Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «V»
The VAB or Bilé Attenuated Vaccine is a homeopathic remedy made from the dilution of the B.C.G., the vaccine against tuberculosis. It is the isotherapy of the BCG vaccine itself insofar as it is mainly indicated in the treatment of BCG side effects. Indeed, research has shown a decrease in immunity in many vaccinated children. In particular, they have difficulty fighting infections. The same research found that vaccinated children were predisposed to repeated episodes of ear infections, rhinitis or pharyngitis at a young age. In other children, there is an easy way to contract bronchiolitis, which is a form of viral inflammation that reaches the alveolar pathways leading to the lungs. In both cases, VAB can be administered as a preventive treatment for the effects of the vaccine. It may also be recommended in children who have already been vaccinated to remedy these pathologies.
Vaccinotoxinum is a homeopathic medicine used in dermatology and infectious diseases to treat many diseases such as herpes. The primary infection manifests itself discreetly in the form of herpetic stomatitis. Administration of Vaccinotoxinum helps prevent the appearance of vesicles and the formation of scabs. This remedy is used in low dilution for acute symptoms and in high dilution for chronic conditions. It helps relieve pain and helps alleviate itching.
Vaginitis can be caused by several factors: bacterial infection, allergy, etc. In the majority of cases, it is manifested by itching, burning, a more or less whitish vaginal discharge, which may or may not be odorous and may be accompanied by back pain or fever. For each of these symptoms, there is an effective homeopathic remedy. This is the case with Hyland's vaginitis, which relieves itching, irritation and burning. However, vaginitis can recur. Similarly, back pain can persist despite the measures already taken. In these cases, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
Valeriana Officinalis
Valeriana Officinalis is a homeopathic strain of plant origin whose mother tincture is obtained from the roots of valerian. Its sedative properties act effectively in the treatment of psychological pain, causing insomnia and consequent behavioral disorders. This remedy is therefore indicated to treat the warning symptoms of depression, namely anxiety, agitation and the physical pain that follows. Valeriana Officinalis is also a spasmolytic par excellence since it soothes different types of spasms, such as gastric and muscle spasms.
Chickenpox is a condition that manifests itself as reactions on the skin and is accompanied by many discomforts. Fever, headache, itching, skin rashes are among its main symptoms. Treatment with Rhus Toxicodendron over a period of 15 days, followed by the use of other homeopathic products, can treat the disease from the appearance of the first signs until it heals. However, it is essential to consult a doctor in case of complications of the disease.
Varicose veins
Varicose veins are a dilation of the vein, it exists in two forms: the wall varicose vein and the pressure varicose vein. In fact, the elastic fibers that line the wall of the veins are irreparably deformed. It manifests itself in the form of very visible, palpable, blue cords. Homeopathic treatments are diverse and if they do not cure varicose veins, they can prevent them and above all treat the side effects of this pathology: cramps, fatigue, pain, etc.
Veratrum album
Veratrum album is a versatile homeopathic medicine used for the care of the digestive system, gynecology and even for the treatment of spasmophilia. In this regard, Veratrum album is effective in the treatment of gastroenteritis and diarrhea with all the criteria of cholera. It is also a remedy capable of stopping bleeding in the intestines. Veratrum album is prescribed by the doctor to balance hormonal disorders giving rise to dysmenorrhea. The Veratrum album is a great help in cases of spasmophilia because it calms tetany attacks and crampoids.
Warts are growths that are often visible on different parts of the body caused by the human papillomavirus. This highly contagious virus is very active on wet skin. On the skin, warts can be isolated or in clusters. Depending on the location, it is referred to as plantar, vaginal, filiform, flat, mosaic or digitate warts. Even if they are easily treated without a prescription, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as a wart becomes painful, bloody, and when it causes discomfort or spreads to other parts of the body. For mild cases of warts, it is possible to treat them at home with homeopathic solutions such as Antimonium Crudum 7 CH, Nitricum Acidum 7 CH, Thuja 9 CH tincture or others. These products are very effective and allow you to have satisfactory results between the first and fourth week of treatment.
Vertigo is a disorder that frequently occurs from the age of 50. While it disappears easily in some cases, this disorder can sometimes be dangerous, especially when it announces other pathologies. Subjects with vertigo suffer from a more or less pronounced loss of balance, which can even lead to loss of consciousness in much more severe cases. Vertigo is a disorder that can also have many origins, origins that will determine the most suitable type of homeopathic treatment.
Gall bladder
Gallbladder pain can be caused by stones, inflammation (acute cholecystitis), primary sclerosing cholangitis, or cancer. Given the number of possible causes, only a medical consultation can make it possible to establish a clear diagnosis that can help define the appropriate treatment. But in case of pain related to gallstones, in addition to dietary measures, several homeopathic remedies are indicated such as Bryonia alba, Colocynthis, Magnesia phos and Chamomilla vulgaris, among others.
Viburnum Opulus
The viburnum obier, whose Latin name is Viburnum opulus, is a shrub with certain therapeutic properties. The preparation of homeopathic medicine is mainly done with the help of the bark of the stems of this shrub which grows on moist soils. For a long time known as a medicinal plant, the viburnum nevertheless produces toxic fruits. Painful periods and all menstrual disorders can be treated with Viburnum opulus. Thus, this remedy is mainly used by women, although its fields of application can extend to other pathologies.
Viola Odorata
Viola Odorata gets her mother tincture from the fragrant violet. This homeopathic remedy is mainly indicated in cases of rheumatic pathologies that manifest themselves in the form of burning and intermittent pain. It is especially suitable for rheumatism problems affecting the upper limbs of the body. Thus, Viola Odorata is the most suitable remedy for treating rheumatism of the hand, fingers or wrist, as well as rheumatism of the deltoid muscle. In addition, taking this medication does not have side effects that could be harmful to the body.
Viola Tricolor
The homeopathic remedy Viola Tricolor comes from a plant that is often found in Europe and North Africa and is called wild pansy or field pansy. To make the remedy, the tricolor flowers of the plant are used. For a long time, plants of the Viola family have been known for their virtues in dermatology. The secret of their effectiveness lies in one of their main components, methyl salicylate, which is very effective in fighting dermatological conditions. Viola Tricolor is the most suitable remedy for eczema, especially when it is located on the face.
Vipera Redi
Vipera Redi is a homeopathic remedy used in phlebology to treat vein diseases. It comes from the venom of the asp viper. Depending on the symptoms, Vipera Redi is used alone or in combination with other homeopathic remedies. It reduces inflammation in the vein walls and thins blood flow. Medicines are prepared in the form of globule doses or granules. To be effective, they must be administered outside of meals.
Vomiting is the expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth. It can lead to dehydration of the body due to the significant loss of fluids. It is possible to relieve vomiting with homeopathy, provided that the treatment is adapted to the apparent symptoms. It is necessary to consult a doctor if certain signs of aggravation such as malaise appear. For adults, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately for vomiting of cardiac origin or frequent, more than ten times in a day.