Developed by Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, Mercurius Solubilis is a remedy obtained from an original and complex preparation. The latter is original in that it allowed the solubility of mercury which, it should be remembered, is not soluble in alcohol, water or any other liquid if it is in its natural state. It is also complex because metallic mercury, mercurous nitrate and nitric acid were used in its elaboration. Presented in powder form, this preparation is crushed in lactose before being diluted and then dynamized and therefore transformed into Mercurius Solubilis, a homeopathic remedy to treat various pathologies.
Mercurius Solubilis is recommended in cases of otitis, mumps and nasopharyngitis characterized by purulent secretions and accompanied by sinusitis. It also helps to treat colds and acute or chronic tonsillitis that cause bad breath and/or abundant salivation.
Mercurius Solubilis is effective against eye disorders that manifest as inflammation and suppuration. It is especially suitable for patients who have red eyes and are bothered by an excessive influx of irritating tears or who have red eyelids affected by purulent secretion. In addition, it also treats conjunctivitis and acute or chronic blepharitis, regardless of their origin.
Mercurius Solubilis is used in pulmonology to treat asthma. It also cures bronchitis accompanied by coughing and purulent mucus rejection.
Mercurius Solubilis is indicated in cases of infectious or profuse diarrhoea caused by digestive disorders or inflammation of the digestive tract and/or digestive mucous membranes. This homeopathic remedy can also be used to relieve pain caused by digestive problems as well as to get rid of nausea and flatulence.
Mercurius Solubilis acts effectively against stomatitis but also against ulcerations, suppurations and mouth ulcers. In addition, this medication is prescribed to patients who salivate profusely, suffer from gingivitis, or have an abscess in the gums.
Mercurius Solubilis treats urinary inflammation, urethritis, cystitis and childhood enuresis. It is also recommended in case of secretion of purulent mucus, blood-tinged urine, proteinuria and difficult urination.
Mercurius Solubilis is an effective homeopathic remedy for gynecological infections. In particular, it helps to treat leucorrhoea and relieve itching.
Behavioral disorders
Mercurius Solubilis is beneficial for hyperactive, agitated, and unstable children, who are often prone to tantrums. But, it is also effective in calming people who suddenly become violent.
Recommended dosage in ENT
Incase of a cold characterized by a discharge of purulent nasal secretions, take three granules of Mercurius Solubilis 9 CH, four times a day. In case of nasopharyngitis, take five granules of Mercurius Solubilis 15 CH, four times a day, for one week. In addition, to treat sinusitis accompanied by bloody pus discharge, melt three granules of Mercurius Solubilis 5 CH in the mouth every hour for one day. To treat angina, the dosage will be five granules of Mercurius Solubilis 9 CH every two hours for four days. As the symptoms disappear, the doses will have to be spaced out more and more.
Recommended dosage in ophthalmology
In case of conjunctivitis or blepharitis, the prescribed dose will be five granules of Mercurius Solubilis 15 CH, four times a day. The treatment should last at least one week.
Recommended dosage in pulmonology
To treat bronchial disorders, place five granules of Mercurius Solubilis 15 CH under the tongue, four times a day, for seven days. However, to treat bronchitis characterized by a thick, yellow sputum, it is advisable to take three granules of Mercurius Solubilis 4 CH, three times a day.
Recommended dosage in gastroenterology
In the event of gastroenteritis that manifests itself as a fever and a permanent and urgent urge to have a bowel movement, suck on three granules of Mercurius Solubilis 5 CH at each defecation. To remedy acute diarrhoea, take five granules of Mercurius Solubilis 15 CH, four to eight times a day, depending on the recurrence of symptoms, for three days.
ailments can be treated with five granules of Mercurius Solubilis 9 CH which are to be taken in the morning and evening for one month. As for the gum abscess, it is possible to get rid of it by taking three granules of Mercurius Solubilis 9 CH, three times a day. In addition, the pain caused by a canker sore, accompanied by abundant salivation, is relieved by five granules of Mercurius Solubilis 7 CH, to be taken three times a day.
Recommended dosage in urology
A one-week homeopathic treatment based on Mercurius Solubilis 9 CH is recommended in case of urinary tract infections. The patient should place five granules under their tongue every hour, at first, and five granules every two to three hours if the symptoms gradually disappear.
Recommended dosage in gynaecology
One month of homeopathic treatment with Mercurius Solubilis 9 CH can get rid of a gynaecological infection. The dosage will be five granules, to be taken in the morning, at noon and in the evening.
Recommended dosage for behavioural disorders
The treatment of behavioural disorders with Mercurius Solubilis 30 CH lasts three months. During the first month, the patient will have to suck five granules every night. For the next two months, only a weekly dose, still five granules, will be necessary. In addition, three granules of Mercurius Solubilis 9 CH, to be taken three times a day, is indicated to calm agitated or aggressive children.