Possibly a rare case of medical-surgical emergency, sigmoiditis is manifested by severe pain in the left inner terminal part of the abdomen, also known as the left iliac fossa. This pain is due to infection and inflammation of diverticula or sometimes to Crohn's disease. In other words, sigmoiditis is a complication of these conditions.
Generallyspeaking, sigmoiditis results in pain in the left iliac fossa, high body temperature (fever) and colon disorders that can manifest as constipation or diarrhea. Sometimes, patients suffer from particular pain related to what is called "ulcerative sigmoiditis". Post-operative pain following sigmoiditis can be very intense.
Treatment of fever
Fever caused by sigmoiditis can be effectively treated with 15 CH Stramonium granules. The patient will take 5 doses at a rate of 6 doses per day until the fever disappears.
Treatment of iliac fossa pain, recto-sigmoiditis and post-operative
Abdominal pain can be relieved by taking 5 granules of Stramonium 15 CH, between 5 and 7 times a day. Chamomilla 15 CH, Mahnasia Phos or Colosyntis 5 CH can also be prescribed with the same dosage as before. In case of recto-sigmoiditis pain, Capsicum Annum should be taken in a dilution of 4 to 15 CH. Regarding the dosage, it is advisable to rely exclusively on the prescription of the homeopathic doctor.
In addition, three doses of 5 granules of Antimonium 5 CH per day can relieve pain caused by the accumulation of phlegm due to an operation affecting the abdominal wall. Their expectoration is also facilitated. Intestinal transit resumes normal if the patient takes 5 granules of Raphanus Salivus Niger 5 CH 3 times a day.
Treatment of colon disorders and bloating
To cure constipation, you can opt for a treatment based on Magnesium or Magnesia Muriatica. The treatment usually lasts four days and can be spread out if this symptom persists. The usual dilution is 9 CH for children and 7 CH for adults. It is advisable to take 3 granules 3 times a day. If constipation is followed or is accompanied by bloating, the patient should take Nux Vomica 5 CH at a rate of 3 granules 3 times a day. In addition, the patient will overcome the diarrhoea by taking 5 granules of Ipeca 9 CH 3 times a day.
When to see a doctor?
Sigmoiditis is already a serious condition, a complication that requires urgent medical care that can lead to surgery. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor if you notice a persistent fever that is accompanied by colon problems, constipation or diarrhea, especially in the case of known diverticulosis. With the help of a CT scan, sometimes supplemented by an X-ray, the doctor will be able to make the right diagnosis.