Treating diarrhea and transient alopecia with Parathyphoidinum B

Parathyphoidinum B is a homeopathic remedy that targets a wide range of infectious diseases, allowing it to act effectively against diarrhoea as well as transient alopecia following typhoid fever.

Parathyphoidinum B is a homeopathic remedy obtained from a lysate of pure cultures of Salmonella parathyphi B. In homeopathy, this remedy is mainly used in the field of gastroenterology to fight against various types of diarrhoea as well as in the field of dermatology to fight against transient alopecia that can occur following an episode of typhoid fever.

Indications in gastroenterology

Parathyphoidinum B is a remedy that is prescribed in homeopathy in many cases. This homeopathic medicine can therefore be used to relieve various digestive disorders such as atonic constipation, intestinal pain, anorexia, heartburn or vomiting characteristic of gastroenteritis. It is also interesting to know that diarrhoea is one of the digestive disorders on which Parathyphoidinum B acts quickly and effectively.

Thus, this remedy is particularly recommended in case of whitish and fetid stools that may or may not be abundant (profuse diarrhea). In addition, it is important to emphasize that Parathyphoidinum B acts just as effectively on acute or chronic diarrhea, with or without fever. Finally, Parathyphoidinum B is very effective when used as part of a disease-modifying treatment aimed at combating recurrent diarrhoea that is resistant to treatments that may have been implemented previously.


addition to digestive system disorders and chronic digestive disorders, Parathyphoidinum B is a homeopathic remedy that is also used in the treatment of temporary hair loss (transient alopecia) that can sometimes occur following an episode of typhoid fever.

Recommended dosages in case of gastroenterological disorders

In case of heavy diarrhoea, it is recommended to take a dose of Parathyphoidinum B 15 CH without delay. The remedy can also be prescribed in the case of turista, when the diarrhoea accompanying the disorder is particularly profuse. Depending on the case, treatment with Parathyphoidinum B may be supplemented by taking other homeopathic medicines such as Aconitum napellus, Antimonium crudum, Baptisia tinctoria, Croton tiglium, Dulcamara, Petroleum or Veratrum album in order to enhance the effects of the remedy and reduce the frequency of diarrhoea.

In the event of chronic or recurrent diarrhoea, it is strongly recommended to consult a health professional to find out the cause of the disorder and to obtain the most appropriate treatment. Nevertheless, homeopathic remedies such as Calcarea phosphorica, Iodum, Ipeca, Kalium bromatum, Eberthinum, Mercurius dulcis, Natrum sulfuricum, Sulfur or Tuberculinum can be prescribed in addition to the treatment based on Parathyphoidinum B for an even more enhanced action.

Recommended dosages for transient alopecia

In the event of transient alopecia following an episode of typhoid fever, it is recommended to take 1 dose of Parathyphoidinum B 15 CH per week without interruption for two months immediately to promote faster hair regrowth. If alopecia occurs as a result of other circumstances (pregnancy or chemotherapy for example), it is advisable to turn to your practitioner in order to obtain a more appropriate treatment, which will usually involve remedies such as Eberthinum, Phosphoricum acidum and Selenium metallicum.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health