Rhinoconjunctivitis is an inflammation affecting the nasal mucosa and the conjunctiva simultaneously. This inflammation is commonly referred to as allergic rhinitis or "hay fever" because the increase in the number of cases is mainly observed during the flowering season of certain plants. Indeed, rhino-conjunctivitis occurs mainly following contact with or inhalation of an allergen such as pollen, house dust, mold, dust mites, animal hair and others. Rhinoconjunctivitis is considered a mild condition that can become complicated if not adequately treated, especially if it is associated with other allergic diseases such as hives, eczema or asthma.
Frequent sneezing, followed by congestion or runny nose, as well as eye irritation and watery eyes, are signs of the onset of rhinoconjunctivitis. The time between the manifestation of allergic rhinitis and contact with an allergen can be immediate or spread over a long period of time, or even a few years. These symptoms can be marked by other disorders such as insomnia, irritability, altered smell and taste, decreased visual and auditory acuity, as well as a permanent feeling of fatigue.
Allergic reaction to pollen
In any season of the year, there is always a pollen agent that can cause rhino-conjunctivitis. This is what is meant by seasonal allergic rhinitis, which only appears when the allergenic agent is present in the atmosphere. As a preventive treatment, a dose of Pollen 15 CH can be taken twice a week. Otherwise, 3 granules of the same remedy or 5 grams of Apis mellifica 15 CH should be taken when you wake up, especially if allergic rhinitis manifests itself, at the right time, during the prolific allergen season.
Repetitive sneezing and watery eyes
Sternumation and watery eyes are among the symptomatic manifestations of rhinoconjunctivitis. If the sneezing occurs at close intervals, Allium cepa 9 CH is indicated. But if the discomfort occurs upon waking, this remedy can be replaced by the Nux vomica 9 CH. Take 5 granules of any of the remedies every hour until improvement. If there is a large runny nose, complete treatment with Sabadilla. If the cloudiness is alleviated by a hot environment, take Urtica urens 5 CH.
Care of acute rhinoconjunctivitis
Acute rhinoconjunctivitis is often referred to as when symptoms occur, despite preventive treatment and basic care. In this case, the combination of remedies such as Euphrasia, Kalium iodatum, Arsenicum album and Allium cepa with Pollen 15 to 30 CH or Lung Histamine 15 CH is indicated, especially when the symptoms become particularly burdensome. In addition, it is also possible to stabilize the symptoms with a surface treatment using eye drops or nasal irrigation.
When to see a doctor?
As soon as the first signs of allergic rhinitis appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor. A medical consultation is also essential in the event of a failure of treatment or in the event of a worsening of symptoms. Particular attention should be paid to the manifestations of rhinitis and conjunctivitis and do not hesitate to see a doctor as soon as a severe visual disorder appears. The same applies to nosebleeds (epistaxis) following the administration of a remedy.