of distension with a hard belly.
Calcarea carbonica ostrearum is mainly indicated in the case of abundant dark-coloured urine accompanied by whitish and bloody sediments, irritable bladder or bedwetting. As far as the male reproductive system is concerned, this remedy is recommended when the emissions become frequent and painful, when the patient has an increased desire, when he feels weak and becomes irritable after a sexual act or when he is the victim of premature ejaculation.
Growth disorders
Mostoften, growth disorders that can be treated by Calcarea carbonica ostrearum are manifested by a tendency to be soft and fatten. In addition, the child has a fragile bone structure due to a lack of good calcium fixation and may be constantly tired or have very slow movements.
Degenerative pathology
Calcarea carbonica ostrearum should be administered to a strong, massive but soft adult. Often, the subject is very enduring when walking, even when he has to support heavy loads. As for their physical appearance, a patient suffering from degenerative pathology tends to be obese and sometimes encounters problems with their scalp.
Metabolism and nutrition disorders
A course of Calcarea carbonica ostrearum can be used to treat an individual suffering from significant weight loss, especially if the phenomenon continues despite a normal and balanced diet. Physically, the subject is very thin, but has a large belly and a large head.
A treatment with Calcarea carbonica ostrearum is recommended in the event that the subject suffers from severe itching, boils or warts. In the latter case, the warts can be extensive and resistant, or even persistent despite taking conventional medications.
Recommended dosage in case of ENT disorders
In case of ENT disorders, it is recommended to take Calcarea carbonica ostrearum 15 CH. The dose may be repeated until the patient's condition improves.
Recommended dosage in pulmonology
Diseases that manifest themselves in the lungs can be treated with Calcarea carbonica ostrearum 15 CH, at a rate of one dose per week for 3 months. If the symptoms do not disappear after a cure, it is advisable to increase the dose.
Recommended dosage in case of gastroenterological disorders
Gastroenterological diseases are treated with Calcarea carbonica ostrearum 9 CH. The dose can be taken as many times as necessary until the patient recovers.
Recommended dosage in urology
Patients suffering from bedwetting can use Calcarea carbonica ostrearum 30 CH accompanied by Tuberculin 1 m. And for other diseases, take Calcarea carbonica ostrearum 15 CH. At the beginning of treatment, the dose may be consumed at more or less short intervals. But, as the patient's condition improves, it is possible to space out the doses.
Recommended dosage in case of growth disorders
To treat growth disorders in a child, it is necessary to administer 3 granules of Calcarea carbonica ostrearum 9 CH, at a rate of 0 3 times a day. For the treatment to be effective, it must last 20 days per month for 6 months.
Recommended dosage in case of degenerative diseases
To treat degenerative diseases, Calcarea carbonica ostrearum 15 CH should be used once a week. The course should last 3 months and can be renewed if necessary.
Recommended dosage in case of metabolism and nutrition disorders
Metabolism and nutrition disorders are treated with a dose of Calcarea carbonica ostrearum 15 CH per week, to be taken for 3 months.
Recommended dosage in case of dermatological disorders
To effectively treat dermatological disorders, it is necessary to take Calcarea carbonica ostrearum 15 CH at regular intervals. When the itching begins to subside, the intakes can be spaced out.