Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «Z»
Zincum metallicum
Zincum metallicum is a homeopathic remedy extracted from zinc. By extension, it is an effective drug in the treatment of several psychological disorders ranging from insomnia to anxiety and impatience syndrome. In a completely different register, Zincum metallicum is also used in gynecology to rebalance the menstrual cycle, treat vaginal infections and also to fight against menstrual disorders in general.
Herpes zoster
Viral dermatosis, shingles is recognized by symptoms that appear in 3 stages. Initially, during the prodomal phase, the patient feels tingling and burning in a specific part of the body. Then there is the acute phase which is recognized by the appearance of eruptions with pus vesicles. Finally, in the post-herpetic stage, severe neuralgia pain is felt. At each stage, the homeopath prescribes the appropriate remedy. Thus, at the beginning, the use of Staphylococcinum or Sulphur improves the phase of appearance of the rashes which become less irritating. Arsenicum album, Rhus vernix or Cantharis will be used, among others, to slow down the eruptions and the pain that accompanies them. Magnesia Phosphorica and Vaccinotoxinum are very indicated for limiting the evolution of nerve pain during the post-herpes stage. As soon as the first symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor.