Iris minor: a homeopathic remedy to treat acute appendicitis and related disorders

Pain in the cecal region and stomach acidity can be symptoms of acute appendicitis. Iris minor is an effective homeopathic remedy to remedy this.

Iris minor is a homeopathic remedy made from a plant native to the United States, which grows mainly in the states of Oregon and Washington. It is the American iris, a bulbous plant belonging to the iridaceae family. To make the homeopathic remedy, the mother tincture is extracted from the rhizomes of the plant. The rhizomes of the iris are transformed into a powder that will then be used in the composition of perfumes and cosmetic products. In homeopathy, Iris minor, which is also known as Iris tenax, is used for its therapeutic virtues in gastroenterology.


minor is a remedy that is suitable for digestive disorders and particularly for the treatment of acute appendicitis. This pathology manifests itself as intense pain in the region of the vermicular appendix, around the ileum and cecum. The person suffering from such a disease is constipated and has a dry mouth. He sometimes has a fever and vomits. All of these symptoms should disappear within the first few days of treatment. If acute appendicitis is not treated in time, it can develop into a form of peritonitis, which is an inflammatory condition affecting the membrane covering the abdomen. Thus, Iris minor can also be used to treat the onset of peritonitis if diagnosed in time. The homeopathic remedy Iris minor also helps to calm stomach ulcers which often result from high gastric acidity.

Recommended dosages

In case of acute appendicitis, low dilutions of 4 CH to 9 CH of the homeopathic remedy Iris minor are recommended. The homeopathic practitioner will set the most appropriate dose for each case by carefully observing the manifestations of the disease in a patient. Generally, to treat stomach aches and remedy the problem of gastric acidity, 5 granules of Iris minor 5 CH are prescribed, to be taken three times a day. At the peak of the attacks, especially in the case of heavy vomiting and stabbing stomach pain, immediately take 5 granules of Iris minor 9 CH. Repeat the treatment as many times as necessary until the symptoms are more bearable.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


In addition to its virtues in gastroenterology, the homeopathic remedy Iris minor can also be used to heal wounds. It is also an excellent treatment for adhesions, especially after surgery.

  1. Recommended dosages

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