Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «P»
Paeonia officinalis
Obtained from the peony, a plant of the ranunculaceae family, Paeonia officinalis is a homeopathic remedy that relieves intestinal and anal pain. It is also used to treat behavioral disorders, muscle pain, ulcers, headaches and earaches, and itchy and dry eyes. In general, this remedy is taken in low dilution (4 or 5 CH) and the doses can be spread throughout the day.
Heart palpitations can be a temporary and harmless problem, as is the case with palpitations related to temporary anxiety, or they can be a sign of more serious problems such as anemia. They are manifested by an abnormal heartbeat, but the patient may also find himself in an unexplained state of fatigue, have dizziness, feel hot flashes, etc. It is recommended to use homeopathy to alleviate this heart dysfunction and the symptoms that accompany it, but it is imperative to consult a homeopath who can determine the real causes of the palpitations and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Easily identifiable thanks to the many disorders associated with it (fever, swelling, pain, insomnia among others...) and the risks to which its mistreatment exposes, panaris is a bacterial infection that should not be taken lightly. When it is still in its external phase, a treatment based on Hepar Sulfur allows it to be absorbed. But when the infection appears more acute, a combination of suitable homeopathic products should be administered and a doctor should be consulted to have the abscess incised.
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that can lead to total destruction of this organ and cause death. The symptoms are distinguished according to the acute or chronic nature of this disease. Discreet manifestations such as jaundice with a slight fever, or more violent symptoms characterizing acute attacks require medical consultation. Indeed, the homeopathic doctor generally recommends the best homeopathic treatments according to the most common symptoms that some patients develop.
Facial paralysis
Facial paralysis, most often presented by a deformity of part of the face, is the consequence of a lesion of the central nerve. The deficit of this nerve causes a relaxation of the facial muscles which can extend to chewing problems or even worse to hearing disorders. Generally, this type of paralysis does not cause any significant pain, but its effects are mostly uncomfortable. Homeopathy and its medication are then presented as one of the possible solutions to relieve paralysis and possibly cure it. The results of such treatments are conclusive, but it is always necessary to consult a doctor and perform various examinations to verify the exact cause of facial paralysis.
Parathyphoidinum B
Obtained from a lysate of pure cultures of Salmonella parathyphi B, Parathyphoidinum B is a remedy that effectively combats certain symptoms of gastroenteritis such as acute diarrhea accompanied by fever. In general, this remedy acts quickly and effectively on diarrhoea, whatever its nature. Thus, Parathyphoidinum B helps to relieve acute, chronic or recurrent diarrhoea, with or without fever. Finally, Parathyphoidinum B also acts on hair loss that may occur following an episode of typhoid fever.
The strain of this homeopathic remedy comes from the dilution of parathyroid hormone. This substance has an important role in the regulation of calcium metabolism. Thyroid dysfunction can be harmful to the body and good bone health. As a result, Parathyroidinum is prescribed in case of bone disease. It is particularly suitable for the treatment of osteoporosis. This rheumatic pathology often occurs because of a calcium deficiency. Treatment with Parathyroidum may be an alternative in case of contraindication to hormone replacement therapy. In addition, calcium supplementation may be ineffective in some people. Homeopathy also has the advantage of not having side effects. Finally, Parathyroidum is recommended in postmenopausal women to prevent bone degeneration that can be caused by the drop in hormone production.
Pareira Brava
Pareira Brava is a medicine that is used in homeopathy to treat several ailments. It is made from the Chondodendron Tomentosum, a climbing plant from South America. It has curarizing and antispasmodic properties that are given to it by the alkaloids it contains. Coming from the Menispermaceae family, this plant has strong roots that are dried for the preparation of the homeopathic remedy Pareira Brava, which treats infections in the urinary organs. This remedy also works in the fields of gynecology and obstetrics. In the different cases of diseases, a certain dosage is indicated, and it should be respected to prevent any harmful effects. In addition, other homeopathic remedies such as Belladonna, Berberis Vulgaris, Lycopodium and Calcarea Carbonica can be used as an adjunct to the treatment.
Paresthesia is a condition that mainly affects the organ of touch. Thus sensitivity is partially lost and errors of perception can occur. There are many causes, including side effects of certain medications or temporary causes, such as exposure to cold, for example. Finally, it can be due to a poor position of the body that compresses blood vessels or nerves. The problem is solved as soon as the said position is abandoned. Various homeopathic remedies exist to deal with this disorder.
Paris Quadrifolia
The Paris Quadrifolia homeopathic strain comes from the plant called Parisette. Paris Quadrifolia is indicated primarily in ophthalmological treatment. It is also prescribed to relieve certain pain felt in the head. This pain can radiate to the back and spine. This product is very active, so the dose prescribed for each case must be respected at the risk of poisoning. Normally, the dosage indicated is five granules at each dose, the frequency being three times in a day (noon, morning and evening). However, it is necessary to determine the case to be treated and to adapt the quantity and frequency of intake according to the condition.
Periodontitis is an inflammation of the gums that can cause the teeth to loosen. It is caused by several factors including stress, poor oral hygiene and the loss of microbial balance within the oral cavity. The first symptom of this disruption of balance is bleeding gums. Without proper care, periodontitis can worsen and lead to multiple infections or tooth loss. The use of homeopathic remedies at the beginning of the condition can be very effective. These can also be used in addition to conventional treatments.
Parotitis is an infectious condition caused by microbes or viruses. It can contaminate anyone who has not yet contracted it before. Nevertheless, the pain and discomfort it causes can be relieved with proper homeopathic treatment. Pulsatilla and Natrum Carbonicum are some examples of homeopathic remedies that treat disorders caused by parotitis. The dosage will depend on the symptoms on the one hand and on the form of parotitis from which the patient suffers on the other. In any case, it is best to seek the advice of a doctor to get the appropriate treatment.
Passiflora incarnata
Passiflora incarnata is a climbing plant of the passionflower family that grows mainly in Mexico. Renowned for its sedative properties, it is used in homeopathy to combat sleep disorders, restlessness, and nervous tension. It is interesting to note that Passiflora incarnata is also effective against depressive states. The active ingredients contained in the plant ensure that the remedy is optimally effective in treatment without any adverse effects.
Periarthritis is an inflammation affecting the joint tissues, including muscles and tendons, as well as the bursae whose function is to lubricate the joints. The causes of this disease are numerous and only a doctor's diagnosis could determine them precisely. Whatever the case of periarthritis and the evolution of the disease, homeopathy has a whole multitude of remedies. Moreover, in homeopathy, it is possible to treat the causes of the disease while chasing away the pain. In the treatment of periarthritis, homeopathic medicines are among the most effective and best tolerated by patients.
Pericarditis is a rare disease of the pericardium, a membrane that surrounds the heart. Often confused with a simple flu, pericarditis results from various causes, starting with a virus. It can also be the consequence of an infection caused by bacteria, tuberculosis or kidney failure. Depending on the symptoms observed in each patient, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate homeopathic treatment. The dosages of the remedies will also depend on the cause of the pericarditis. In all cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will be able to make the diagnosis.
Relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles is common after childbirth. As the perineum supports the urogenital organs and the anus, it must be re-educated in order to avoid the complications that can result. Indeed, the relaxation of the perineal muscles leads to urinary incontinence, a source of discomfort for the patient. Pelvic floor rehabilitation is possible with the intake of 5 granules of Causticum 15 CH, 3 times a week. Sepia 5 CH is also suitable for the treatment of this pathology.
Peripklebitis is a pathology that causes irritation in the veins due to the congestion of blood circulation. Several symptoms accompany this disease, including heavy legs, ankle edema and a feeling of heat. However, homeopathy provides effective solutions against this disease, in particular thanks to the remedies that correspond to each of the ailments caused by it. Among other things, witch hazel is a remedy that acts on the swelling of the veins as well as their bluishness. Aesculus hippocastanatum, Apis mellifica and Vipera are also recommended remedies for periphlebitis.
Perlèche is also called angular cheilite or angular cheilosis. Of bacterial origin, it causes dryness in the corners of the mouth, which eventually crack. Its complications lead to a fungal infection, which is very annoying if it spreads to the face. Several homeopathic products can treat and eradicate perlèche if it is taken care of quickly. The homeopathic product Streptococcinum is very effective but should be used with caution, as it can cause allergies.
Pertussinum is a homeopathic strain obtained by transforming the sputum of pertussis patients into an effective remedy to treat the disease itself. This remedy can be used to treat several cases of whooping cough as well as various sore throats. The dose of Pertussinum varies depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the case. To treat severe cases of pertussis, Pertussinum can be combined with other homeopathic remedies and the symptoms can be treated one by one until biotherapy is effective.
Petroleum is a homeopathic remedy made from distilled petroleum for the purpose of treating several conditions such as skin conditions. It is therefore used against skin infections and in the presence of cases of psoriasis, pruritus, herpes etc. Apart from dermatology, its therapeutic indications are related to behavioral disorders. This is why it is prescribed when a subject shows obvious signs of delirium, irritability or motor behavior disorders. In gastroenterology, the healing properties of Petroleum provide great relief to patients affected by digestive disorders. By reducing the symptomatic manifestations of stomach aches and digestion-related conditions, it can be used to treat various digestive pathologies (gastralgia, dyspepsia). The different dilutions of Petroleum administered according to an appropriate dosage make it possible to prove the therapeutic efficacy of this remedy.
Pharyngitis is a disease in which the most frequent cases are mainly of viral origin. It affects the upper respiratory tract and is characterized by redness of the back of the throat and white, grayish, or yellow discharge. The notable manifestation is hoarseness and sometimes temporary extinction of the voice. It occurs at any age and mainly affects people who work in the cold or in the path of drafts. The homeopathic remedies used are of various kinds and give satisfactory results.
Phenobarbital is a drug that is traditionally used as a sleeping pill and calming agent. It is known for its effectiveness against epileptic seizures. It is also used to care for farm animals. However, it is also used in dermatology to relieve pruritus. The dosage and dilution vary depending on the stage of the disease to be treated. Indeed, the doses and duration of treatment must be adapted according to whether the condition is acute or chronic.
Phlebitis is an inflammation of the veins. It can be of cardiac origin (low blood flow), hormonal (taking contraceptive pills), biological (protein deficiency) or physical (prolonged bed rest) among others. Depending on its location, a distinction can be made between superficial phlebitis and deep phlebitis, but each symptom has an appropriate homeopathic treatment. The presence of certain symptoms such as sudden swelling of the legs are alarming signs. In such a situation, a medical consultation is necessary to avoid complications such as pulmonary embolism.
Phosphoricum acidum
Phosphoricum acidum is a homeopathic remedy based on phosphoric acid. He is involved in the treatment of behavioral disorders, gastrointestinal infections, as well as genital and urinary disorders. In addition, a course of Phosohoricum acidum relieves certain diseases in the ENT and eye areas. The dosage varies according to the nature and severity of the pathology. In some cases, it is advisable to combine Phosphoricum acidum with other remedies such as Gelsemium or Kalium phosphoricum.
Phosphorus is a homeopathic remedy made from phosphorus, a mineral that can catch fire when in contact with oxygen. Phosphorus is a remedy that "gives light" as the name suggests. Indeed, it is effective in treating many ailments. He works in haemato-gastroenterology, angiology, nephrology as well as gynaecology, psychiatry and rheumatology. However, its scope is not exhaustive. It is important to follow the recommended dilutions and dosages to treat each condition.
The treatment of photophobia is done according to the cause of the pathology, it will be different depending on whether it is photophobia caused by an eye disorder or by meningitis. Most often, eye disorders and conjunctivitis are accompanied by tearing. When the disease is caused by meningitis, eye disorders are more likely to be accompanied by nausea and intense headaches. In both cases, Belladona is a suitable homeopathic remedy. To treat conjunctivitis, it can be taken every hour at a rate of 5 granules of 5 hours each time. A consultation with a doctor is necessary if the pain does not subside after a few days. Diabetics and people with eye disorders should always seek medical attention as soon as a visual disturbance occurs.
Photosensitization is an extreme sensitivity of the skin to the sun's rays. It can be of internal origin and caused by the ingestion of drugs such as tetracycline or griseofulvin. Photosensitization can also be caused by external factors such as the local application of cosmetic products. As a rule, reactions appear immediately after ingestion or application of the product. Some chemicals cause reddish skin lesions with itching. Homeopathic treatment of photosensitization is indicated as a preventive or curative measure.
Phytolacca decandra
Phytolacca decandra is a medicine made from phytolac, or Indian spinach, a North American plant belonging to the Phytolacraceae family. It is a perennial with medium leaves and a black fruit containing a toxic juice. It is entirely used for the production of the remedy Phytolacca Decandra which is however devoid of any toxicity afterwards. Mainly created for the treatment of disorders related to the mammary glands, this homeopathic remedy has many indications. Indeed, it can treat diseases in the ENT sphere, gynecological disorders, chronic rheumatism, infections (especially in the breasts, ovaries and skin) and certain childhood diseases related to teething.
Insect bites
Many people fall victim to insect bites during the summer season. Stings don't just come from mosquitoes or bees and wasps, spiders also pose risks, as do fleas, ants and even jellyfish. In most cases, these stings are benign, however for allergy sufferers, the symptoms can be very serious, including choking or loss of consciousness. Symptoms can also be serious if the affected area is very sensitive or if there are multiple bites. As a preventive measure, homeopathy suggests taking Ledum Palustre at 7 CH. Also indicated as a cure, Apis Melifica, at 15 CH for the first dose, is another curative remedy. If the symptoms do not disappear or in case of allergy, you should quickly contact the doctor or call the Samu directly.
Pityriasis rosé de Gibert
Gilbert's pirytasis rosea is a dermatological disease that most often affects girls and young women. Occurring mainly in the fall and spring, the disease usually manifests itself as a patch 2 to 5 cm in diameter surrounded by a red area and a thin layer of whitish skin. These signs may or may not be accompanied by itching. To treat the disease, it is necessary to take Arsenicum iodatum, Sepia, Arsenicum album, Graphites or Cantharis.
Pityriasis versicolor
Pityriasis versicolor is a superficial non-contagious fungus that is easily recognizable by the colored macules visible on the trunk. Pityrosporum, which is the fungus responsible for this skin condition, proliferates on the surface of the epidermis. Pityriasis versicolor is treated with homeopathic products, including Arsenicum of the iodatum and album types. Antifungal products based on ketoconazole as well as chemical agents such as selenium sulfide and fluconazole can be used to treat this disease.
The prescription of Platina is part of a therapeutic objective. This homeopathic remedy can be used to treat various pathologies such as gastroenterological diseases. These are colic and constipation which can be manifested in various forms in particular circumstances. This effectiveness is also proven at the level of the genitals when gynecological conditions or disorders prevail. Diseases of the uterus or ovaries as well as disorders related to the menstrual cycle are, for this purpose, therapeutic indications for Platina. Of course, this remedy is useful during this period of the woman's life but also in the presence of behavioral disorders that can be of a sexual nature. In this case, sexual hyperexcitability and nymphomania in women require the administration of this drug in accordance with an appropriate dosage.
Pleurisy is a disease resulting from an effusion between the layers of the lung membrane called the pleura. It can also be caused by inflammation due to a pneumonic infection following a microbial attack, tumor or injury. Regardless of the type of pleurisy, chest pain is the main manifestation of the disease. By opting for homeopathy, one can treat both pleural pain and the symptoms associated with it.
Plumbum metallicum
As its name suggests, Plumbum metallicum is a homeopathic remedy obtained from lead, which is a metallic chemical element that is grey in colour and easily malleable. In homeopathy, thanks to the principle of similarity, Plumbum metallicum is an excellent remedy for symptoms similar to those due to lead poisoning. Lead poisoning or lead poisoning can lead to gastroenterological and neurological disorders, among other things. In connection with this lead toxicity, Plumbum metallicum is a homeopathic remedy used in the treatment of memory disorders. It will also be suitable in case of digestive problems causing nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea.
Although it can present very ordinary symptoms, pneumonia is nevertheless a very dangerous disease, even fatal for the most fragile people. This disease is characterized by viral attacks on the walls of the parenchyma and is revealed by discomfort, difficulty breathing, as well as pain in the lungs. Homeopathy is a great alternative to treat this disease and Hepar Sulfuris is one of the most widely used remedies. This medication helps to reduce pain while eliminating sources of infection in depth. However, the advice of a doctor is recommended before using any product to determine the best dosage.
Podophyllum peltatum
Podophyllum peltatum is a homeopathic remedy indicated mainly in the treatment of gastroenterological disorders. Generally, the drug is recommended to treat people suffering from diarrheal emissions. For treatment, the required dosage is 1 granule of the 9 CH dose every 4 to 6 hours, depending on the frequency of emissions. In addition, Podophyllum peltatum is also suitable for treating certain forms of liver disorders. In this case, it is advisable to opt for dilution in 7 CH.
The presence of pollen in the air causes various allergies of varying severity in some people. These attack the mucous membranes of the ENT, eyes and respiratory tract. Nevertheless, Pollens can treat the allergic syndromes associated with it, namely hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis and asthma. The recommended dosage depends on the symptoms experienced in the patient. In addition, in ENT and ophthalmology, Pollens can be combined with other homeopathic remedies.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Known for its seriousness, rheumatoid arthritis is one of the diseases that requires special medical follow-up. Indeed, if it does not benefit from the appropriate treatments, the disease can attack the entire joint, which can lead to the degeneration of bones and tendons. Among the various therapies available to treat this type of disease, homeopathy is more effective. However, in order to optimize treatments, it is essential to consult a homeopath at the first inflammatory condition on one or more joints.
Polygonum aviculare
Polygonum aviculare is a homeopathic remedy made from a Polygonaceae that is particularly popular with birds. This is the bird knotweed, a plant also known as dragging or centinode. Renowned for its diuretic and astringent properties, the plant is mainly used in homeopathy in the treatment of rheumatic conditions such as osteoarthritis of the fingers and arthralgia. Indeed, this homeopathic remedy can remedy joint pain and feelings of stiffness, symptoms that reach their peak during the night. This drug also helps to fight joint degeneration and gradually restore the patient's mobility. Thus, Polygonum aviculare makes it possible to limit the use of analgesics or painkillers, which often have a temporary effect and a limited action.
Polyneuritis is a disease that affects several nerves. Its consequences are flaccid paralysis and muscle deficit accompanied by pain. It affects the muscles in the legs and toes. Polyneuritis is of metabolic origin but it can also have toxic origins such as the use of drugs such as sulfonamides or antimalarials. The subject also experiences a painful feeling of anesthesia because of the signs of pain that are transmitted by these nerves to the brain. Homeopathy is an effective treatment to relieve and alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by this disease.
Polyps are growths that develop in the mucous membranes such as the nasal, intestinal and uterine walls. They are benign tumors if they are well treated, but negligence leads to their complication into cancer. A distinction is made between uterine polyps, nasal polyps and intestinal polyps with symptoms specific to them. The homeopathic remedies to be taken must correspond to the symptoms that occur to ensure their effectiveness. Treatments are often given in the form of granules that are allowed to melt under the tongue. A medical consultation is essential if symptoms persist beyond two weeks of homeopathic treatment.
Lung histamine
The homeopathic remedy Lung Histamine is recommended in the treatment of respiratory and skin allergies. The administration of Lung histamine doses varies according to the type of allergy. But generally, the prescribed dosage is the intake of 5 granules of Lung Histamine 15CH. The frequency depends on the type of allergy and its severity. However, it is necessary to consult a doctor if symptoms persist or if the treatment does not seem appropriate. Since Lung Histamine is a natural remedy, it can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Because of the many disorders associated with it, teething is one of the most difficult stages of a baby's development. Indeed, the symptoms that accompany the appearance of the first teeth are in most cases very annoying for babies, which often contributes to making them irritable and moody. In addition, in the vast majority of cases, the pain associated with teething is such that it prevents the baby from sleeping or feeding properly, causing even more crying and increased irritability. In order to relieve all these ailments, it is possible to opt for a homeopathic treatment by using Chamomilla vulgaris, a remedy whose wide range of action ensures maximum therapeutic effectiveness in the baby with the symptoms mentioned above. Acting not only on pain, Chamomilla vulgaris also has medicinal properties that allow it to quickly relieve digestive disorders as well as irritability in babies going through this difficult phase. In addition to this remedy, it is possible to use other homeopathic medicines that will have the effect of optimizing the treatment put in place thanks to their specific action.
Precordialgia refers to pain in the left lateral region of the chest. Although this pain is located in the heart region, it does not involve the heart. The causes of precordial pain should not be overlooked and should be treated after the pain has subsided. Homeopathy is recommended to treat precordial pain for two main reasons: absence of contraindications and side effects. Homeopathic remedies are well suited for children and even pregnant women. Some homeopathic remedies can relieve precordial pain, such as Arnica, Tabacum, Nux Vomica, Abies Nigra and Robinia.
Prediabetes is a condition that eventually exposes the person to diabetes. It is therefore a transitional phase that can lead an individual to type 2 diabetes. The subject who suffers from this metabolic disorder is exposed to cardiovascular risks. The main symptoms are the onset of intense thirst, hypertension and high triglyceride levels. Prediabetes can be treated with a homeopathic treatment that can stop the progression of the disorder. However, a medical consultation is necessary as soon as the first symptoms appear to avoid any complications.
Prunus Spinosa
Prunus Spinosa is a homeopathic remedy obtained from the preparation of blackthorn in the laboratory. It is the young twigs of this plant that are used to obtain this homeopathic product. It is mainly indicated to treat ophthalmological conditions such as ophthalmic shingles, ocular neuralgia. However, it is also indicated to treat odontalgia, urethral conditions related to the narrowing of the urethra and pathologies of the bladder neck. Generally, the dose to be taken must be prescribed by a homeopath or by the attending physician. As a reference, two to three doses per day of five granules of Prunus Spinosa 9 CH are sufficient to treat glaucoma; three to four doses a day of Prunus Spinosa 9 CH relieve eye pain caused by ophthalmic shingles.
Manifested by quite unpleasant itching, pruritus is a skin condition generally caused by an insect bite, psoriasis, fungal infections, rashes or other more or less benign pathologies. Any part of the body can be affected by this irritation. In addition, pruritus can also manifest itself as an allergic reaction, nervousness and constipation. Several homeopathic remedies such as Dolicho pruriens, Phenobarbital, Urtica urens, Nux vomica, Sepia and many others are indicated to cure the disease. However, if the disorders persist despite the use of these remedies, it is advisable to go to a doctor.
Psoriasis is a form of dermatosis that is difficult to treat because of its recurrent nature. Psoriasis can be vulgar and it presents with the formation of plaques that peel off. It can also present itself in other forms on the scalp or nails. The formation of superficial white scabs is the result of too rapid reconstruction of the skin. The period of remission of psoriasis can last for several months or even years. Homeopathy is an effective treatment for psoriasis relief.
The homeopathic remedy Psorinum is made from a serosity lysate of scabies lesions taken from patients who have not yet been treated. Once in the body, Psorinum only works a week later and its action can last 30 to 40 days, or even longer. It has several indications, which allows it to be used in the treatment of infections in the ENT and respiratory tract, dermatitis and gynecological disorders. To treat yourself well with this remedy, it is indicated to take a dose every 15 or 30 days depending on the disease.
Patients with ptosis are characterized by one or both drooping upper eyelids. In the long term, this disease can lead to eye problems and can only be treated with surgery. However, to relieve its symptoms, homeopathy is effective. With remedies such as Gelsemium Sempervirens and Conium maculatum, the patient's levator muscle can be reinvigorated and his field of vision will be significantly improved. Indeed, they act directly on the nervous system as well as on neuromuscular transmission to the eyelid muscles.
The pain around the pubis, especially in the upper thighs, abdomen and upper groin, results from the intense but unbalanced efforts of these different muscles. Pubalgia is characterized by these symptoms. There are various homeopathic remedies to treat it and make the pain associated with it disappear. Nevertheless, it is best to rely on a doctor's diagnosis in order to define the most appropriate remedy and dosage.
Known for its many therapeutic properties, pulsatilla is a very popular remedy in homeopathy to treat many diseases. Obtained from the pulsatille anemone, this remedy effectively fights against ENT and respiratory tract infections, gastrointestinal disorders and gynaecological infections. It is also used to treat children with measles, mumps, and rubella as well as cases of ophthalmological disorders. In psychiatry, it relieves sensitive and depressed people. The dosage varies according to each case.
Purpura is a disease usually caused by an abnormality in the blood platelets. However, various factors can be at the origin of this skin lesion that only a medical check-up can confirm. With homeopathy, for each type of purpura, one can find the best appropriate remedy(s). These are prescribed to treat the symptoms and prevent the disease from progressing. However, the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment depends on the stage of evolution of the disease. Thus, the sooner purpura is diagnosed, the higher the chances of recovery.
Pyelonephritis is a bacterial infection that affects the upper urinary tract. The most characteristic symptoms of this pathology are lower back pain, frequent urination and fever. In addition, cystitis can lead to pyelonephritis. Nevertheless, there are various homeopathic remedies that can effectively treat this infection. Cantharis, Formica Rufa are appropriate treatments to treat this disease. However, the advice of a doctor is advisable to avoid aggravation of the disease.
Pyrogenium is a homeopathic remedy prepared with the lisat of the muscle tissue of pork or beef. It can also be made from the decomposing human placenta. It is indicated to treat acute infections such as sinusitis or dental abscesses. This remedy is also used as a long-term treatment to cure chronic infections. Pyrogenium can be used in combination with conventional treatments or with antibiotic therapy. Indeed, it acts in complementarity to treat infections. Generally, this remedy is administered in the form of granules that are allowed to melt under the tongue.