Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «R»

Find definitions about homeopathy starting with the letter "R", pathologies that can be treated with homeopathy and homeopathic medicines starting with "R"


The development of skin lesions from acute diadermatitis depends on several factors such as the frequency, extent or nature of radiation. In more moderate cases, radiodermatitis manifests itself as erythema with edema, and in more severe cases the lesions affect the muscles and bones and can become carcinogenic, especially in chronic diadermatitis. Apis mellifica 5 CH and Belladona 9 CH are used to prevent the effects of radiation, other remedies are also effective in relieving the side effects of chemotherapy. In case of respiratory problems, it is always advisable to consult a doctor quickly.

Radium Bromatum

Radium Bromatum is a homeopathic remedy based on radium bromide. It treats and relieves the symptoms of different conditions, including radioderma, scleroderma, rheumatic pain, and low back pain. It is also recommended for individuals suffering from asthenia. The dosage and duration of treatment vary according to the severity and manifestations of the pathologies to be treated. In addition, Radium Bromatum can be administered either as a disease-modifying treatment or as an adjunct to other medications.

Ranunculus bulbosus

Like other evergreen plants, buttercup is used to make a homeopathic medicine. Indeed, diluted and energized buttercup extracts make it possible to obtain Ranunculus bulbosus. Active on a wide variety of diseases, Ranunculus bulbosus is available in different dilutions. In infectious diseases, this remedy is used for its antiviral potential. For the treatment of pain syndromes, Ranunculus bulbosus is appreciated for its analgesic property while against diseases affecting the ENT sphere, its anti-inflammatory properties will encourage the homeopath to recommend it. Each condition sensitive to this drug requires a specific dilution. In addition, the context in which the disease manifests itself will guide the dosage to be taken.

Raphanus Sativus Niger

The homeopathic remedy Raphanus Sativus Niger is obtained from the root of the black radish. Its field of action affects liver and intestinal pathologies such as liver overload, colic, diarrhea following a heavy meal or simply diarrhea. Raphanus Sativus Niger is therefore prescribed in various dosages so that its effects are conclusive depending on the symptoms. In any case, it is best to consult a doctor before taking Raphanus Sativus Niger given its draining effect.


The homeopathic remedy Ratanhia comes from the eponymous plant and precisely from the roots of the ratanhia which are reputed to be very effective in tightening biological tissues. Thanks to its astringent property and healing properties, Ratanhia can be used to treat many intestinal pathologies. It is particularly recommended in the case of anal fissures while alleviating the pain and other symptoms that can result. Not only is this remedy prescribed in proctology, but it is also widely used in gynaecology and obstetrics. In particular, it can be used to remedy certain ailments inherent to pregnancy such as heavy legs, stretch marks and hemorrhoids.

Ulcerative colitis

UC is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation in the gut. Given the extent of the diarrhoea and the intensity of the rectal bleeding, the subject may suffer a significant alteration in his general condition, explained by anaemia or malnutrition. This disease requires close medical follow-up to detect the possible onset of anorectal cancer, a dreadful and frequent complication of UC. This disease can significantly affect the quality of life of the individual. This is why surgical and radical treatment is most often opted for. The surgeon will remove the diseased portion of the intestine. Homeopathic remedies give good results in improving the ground on which the disease develops, especially Arsenicum and Phosphorus. As soon as a new flare-up appears, Pyrogenium is routinely prescribed and against rectal bleeding, China is the most widely used.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is caused by a malfunction of the physiological barrier between the esophagus and the stomach. The gastric contents (acid) rise to the esophagus and attack its mucous membrane. This pathology is therefore mainly manifested by "pyrosis" and retrosternal pain. Serious complications are feared such as esophagitis, endobrachyesophagus (narrowing of the esophageal diameter), digestive bleeding and esophageal cancer. Homeopathy helps relieve symptoms but also protects the esophagus from complications. Medical consultation is recommended in the event of aggravation or the appearance of general signs (weakness, weight loss, etc.), especially in newborns when their weight curve is stagnating.


Homeopathy can relieve the consequences of retinopathy, whether it is of genetic, sunar, hypertensive or diabetic origin. Thanks to this therapy, it is indeed possible to reduce the visual disorders, the redness of the eye and the pain caused by this disease. Hamamelis Virginiana 5CH and Arnica Montana are the most recommended homeopathic remedies to treat this ophthalmic pathology. When retinopathy is due to high blood pressure, Secale Cornotum is recommended. Various other homeopathic remedies can also help in the healing and prevention of complications of this eye condition.

Rheum officinale

The strain of the homeopathic remedy Rheum officinale is of plant origin. It comes from the Chinese rhubarb, a herbaceous plant of the Polygonaceae family. Thanks to its therapeutic efficacy, rhubarb is a widely used herb in traditional medicine and is best known for its laxative properties. In homeopathy, Rheum officinale is a remedy whose specific field of action is gastroenterology. It is recommended by pediatricians to relieve the little ones during teething, a period that is often trying for children and the parents themselves. Rheum officinale is particularly indicated to put an end to the colic attacks that often accompany teething. It is prescribed in particular in the case of acidic stools and helps relieve the child who suffers from abdominal spasms.


Rhinitis is an inflammation of the lining of the nasal cavity that can be caused by allergens such as grass pollen or by pathogens such as bacteria. When it is of allergic origin, rhinitis can be seasonal and only occur at very specific times of the year or persistent, appearing at any time. Although pollinosis (pollen allergy) is by far the most common form of allergic rhinitis, many allergens can be responsible for this inflammatory disease. Infectious rhinitis is caused by pathogens and can be of viral or bacterial origin. But whatever the cause, rhinitis is an inflammation that is often chronic, causing many inconveniences for those who suffer from it. Thanks to homeopathy, it is possible to relieve rhinitis by using remedies that reduce symptoms and ultimately reduce the body's sensitivity to allergens.


Affecting a large number of individuals, rhino-conjunctivitis is a condition that appears in contact with an allergenic agent. Usually taken lightly, rhinoconjunctivitis can become complicated, especially when combined with other allergic conditions. As a possible treatment, homeopathy provides a number of solutions. The latter are particularly effective in treating all symptoms. In addition, with homeopathy, it is possible to protect yourself against the attacks of a good number of allergenic agents.


Nasopharyngitis causes multiple inconveniences: runny nose aggravated by sore throat, cough, chills or fever. The patient also feels difficulty swallowing. Fortunately, swallowing disorders can be relieved by taking Aconitum with a high dilution. The inflammation of the throat and the fever that accompanies it recede after administration of the appropriate dose of Belladonna. In addition, the discomfort caused by frequent nasal discharge can be reduced by taking Allium Cepa. If viruses have attacked a baby under 3 months old, it is imperative to consult a doctor. The same should be done if an adult catches a fever of more than 40°C.


Rhinophyma is a skin disease that mainly affects the skin around the nose. Manifested by the appearance of redness and dilation of the blood capillaries, the disease is the cause of the increase in volume of the tissues of the nose. As it develops, the resulting acne rosacea often leads to rhinophyma. Several homeopathic remedies can relieve the symptoms and also cure the disease effectively. However, if despite the administration of these remedies, no improvement is noted, further medical consultation is recommended.

Rhododendron chrysanthum

Rhododendron chrysanthum is a homeopathic remedy widely used to treat pain related to rheumatism and osteoarthritis. It is mainly indicated to relieve pain in small joints and which often radiates to neighboring joints. In rheumatology, Rhododenron chrysanthum is suitable for relieving nerve pain. The medicine is prepared from the leaves and buds of the plant of the same name, a shrub of Asian origin. The dilution varies between 4 CH and 7 CH depending on the manifestation of the disease.

Rhus Toxicodendron

Rhus Toxicodendron is a homeopathic medicine obtained from the fresh young twigs of poison ivy. Marketed in the form of granules, doses, drops, suppositories, triturations and drinkable ampoules, this remedy is mainly consumed in the form of granules. Rhus Toxicodendron is mainly indicated to treat rashes with edema and dermatoses in general. In addition to this application, it is also used to treat and relieve arthritis and rheumatism. Rhus Toxicodendron is also indicated for the treatment of fever and associated infections. The dosage required varies according to the patient's condition and the pathology to be treated.

Ricinus Communis

Ricinus Communis is obtained from the castor plant, also called ricinus communis. It has many therapeutic virtues thanks to the presence of triacylgerols. The remedy Ricinus Communis is recommended in gastroenterology and obstetrics to treat many diseases such as constipation and agalactia. It is administered in the form of granules to be melted under the tongue. Ricinus Communis helps relieve acute and chronic disorders in cases of gastroenteritis.

Robinia pseudo-acacia

The homeopathic remedy Robinia pseudo-acacia comes from the plant of the same name, known as black locust. This name is said to have been given because this plant was discovered by a famous gardener named Robin. For a long time, this plant has been highly appreciated for its many therapeutic virtues. In homeopathy, its bark is mainly used for the treatment of digestion problems or dyspepsia. Indeed, gastroenterology is the preferred field of the remedy, as it can treat most of the digestive dysfunction problems and gastric disorders that can be associated with it. Robinia pseudo-acacia is particularly effective against stomach acid and stomach ulcers. It also helps to remedy the patient's nausea and vomiting state.


The evolution of measles occurs in three phases, namely the incubation phase, the prodromal invasion phase and the maculopapular eruption phase. After the incubation phase, the first clinical signs of the disease appear. During the promodic invasion phase, the patient suffers from a fever hovering around 40°C followed by diarrhoea, abdominal pain, dry cough, asthenia and muscle pain. In the last phase, red spots form and cover the body. Homeopathic treatment of measles symptoms will be based on Sulfur when the disease is just beginning. However, Gelsemium sempervirens can also be given to children to suppress fever and reduce muscle aches. Morbillinum, Euphrasia and Belladonna will be used mainly for the long-term treatment. It should be noted that measles is a fatal disease, treatment should be done under medical supervision.


Redness is a discoloration of the skin due to several reasons, including skin hypersensitivity to external factors, an allergy, an infection or simply a temporary blood flow. The homeopathic treatment of redness is very developed since many remedies can effectively treat its symptoms. Whether it is Antimonium crudum or Lung histamine, each homeopathic medicine has a specific action on the sources of redness.


Rubella is a form of disease that manifests itself as rashes accompanied by a mild fever. Caused by the rubivirus, this disease is of viral and contagious origin. Considered a benign disease, it poses a real danger to pregnant women. Complications of rubella are rare and exceptional. There are homeopathic remedies suitable for each phase of the disease. However, medical consultation is necessary in case of complications, especially in pregnant women.

Rumex crispus

Rumex Crispus is a homeopathic remedy of plant origin, made from the frizzy patience, which is a plant belonging to the Polygonaceae family. It is mainly recommended for ENT and can be used to treat a coughing attack, due to itching in the respiratory tract. To do this, Rumex crispus acts directly on the membranes covering the respiratory organs. But Rumex crispus is also the ally of individuals sensitive to cold. Indeed, it can be used to treat various pathologies due to cold intolerance. It is therefore suitable for treating a cold and for calming itchy skin caused by contact with cold air.

Ruta graveolens

Ruta graveolens is a homeopathic medicine used in traumatology, rheumatology and ophthalmology. The homeopathic strain comes from the aerial part of a plant known as the street herb or the herb of grace whose leaves have undeniable therapeutic virtues. Ruta graveolens is used to treat many disorders such as microtrauma and bruises that can be sustained during intensive sports sessions. It is also prescribed in winter for people suffering from snow ophthalmia.