Behavioral disorders are generally the logical consequence of a shock to a person's psyche. This shock can be emotional or simply a mental disability that has led to a significant disruption in his means of expression. The subject is then observed to have severe personality disorders, leading him to become difficult to bear in his relationships with those around him. The person with this type of disorder suffers from chronic discomfort because of his inability to manage his reaction and/or relational difficulties.
On the other hand, behavioral disorders can be mild or severe depending on the intensity of the shock suffered by the subject. For example, the emotional shock following the loss of a loved one can be more or less significant than that suffered after a divorce. In the case of severe behavioral disorders, the subject may be required to consult a psychotherapist or use alternative methods to treat the main symptoms of his or her discomfort. Among these alternative methods is homeopathy, which offers a natural and less invasive process to combat behavioral disorders.
People with behavioural disorders are most often obsessive and tend to go overboard in their actions. This obsession can manifest itself in the untimely repetition of the same gesture or in a sick jealousy. This pathology is better known as OCD, which stands for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
Behavioral disorders can also be eating disorders or eating disorders leading the subject to adopt unhealthy eating behavior. Anorexia and bulimia are the main pathologies. The anorexic subject eats very little, unlike the bulimic subject who eats excessively.
Among the symptoms that characterize behavioral disorders are also phobias, which result in an irrational fear of an animal, a situation or even a person, and hyperactivity or pathologies related to ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder. In the case of severe behavioral disorders, the patient may become prone to dizziness or discomfort when confronted with a situation that he or she cannot manage.
Other symptoms are related to mood such as anger, nervousness and irritability. Others are associated with emotions and feelings such as sadness, discouragement, frustration and in rare cases, unexplained joy. As a result, anxiety and depression can be symptoms related to behavioral disorders.
Recommended dosages in cases of depression and mood disorders
To combat depression and treat mood disorders, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Actaea Racemosa 15 CH every night before going to bed. This homeopathic medicine is particularly suitable for people with a distorted view of reality due to the lack of self-esteem caused by their depressive state. It also allows patients to regain their capacity for discernment and helps them to make a firm decision. Depending on the severity of the patient's mood disorders, Actaea Racemosa may be substituted for Cina 9 CH.
Dosage for the treatment of anxiety, ADD and EDs
Cina is a homeopathic remedy that treats anxiety, ADD and EDs at the same time. 3 granules of Cina 9 CH taken daily calm the nervousness and irritability that accompany chronic anxiety attacks in adults. This remedy is also indicated to treat night terrors in children, who wake up with a start, crying and screaming. In paediatrics, a daily dose of Cina 15 CH is recommended to prevent or treat ADD-related pathologies.
Dosage to calm the angry
A homeopathic treatment based on Nux Vomica is recommended for angry patients suffering from emotional disorders. In case of irritability and repeated outbursts of anger, patients should take 5 granules of Nux Vomica 15 ch or 30 CH, one to several times a day, depending on the intensity of the symptoms. The intake should be done consecutively at the beginning of treatment and then spaced out when an improvement is noticed.
Dosages to combat dizziness and motion sickness
In case of dizziness and motor behavior deficit, it is recommended to take 3 granules of Petroleum 9 CH, 3 times a day. In the same vein, Petroleum 9 CH also treats patients who suffer from lack of motor coordination as well as motion sickness with 3 granules every hour until the discomfort disappears.
When to see a doctor?
When bulimia or anorexia becomes recurring, it is important to consult a doctor for specialized follow-up. In addition to a treatment with Cina at 9 CH, the patient must undergo therapy that will allow him to regularize his eating habits. In addition, if, despite homeopathic medication, certain behavioral disorders persist and have a harmful impact on the patient's mental balance and physical health, it is imperative to consult a specialist.