Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «T»
Tabacum is a homeopathic remedy whose active ingredient is obtained from a plant called Nicotina tabacum. The leaves of this plant belonging to the nightshade family are macerated to extract the mother tincture. This is then diluted several times in a row before being energized. Although this homeopathic medicine is mainly used to combat nausea, it also gives good results in the treatment of heart conditions such as angina, also known as angina. In addition, Tabacum facilitates smoking cessation. Finally, this medication can be used to treat certain behavioral disorders.
Paroxysmal tachycardia
Paroxysmal tachycardia or Bouveret's disease is usually characterized by palpitations. However, the sufferer may also complain of dizziness and frequent urges to urinate at the time of the attacks. In any case, the symptoms of this disease always appear and disappear abruptly. Fortunately, they can be treated with many homeopathic remedies. Belladonna, a drug with cardioregulatory properties, can stop attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia, for example. The same is true for Lycopus Virginicus. Combined with Belladonna, Digitalis and Ignatia help treat nervousness and prevent palpitations from lingering. Homeopathic remedies that can be used to treat paroxysmal tachycardia are most often taken in a small dilution.
Talalgia encompasses several diseases whose common point is that they affect the posterior part of the foot. Symptoms of this condition include pain in the heel when waking up as well as discomfort when walking or wearing tight shoes or shoes with pointed heels. However, homeopathic medicines such as Herla Lava or Medorrhinum can relieve these inflammations and prevent possible joint deformities. However, if the pain spreads to other parts of the foot or if it persists, it is advisable to seek the advice of a doctor.
Tarantula cubensis
Tarantula cubensis is a homeopathic remedy made from the Cuban tarantula, a spider belonging to the Lycosidae family. Tarantula cubensis can treat all types of infections that are accompanied by boils, pain and induration in the affected area. Thus, this remedy is recommended for the treatment of anthrax and panaris. The first pathology is due to the invasion of Staphylococcus aureus and causes boils. Panaris, on the other hand, mainly affects the fingers and toes. In both cases, Tarantula cubensis is used as a complement to conventional treatment to enhance the action of antibiotics.
Tarantula hispana
Tarantula hispana is a homeopathic remedy whose mother tincture is obtained from the crushed tarantula and put in 90% alcohol. The tarantula is actually a spider in the Lycosidae family. This type of spider is usually found in countries in the Mediterranean basin. Equipped with 2 fangs, the tarantula defends itself by injecting its venom. Tarantula hispana is an effective remedy for curing behavioral disorders due to dysfunction in the central nervous system. In each case (anxiety, nervousness with violence and aggressiveness, sleep disorders, etc.), a dosage is recommended and must be scrupulously adhered to.
Tellurium metallicum
Tellurium is a very toxic substance and its ingestion can cause the appearance of many unpleasant symptoms. These include rashes, pain in the back and along the sciatica and finally, certain ear conditions. In homeopathy, this dangerous substance is used in very small doses to make the remedy Tellurium metallicum. Thanks to the principle of similarity, this product thus becomes an excellent remedy for many pathologies that manifest themselves in the aforementioned clinical signs. It is therefore used in dermatology, in case of vesicular eruptions and also in rheumatology, especially in the presence of lower back pain. Finally, Tellurium metallicum is also an effective homeopathic remedy for chronic otitis.
Tendonitis is an inflammation, a reaction of the body to certain tensions that prevents further damage. The nature of tendonitis varies according to its location. Tendonitis of the elbow is known as tennis elbow and tendonitis of the pubis is known as pubalgia. Tendonitis can be caused by repetitive movements performed during certain physical activities. It is due to the excessive and recurrent strain on the muscles and joint.
Although night terrors are very similar to other sleep disorders such as nightmares or sleep paralysis, sleepwalking is most similar. Because of its often alarming manifestations, parents must be able to detect the symptoms of night terror in their children in order to be able to help them recover. In this regard, homeopathy offers effective remedies, to mention only Arsenicum album and Stramonium. These drugs will be combined with preventive measures to improve the quality of the subject's sleep.
Teucrium Marum
Teucrium Marum is a homeopathic remedy of plant origin. The plant from which it is extracted has tonic, digestive and anti-spasmodic properties. Teucrium Marum is a homeopathic remedy used in ENT to treat many disorders such as conjunctivitis. It is also indicated in proctology to relieve cases of anal pruritus and irritations due to intestinal parasitosis. It should be noted that the use of this remedy requires medical advice in case of chronic diseases.
Thallium metallicum
Thallium is the chemical element that is part of the main composition of rat poison. It is a very toxic substance that is also used in the manufacture of insecticides. It is from this substance that the mother tincture of the homeopathic medicine Thallium metallicum is prepared. Mainly indicated against hair loss, Thallium metallicum is in fact the most recommended remedy in the treatment of alopecia. Partial or total hair loss can be of various origins. Thallium metallicum is especially recommended in cases of alopecia due to overexertion. While hair loss does not pose any health risk, it can be a source of complexes. With the homeopathic remedy Thallium metallicum, you can remedy this and feel good about yourself.
Theridion Curassavicum
Theridion Curassavicum is one of the most versatile remedies in homeopathy. It is effective against dizziness, sensitivity to noise, nervousness, the impression of heaviness in the eyes and general malaise. This drug is extracted from a spider that lives on the island of Curacao, next to Venezuela. This remedy is used at a low dilution and only a homeopath can decide on the duration of the treatment or the increase in doses. If the symptoms worsen or the cure proves ineffective, it is imperative to consult a doctor to find the underlying cause of the disease.
The disorders caused by venous thrombosis often worry and handicap people with this disease. Indeed, this pathology of the blood circulation can cause significant pain if the clot blocking the vein is large. In addition, thrombosis can also be the cause of an inflammatory syndrome that can hinder the patient in his daily activities. Indeed, because of the inflammation, certain positions can cause a tingling sensation and irritate the subject with venous thrombosis. To alleviate these various symptoms and to avoid the complications of thrombosis, homeopathic treatment is recommended. The combination of Witch Hazel diluted between 3 and 6CH and Pulsatila is recommended for the analgesic potential of these 2 homeopathic remedies. In addition, other homeopathic products such as Vipera redi 5CH or Apis mellifica 9CH are also effective in treating thrombosis.
Thuja occidentalis
Thuja occidentalis is derived from the ornamental conifer known as Canada Thuja or Thuya. Very often placed as a hedge on the edge of gardens, this shrub, which is used to embellish homes, also serves the well-being of the human body. Indeed, over the course of research, homeopathy has discovered many therapeutic applications, including in ENT, pulmonology, dermatology, urology, gynecology, obstetrics, ophthalmology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, neurology, among others. However, it should be noted that, like other homeopathic remedies, the recommended dosages vary depending on the condition and its state of progress.
The etiology of certain thyroid diseases is little known to researchers. The majority of conditions are usually caused by genetic predisposition, excess or lack of iodine, as well as the consumption of certain goitrogenic foods. In a child, thyroid diseases can cause hormonal disorders and stunted growth. Thus, as soon as the first symptoms of thyroiditis are proven, it is important to start treatment immediately. But in any case, only a doctor or homeopath can determine the appropriate type of treatment.
Many people think of tics as a normal physiological state that can disappear over time. However, the bothersome symptoms that accompany tics can be a precursor to various serious diseases, hence the interest in medical care. With homeopathy, one can effectively eliminate the various troubling symptoms of tics. However, only a doctor or a practicing homeopath is able to prescribe the appropriate treatments according to the type of tic and the evolution of the disease.
Torticollis is a painful condition of the neck muscles. Depending on the cause, there are several types of torticollis, including paralytic torticollis (paralysis of the muscle on one side), spasmodic torticollis (convulsions of the muscles) or rheumatic torticollis. Each homeopathic treatment is adapted to specific cases. Considered a common disease in adults, torticollis in babies or young children must be taken seriously. However, the presence of certain symptoms such as fever or insomnia are signs of severity. In these cases, you should go to a medical consultation immediately.
A cough is the contraction of the chest cavity that allows the ejection of mucus or foreign bodies. There are 3 main forms, namely dry cough, wet cough and chronic cough. Although it is a natural reflex, coughing is sometimes annoying. Fortunately, many homeopathic remedies can be used to relieve it. This is the case with Bryonia alba, Cuprum metallicum, Mercurius solubilis and Cocus cacti. However, it is recommended to see a doctor when a cough resists self-medication, or when it occurs during and after taking any medication.
Stage fright
Stage fright is a pathology that can occur at any age and depending on the person, in well-defined situations, at any time. However, stage fright usually occurs when a person has to pass a test and they doubt their abilities, think they are not able to do something and are afraid of not being able to do it. The level of stage fright varies from person to person and the treatment to be adopted may differ from one symptom to another. Depending on their intensity, you can opt for a background treatment or an attack treatment. In both cases, the type of remedy is the same for the same symptoms, only the doses administered differ.
While smoke, dust and other harmful substances can cause tracheitis, the disease is mainly caused by microbes and viruses. Manifested by irritation of the trachea, this disease also results in a dry and painful cough that evolves in the absence of treatment into a wet cough which can in turn lead to a bronchial complication. At each of these stages, homeopathy has the appropriate response. There is a medication to treat each type of cough according to its symptoms.
Trauma can be classified according to its symptoms, location, and cause. While some are harmless, others are quite serious. Burns, bruises, sprains and fractures are the most common injuries. Fortunately, they can be relieved with homeopathic remedies such as Arnica montana, Rush tox, Ruta and Calcarea phosporicum. However, if the patient's condition is critical, no treatment should be done without medical supervision.
A tremor is often attributed to the degeneration of the nervous system due to aging. However, there are a number of diseases that can be preceded or manifest as a tremor. Thus, only a doctor can make an exact diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatments. But in any case, homeopathy has a whole list of remedies that have been proven to be effective in treating various symptoms of tremor. Thus, do not hesitate to consult a homeopath at the first signs.
Trillium Pendulum
Trillium Pendulum is the right remedy for bleeding problems of all kinds, especially uterine bleeding. The latter are often attributable to fibroids causing heavy and persistent bleeding. Trillium Pendulum is indicated for menstrual disorders to treat menorrhagia, a condition that manifests itself in heavy and painful periods. Finally, the medication also helps to remedy the unpleasant symptoms that accompany excessive blood flow, namely: dizziness, pallor of the face, ringing sensations in the ears, fainting or fatigue.
Trismus is a disorder that usually occurs as a result of a jaw condition or prolonged inactivity of the masticatory muscles. This temporary blockage of the jaw can be accompanied by pain, preventing the affected person from using his or her mouth to chew, swallow or speak. Several homeopathic remedies can help relieve this disorder, including Arnica montana, Cheiranthus cheiri and Hypericum perforatum. These different remedies act directly on the sources of trismus to effectively reduce the feeling of discomfort and restore the chewing function.
Breastfeeding disorders
The milk secretion and sucking system in some women can be disturbed by several phenomena. During lactation, the nanny may feel severe pain in her breasts every time the baby sucks. This pain is due to inflammation of the gland that secretes milk or chapping on the surface of the nipples. In addition, milk secretion may be insufficient. When this phenomenon appears, the nanny may feel itching in the vulva. Finally, breastfeeding disorder can result in a persistence of galactorrhea outside the weaning period. Each of the symptoms corresponds to a homeopathic treatment. For example, one can use Bryonia 9CH to relieve breast pain, Agnus Castus 5CH to promote milk secretion, and Ricinus 15CH to stop galactorrhea. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as one of these symptoms appears.
Appetite disorders
Parents believe that growing well and gaining weight always go hand in hand with a big appetite. A child who eats little thus becomes a permanent concern. We talk about an appetite disorder, when this is not necessarily the case. It is the doctor who is able to confirm if the child suffers from an appetite disorder. Appetite disorders also manifest themselves as bulimia. In both cases, homeopathy is an adjunctive treatment to relieve symptoms and restore metabolic balance.
Eye disorders
Eye disorders affect a significant portion of the population. In the majority of cases, the pathology is benign. However, sometimes some complications do occur. The manifestations are, in some cases, dry eyes, and in other cases, red and painful eyes. Swollen eyelids and continuous tearing are other manifestations of the disorders. Inflammation of the conjunctiva is the most common, but we can also mention stye, chalazion and blepharitis. The origins of pathologies can be bacterial or viral, but they can also be due to bruises or trauma. Appropriate homeopathic remedies have been developed to treat each disorder.
Behavioural disorders
Behavioral disorders result from a psychological pathology that alters the coherence between an individual's emotions and attitudes. In homeopathy, several remedies can treat each symptom of these disorders, beyond the need for specialized therapy. Some homeopathic medicines, such as Actaea Racemosa or Cina, can treat mood disorders, depression, anxiety and many other symptoms related to eating disorders and ADD. Nux Vomica and Petroleum can also treat repeated outbursts of anger, dizziness and motion sickness. However, if some symptoms persist, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
Very effective in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, Tuberculinum is a homeopathic remedy made from strains of mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacilli responsible for tuberculosis. Indeed, it can treat certain otorhinolaryngological, respiratory, ophthalmological and dermatological diseases and is indicated in case of gynaecological and urinary disorders. Depending on the disease to be treated, Tuberculinum can be used in medium dilution, i.e. 15 CH, or in high dilution, i.e. 30 CH.
Tuberculinum residuum
Tuberculinum Residuum is a homeopathic remedy recommended in rheumatology, dermatology and gastroenterology. Tuberculin is taken from cells containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculinum Residuum is a high-quality component that is also used in biotherapy. It is effective in relieving joint pain, tuberous acne and digestive system disorders. Dosages are adapted according to the nature of the disorders, whether they are acute or chronic.
Turista is a fairly common pathology affecting people travelling to hot countries. Most often caused by bacteria transmitted through food, it usually manifests itself as abdominal cramps, nausea, as well as vomiting, diarrhea and possibly fever. It can have various causes but whatever its origin, to overcome it, in addition to rehydration and a diet rich in sugar, the recommended homeopathic remedy is Arsenicum album. However, other remedies such as Argentum nitricum, Pulsatilla, Nux vomica and Antimonium crudum are also recommended.