The strain of this homeopathic remedy is iodine, which is a halogen widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. The symptomatic etiology of Iodum has been developed in relation to the high toxicity of iodine and its effects on the body.
Metabolism and nutrition
Iodum is prescribed in individuals suffering from bulimia, with an excessive appetite and a continual urge to consume. The remedy is especially suitable when this first symptom is accompanied by a very marked weight loss, or even a halt in growth. This condition very often leads to great weakness and extreme thinness. The homeopathic remedy Iodum then works by restoring the process. On the one hand, it helps reduce appetite by acting as an appetite suppressant. On the other hand, Iodum also acts on the patient's metabolism and counteracts the phenomenon of weight loss.
Excessive hormone secretion by the thyroid gland can be harmful to the body and lead to what is known as hyperthyroidism. Iodine is the ideal treatment for this endocrine pathology. The subject with hyperthyroidism is thin despite a very excessive appetite and is very agitated and hyperactive. When discomfort occurs, his heart rate accelerates, he has hot flashes and is constantly thirsty. His body heat increases and so does his appetite. Despite this, the subject continues to lose weight.
This remedy is also prescribed in cases of hypothyroidism. This pathology leads to stunted growth and particularly to cretinism. In the case of hypothyroidism, the subject is extremely weak, cold, and very irritable. He doesn't eat much and yet he keeps gaining weight. Her skin is pale, her nails break easily, and her hair is completely dry. There is a worsening of his voice and the appearance of a goiter.
the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract produce too much secretion, it causes catarrh. This pathology is manifested by a stuffy nose, unpleasant sensations in the larynx, violent tears and eye pain. There is also a large and hot nasal discharge, often leading to pain in the nose that radiates to the forehead. In some cases, catarrh can lead to deafness or hoarseness of the voice.
Iodum is prescribed in case of irregular and heavy periods. This remedy also helps to alleviate the discomfort that affects some women during their menstrual period: ovarian pain, heaviness of the breasts, atrophy of the nipples, weakness or a state of great agitation. Iodum is also an excellent remedy for metrorrhagia. Finally, it is also an effective medication in case of ovarianism, especially when it is accompanied by a thick yellow vaginal discharge.
Iodum is also recommended in case of gastric disorders. Particularly common are heartburn and tremors in the stomach, as well as flatulence problems, which always occur after meals. Many organs in the digestive tract can be affected. Iodum is prescribed in cases of enlargement of the liver, often accompanied by jaundice, or in cases of swelling of the spleen, causing stabbing pains around this organ. Finally, Iodum is also recommended to treat certain diseases of the pancreas.
Iodum is a medication that helps to get rid of skin rashes, such as boils or warts. But, it is particularly used in infants in case of eczema. Iodum is also recommended to treat open wounds, which have difficulty healing. Thanks to the substance it contains, this homeopathic remedy accelerates the healing process, while reducing itching sensations.
Other indications
Iodum can be used as a preventive treatment in the event of a radioactive threat. Indeed, studies have shown that the thyroid is the organ that is most likely to be affected in the event of radioactivity. An administration of iodine protects this organ, and thanks to homeopathy, the risk of overdose is eliminated.
Recommended dosages in case of metabolism and nutrition problems
For people suffering from an excess appetite, Iodum 5 CH is recommended as an appetite suppressant in a dose of 10 granules, to be taken as soon as the desire to eat is felt. In the case of very pronounced bulimia, i.e. when food deprivation leads to aggressiveness in the subject, Iodum 9 CH should be used, at a rate of two doses per day. To lose weight, without depriving yourself of food, just by keeping a balanced diet, you can take Iodum 4 CH at a rate of 3 granules morning, noon and evening. The drug can at the same time help reduce cravings. As an appetite suppressant, it is advisable to take the granules a quarter of an hour before meals or 1 hour after. If the desire to eat is unbearable, we will systematically take 5 granules in case of crisis. Finally, Iodum 5 CH is recommended in case of weight loss despite a voracious appetite and a good diet.
Recommended dosages in endocrinology
In case of hyperthyroidism, Iodum 5 CH at a rate of 3 granules is recommended, to be taken morning, noon and evening. Treatment should be continued until the symptoms disappear. In case of hypothyroidism, dilutions in 7 CH or 9 CH should be taken, at a rate of 3 granules per day.
Recommended dosage in ENT
For catarrh problems, which cause abnormal and abundant nasal discharge, Iodum 9 CH is prescribed. The other symptoms accompanying catastrh should disappear within the first few days of treatment.
Recommended dosages in gynecology
To remedy the discomfort that occurs during the menstrual period, Iodum 5 CH, at a rate of 3 granules, is recommended to be taken morning, noon and evening. Treatment is particularly recommended in cases of breast atrophy.
Recommended dosage in gastroenterology
To remedy gastric disorders, you can opt for Iodum 5 CH, at a rate of 9 to 10 granules to be taken during periods of crisis. In the case of a spleen, pancreas or liver disease, it is first and foremost necessary to have a check-up with the attending physician. This will determine the most appropriate treatment.
Recommended dosage in dermatology
For eczema problems in infants, Iodum 7 CH is prescribed, to be taken morning and evening, at a rate of 3 granules per dose.
prevent radioactive threats, particularly to protect the thyroid, practitioners recommend Iodum 7 CH at a rate of 3 granules per day for 7 days, then stop the treatment for one week and resume 3 granules for 3 days.