Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «I»
Ignatia Amara
The homeopathic remedy called Ignatia Amara is made by diluting dried St. Ignatius bean to obtain a hydro-alcoholic solution. Ignatia Amara is recommended to treat several conditions such as nervousness, migraines, insomnia, gloom, stomach pain, anxiety, etc. The dosage depends closely on the nature and severity of the disease. In addition to behavioral disorders and stress-related pathologies, Ignatia Amara is involved in the treatment of psychological disorders related to menopause and snacking caused by boredom.
Impetigo is a lesion of the skin located on the orifices of the face such as the nose and mouth. It is manifested by the appearance of pus-filled blisters that burst forming yellowish crusts. It is transmitted by direct contact between a child who touches a lesion and transmits it by touching another child. Indirect contact transmission can occur from germs of infection on the pads or clothing worn by an infected person. Homeopathy can effectively treat the infection by relieving the symptoms. Remedies are administered alone or in combination depending on the symptoms.
Urinary incontinence
Incontinence is the difficulty of controlling urine retention. This results in uncontrolled loss of urine that can occur day or night. Incontinence is not a disease but it is a manifestation of physical or mental disorders. It affects children, women, men and the elderly. The use of homeopathy can relieve this disorder regardless of its causes. The homeopathic remedy is prescribed by the homeopath depending on the symptoms.
Because of the many disorders of the body's functioning that accompany its manifestations, indigestion is a pathology that should not be neglected. To prevent it, it is essential to observe good food hygiene. To cure it, homeopathic products are very effective because they provide the patient with appropriate and prompt relief. However, a medical consultation is more appropriate if symptoms persist, or after worrying signs have been observed. Although harmless, indigestion can lead to other pathologies that are sometimes much more serious.
Influenzinum is obtained by dynamizing influenza vaccines. This homeopathic remedy takes its name from the Influenza of which it is the nosode. As a result, it is primarily used to treat influenza, but it is also an alternative to prevent this disease since it can replace the flu vaccine. Influenzinum is also indicated for certain diseases related to the lungs. In short, it has many uses in infectious diseases thanks to the reinforcement it provides to the immune defenses.
Sunstroke is a disorder of the body resulting from too long exposure to the sun, and is accompanied by a series of very uncomfortable symptoms, such as redness of the skin, headaches, nausea and palpitations, among others. In the most critical cases and if left untreated, sunstroke can even lead to death. After cooling and moisturizing the subject, it is advisable to administer specific homeopathic remedies that will have the effect of combating the most serious symptoms. However, if symptoms persist, it is advisable to seek medical attention immediately to protect the patient from any risk.
Insomnia manifests itself in sleep disorders: waking up frequently during the night, difficulty falling asleep, etc. It causes many disturbances such as fatigue, drowsiness, decreased attention, memory problems, irritability problems, migraines and muscle pain and digestive problems. It can even cause a problem with the immune system, which is active especially at night. These disorders are due to physical factors such as obesity, psychological factors such as anxiety, or by an inappropriate diet. In all cases, homeopathy recommends treatments adapted to each type of insomnia.
Heart failure
Heart failure is a disorder that occurs when the heart chambers can no longer expand. In some cases, it can also be caused by the loss of contractility of the myocardium but, in all cases, it causes more or less significant respiratory discomfort. In addition, the pathology can also be accompanied by pain occurring as a result of physical exertion. In order to better manage this disorder, it is recommended to use low-dilution homeopathic remedies when the condition is acute and high-dilution remedies when the condition is chronic.
Chronic kidney disease
Kidney failure is a chronic disease that affects the kidneys. Unfortunately, the main signs or symptoms of this disease only manifest themselves when the disease is quite advanced. To this end, it is recommended to follow the appropriate homeopathic treatment as soon as chronic kidney failure is detected. Treatment with homeopathy helps to relieve symptoms and delay the progression of this disease. If symptoms appear, a medical consultation is necessary. If you are prone to high blood pressure or if you are diabetic, a systematic visit will have to be carried out to diagnose it in its primary stage.
Chronic respiratory failure
Due to the prolonged lack of blood oxygenation that is the very definition of chronic respiratory failure, this pathology manifests itself in disorders that are all as serious as each other. From breathing difficulties limiting daily activities to headaches and palpitations, the disorders related to them make the lives of those who suffer from them more than painful. Fortunately, by opting for Antimonium arsenicosum, the extent of respiratory discomfort experienced by the patient can be reduced significantly. In addition, due to their wide range of action, Nux vomica and Belladonna are an excellent remedy for headaches and palpitations, which helps the patient to lead a more comfortable life.
Intertrigo is a dermatological condition that can be painful and accompanied by erythema and pruritus. It is located in folds such as the armpits or feet. Humidity and heat promote the development of this disease. Used to treat intertrigo, homeopathic medicines can soothe itching and heal lesions. If left untreated, the lesions can easily spread throughout the body. It is recommended to consult the doctor if a worsening of symptoms is observed.
Iodum homeopathy is prepared from iodine, a chemical element also used in the preparation of many medicines. Studies have shown that iodine deficiency is the cause of thyroid problems. The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland that plays an important role in maintaining many vital functions. Its dysfunction can lead to serious metabolic disorders, often accompanied by unfortunate consequences for the body. Iodum is then an effective ally against various symptoms, namely: fatigue and muscle weakness, coldness, excessive appetite, rapid weight loss and in women, irregular cycles and heavy periods. In addition, the therapeutic virtues of this remedy also extend to dermatology and ENT diseases.
Prepared from a plant strain native to Brazil and Costa Rica, Ipeca is a homeopathic remedy that has many therapeutic properties with regard to gastrointestinal and pulmonary diseases. Thanks to its anti-vomiting properties, this drug is ideal for combating gastroenterological disorders such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or ulcerative colitis. Due to its anti-cough and expectorant properties, it also promotes the decongestion of the respiratory tract in the case of bronchiolitis in infants and relieves the symptoms associated with wet and spasmodic coughs in the case of asthma, acute bronchitis or whooping cough. Finally, it is interesting to know that Ipeca can also be used in the treatment of menometrorrhagia, a gynecological disorder characterized by abnormally heavy periods and accompanied by uterine bleeding occurring outside of menstruation.
Iris minor
The strain of the homeopathic remedy Iris minor is of plant origin. It comes from the American iris, an ornamental plant of the iridaceae family, which is also very popular in the cosmetics industry. Iris minor, better known as Iris tenax, is a homeopathic remedy whose specific field of action is gastroenterology. In homeopathy, Iris minor is the flagship remedy in the treatment of appendicitis. It also makes it possible to remedy the majority of the clinical signs that often accompany this inflammatory pathology. Thus, Iris minor can be an excellent remedy for stomach acidity, stomach ulcers, flatulence or constipation.
Iris versicolor
Of plant origin, Iris versicolor is a homeopathic remedy commonly prescribed for the treatment of different types of diseases including digestive pathologies such as gastralgia or colic. The therapeutic properties of this remedy contribute significantly to improving the health of patients. Other patients, on the other hand, are confronted with painful sensations of various nature and origins. The effectiveness of Iris versicolor, especially against pain, is a great therapeutic aid for them. Indeed, neuralgia, migraines and other pathologies marked by pain limited to certain organs can be treated with this remedy.
Iritis is a disease that affects the iris of the eye and manifests itself in various disorders such as decreased vision. When the condition is aggravated, the inner chamber may be affected and haemorrhage may occur. In a subject suffering from iritis, the regulation of the amount of light is disturbed. The use of homeopathic remedies helps to relieve pain and treat the disease. The type of treatment and dose to be used should be appropriate to the symptoms. Thus, the remedy Asa Foetida is indicated to treat iris caused by mercurialization.