Relieving diaper rash in infants with homeopathy

Diaper rash is a benign condition that disappears within a few days if appropriate treatment is undertaken. Homeopathy is particularly recommended for treating the baby's still very fragile skin with natural substances.

A baby's skin is ultra-sensitive because it is still very thin and permeable. Two out of three babies under 12 months of age are affected by diaper rash. This pathology is due to friction with the diaper and contact with urine and faeces that macerate in the diapers. This pathology should not be neglected because in the absence of treatment, the risks of superinfection become real.

Diaper rash or baby's red bottom

Diaper rash is the most common dermatosis in infants. W-shaped lesions are the most common, i.e. on the buttocks proper. But there is also Y-shaped dermatitis, which means that the redness extends to the folds between the thighs, to the vulva for girls and to the anus for boys. The lesion is mainly caused by prolonged contact with the synthetic fibres used to make diapers.

Symptoms of diaper rash

The sign to be detected early is the appearance of small pimples and shiny patches that announce skin redness. This lesion concerns the area covered by the diaper, including the upper thighs, buttocks and genitals of the baby. Reddened skin is usually warm to the touch. Still unable to speak, the baby reacts to the discomfort by crying when his skin is touched to change him. Warning signs of more serious problems are red bumps in the skin folds, as well as the presence of blisters and pus.

Relieving diaper rash with homeopathy

To relieve diaper rash, the baby should be given 2 doses of Medorrhinum 15 CH 3 days apart. To make it easier to take the drug, it should be dissolved in water. This treatment must be carried out with local care which must be carried out with rigor.

When to see a doctor?

If after treatment, the redness or oozing persists beyond 5 days, it is necessary to consult a doctor as this can be a superinfection. Consultation with the doctor is also necessary when there is an attack of fever or diarrhoea with weight loss. A precise diagnosis made by the doctor by means of sampling allows him to prescribe the appropriate remedy in case of pustule, peeling or fissure.

Oscar - 40 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


The risk of diaper rash can be reduced by changing the baby as often as possible. Homeopathy offers a solution for recurrent erythema, the background treatment of which will mainly use Calcarea Carbonica Ostrearum.

  1. Diaper rash or baby's red bo ...
  2. Symptoms of diaper rash
  3. Relieving diaper rash with h ...
  4. When to see a doctor?

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